Commit c3667a97 c3667a97640590d603c34dda91d24d49def88308 by Lucas Fernandes da Costa

Typo fix on event-filters page.

Details was written as "deatils".
1 parent b03206f7
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ Emitted when a ``Casper.wait()`` operation starts.
Emitted when the execution time of a ``Casper.wait*()`` operation has exceeded the value of ``timeout``.
``deatils`` is a property bag describing what was being waited on. For example, if ``waitForSelector`` timed out, ``details`` will have a ``selector`` string property that was the selector that did not show up in time.
``details`` is a property bag describing what was being waited on. For example, if ``waitForSelector`` timed out, ``details`` will have a ``selector`` string property that was the selector that did not show up in time.
.. index:: filters