Commit 0995830a 0995830a73e75a3d75f08d721f17b39a4cf4c4d4 by Nicolas Perriault

bump 1.0.0-RC6

1 parent 12e6873c
CasperJS Changelog
XXXX-XX-XX, v1.0.0
### Important Changes & Caveats
#### Reverted to emulated mouse events
2012-12-14, v1.0.0-RC6
For some (weird) reason, emulated mouse events are actually more accurate than native ones.
I'm still expecting a 1.0 stable for Christmas. Feedback: bring it on.
Weird, I said.
### Important Changes & Caveats
#### Added support for frames
#### Added experimental support for frames
Short excerpt of related tests:
A minimal convenient API has been added to Casper in order to ease the switch of current page context:
Subproject commit 86d3660aea6b5ba803a3251e6f351efe9f58ba97
Subproject commit b0f51d643a839fb66c174086c426b9c7b49e2a80
"name": "casperjs",
"description": "Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS",
"version": "1.0.0-RC5",
"version": "1.0.0-RC6",
"keywords": [