Commit 09cedfce 09cedfce696bd28782dfe408cdbe7a0026c3681c by Nicolas Perriault

bump 0.6.4

1 parent 3c03103e
CasperJS Changelog
2012-02-09, v0.6.4
- fixed `casperjs` command wasn't passing phantomjs native option in the correct order, resulting them not being taken into account by phantomjs engine:
- fixed [#49]( - `casperjs` is not sending `--ssl-ignore-errors`
- fixed [#50]( - Cookies not being set when passing `--cookies-file` option
- fixed Python3 compatibility of the `casperjs` executable
2012-02-05, v0.6.3
Subproject commit 2b39c2fed23b8179c734c42248f0706ddb3fba54
Subproject commit 0f3b4b30a0f87a9dca740f887cb4e60a6a96e409
"name": "casperjs",
"description": "Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS",
"version": "0.6.3",
"version": "0.6.4",
"keywords": [