Commit 0e6b9a67 0e6b9a67336077ebc3d5fc6fefb2b32a407fea01 by Nicolas Perriault

updated to point at new documentation website

1 parent 11e2c9ff
Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 666 deletions
......@@ -13,669 +13,4 @@ Casper.js is a navigation utility for [PhantomJS]( It
Feel free to browse our [sample examples repository]( Don't hesitate to pull request for any cool example of yours as well!
## Quickstart
In the following example, we'll query google for two terms consecutively, `capserjs` and `phantomjs`, and aggregate the result links in a standard Array. Then we'll output the result to the console:
``` javascript
function getLinks() {
var links = document.querySelectorAll('h3.r a');
return, function(e) {
return {
title: e.innerText,
href: e.getAttribute('href')
var links = [];
var casper = new phantom.Casper({
logLevel: "info", // we only want "info" or higher level log messages
loadImages: false, // do not download images to save bandwidth
loadPlugins: false, // do not load plugins to save kitten
verbose: true // write log messages to the console
.then(function(self) {
// search for 'casperjs' from google form
self.fill('form[name=f]', {
q: 'casperjs'
}, true);
.then(function(self) {
// aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
links = self.evaluate(getLinks);
// now search for 'phantomjs' by fillin the form again
self.fill('form[name=f]', {
q: 'phantomjs'
}, true);
.then(function(self) {
// aggregate results for the 'phantomjs' search
links = links.concat(self.evaluate(getLinks));
.run(function(self) {
// echo results in some pretty fashion
self.echo( {
return i.title + ' (' + i.href + ')';
**Hint:** Method chaining is not mandatory but provided as an alternative way to structure your code.
Run it:
$ phantomjs samples/googlelinks.js
[info] [phantom] Starting…
[info] [phantom] Running suite: 3 steps
[info] [phantom] Step 1/3: (HTTP 301)
[info] [remote] set "q" value to casperjs
[info] [remote] submitting form to /search, HTTP GET
[info] [phantom] Step 1/3: done in 1592ms.
[info] [phantom] Step 2/3: (HTTP 301)
[info] [remote] set "q" value to phantomjs
[info] [remote] submitting form to /search, HTTP GET
[info] [phantom] Step 2/3: done in 3091ms.
[info] [phantom] Step 3/3: (HTTP 301)
[info] [phantom] Step 3/3: done in 3862ms.
[info] [phantom] Done 3 steps in 4111ms.
n1k0/casperjs - GitHub (
#2: Some functionality has broken due to 1.3 update - Issues - n1k0 ... (
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J S Enterprises in Casper, WY | Casper J S Enterprises - (
Best Guitat Backing Traks Free Download: ICFMeister, Handy Backup ... (
PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API (
phantomjs - headless WebKit with JavaScript API - Google Project ... (
QuickStart - phantomjs - 5-Minute Guide - headless WebKit with ... (
Paris JS #10 : Introduction à PhantomJS, un navigateur webkit ... (,-un-navigateur-webkit-headless)
ariya/phantomjs - GitHub ( (
Phantom.js | Pilvee blog (
don't code today what you can't debug tomorrow: PhantomJS ... (
DailyJS: PhantomJS, load.js, Phantom Limb, OpenOdyssey (
PhantomJS: The Power of WebKit but Without the Broswer (
## CoffeeScript
You can also write Casper scripts using the [CoffeeScript syntax](
``` coffeescript
phantom.injectJs "path/to/casper.js"
q = ->
document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').setAttribute "value", "%term%"
getLinks = ->
links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a") links, (e) -> e.getAttribute "href"
links = []
casper = new phantom.Casper verbose: true, logLevel: "debug"
casper.start ""
casper.thenEvaluate q, term: "casper"
casper.then -> links = casper.evaluate getLinks
casper.thenEvaluate q, term: "homer"
casper.then -> links = links.concat casper.evaluate getLinks ->
out =
result: casper.result
links: links
casper.echo JSON.stringify out, null, " "
Just remember to suffix your script with the `coffee` extension.
## Casper.js API Documentation
Code is quite heavily documented using `jsdoc`, but below you'll find the whole API documentation with added sample code added.
### Casper([Object options])
Casper constructor accepts a single `options` argument which is an object. Available options are:
Name | Type | Default | Description
clientScripts | Array | [] | A collection of script filepaths to include to every page loaded
faultTolerant | Boolean | true | Catch and log exceptions when executing steps in a non-blocking fashion
logLevel | String | "error" | Logging level (see logLevels for available values)
onDie | function | null | A function to be called when Casper#die() is called
onError | function | null | A function to be called when an "error" level event occurs
onLoadError | function | null | A function to be called when a requested resource cannot be loaded
onPageInitialized | function | null | A function to be called after WebPage instance has been initialized
page | WebPage | null | An existing WebPage instance
pageSettings | Object | {} | PhantomJS's WebPage settings object
timeout | Number | null | Max timeout in milliseconds
verbose | Boolean | false | Realtime output of log messages
``` javascript
var casper = new phantom.Casper({
clientScripts: [
'includes/jquery.js', // These two scripts will be injected in remote
'includes/underscore.js' // DOM on every request
logLevel: "info", // Only "info" level messages will be logged
onError: function(self, m) { // Any "error" level message will be written
console.log('FATAL:' + m); // on the console output and PhantomJS will
self.exit(); // terminate
pageSettings: {
loadImages: false, // The WebPage instance used by Casper will
loadPlugins: false // use these settings
But no worry, usually you'll just need to instantiate Casper using `new phantom.Casper()`.
### Casper#base64encode(String url)
Encodes a resource using the base64 algorithm synchroneously using client-side XMLHttpRequest.
NOTE: we cannot use `window.btoa()` because it fails miserably in the version of WebKit shipping with PhantomJS.
Example: retrieving google logo image encoded in base64:
``` javascript
var base64logo = null;
casper.start('', function(self) {
base64logo = self.base64encode('');
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#click(String selector)
Emulates a click on the element from the provided selector, if possible. In case of success, `true` is returned.
.thenEvaluate(function() {
document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').setAttribute('value', '%term%');
}, {
term: 'CasperJS'
.then(function(self) {
// Click on 1st result link
if ('h3.r a')) {
console.log('clicked ok')
.run(function(self) {
### Casper#capture(String targetFilepath, Object clipRect)
Proxy method for PhantomJS' `WebPage#render`. Adds a clipRect parameter for automatically setting page clipRect setting values and sets it back once done.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.capture('google.png', {
top: 100,
left: 100,
width: 500,
height: 400
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#captureSelector(String targetFile, String selector)
Captures the page area containing the provided selector.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.captureSelector('weather.png', '.twc-story-block');
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#debugHTML()
Logs the HTML code of the current page directly to the standard output, for debugging purpose.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#debugPage()
Logs the textual contents of the current page directly to the standard output, for debugging purpose.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#die(String message[, int status])
Exits phantom with a logged error message and an optional exit status code.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.die("Fail.", 1);
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#echo(String message[, String style])
Prints something to stdout, optionnaly with some fancy color (see the `Colorizer` section of this document for more information).
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.echo('Page title is: ' + self.evaluate(function() {
return document.title;
}), 'INFO'); // Will be printed in green on the console
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#evaluate(function fn[, Object replacements])
Evaluates an expression in the page context, a bit like what PhantomJS' `WebPage#evaluate` does, but can also replace values by their placeholer names.
``` javascript
casper.evaluate(function() {
document.querySelector('#username').setAttribute('value', '%username%');
document.querySelector('#password').setAttribute('value', '%password%');
}, {
username: 'sheldon.cooper',
password: 'b4z1ng4'
### Casper#evaluateOrDie(function fn[, String message])
Evaluates an expression within the current page DOM and `die()` if it returns anything but `true`.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.evaluateOrDie(function() {
return /logged in/.match(document.title);
}, 'not authenticated');
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#exit([int status])
Exits PhantomJS with an optional exit status code.
### Casper#log(String message[, String level, String space)
Logs a message with an optional level in an optional space. Available levels are `debug`, `info`, `warning` and `error`. A space is a kind of namespace you can set for filtering your logs. By default, Casper logs messages in two distinct spaces: `phantom` and `remote`, to distinguish what happens in the PhantomJS environment from the remote one.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.log("I'm logging an error", "error");
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#fill(String selector, Object values, Boolean submit)
Fills the fields of a form with given values and optionnaly submit it.
Example with this sample html form:
``` html
<form action="/contact" id="contact-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="subject"/>
<textearea name="content"></textearea>
<input type="radio" name="civility" value="Mr"/> Mr
<input type="radio" name="civility" value="Mrs"/> Mrs
<input type="text" name="name"/>
<input type="email" name="email"/>
<input type="file" name="attachment"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="cc"/> Receive a copy
<input type="submit"/>
casper.start('http://some.tld/contact.form', function(self) {
self.fill('form#contact-form', {
'subject': 'I am watching you',
'content': 'So be careful.',
'civility': 'Mr',
'name': 'Chuck Norris',
'email': '',
'cc': true,
'attachment': '/Users/chuck/roundhousekick.doc'
}, true);
}).then(function(self) {
self.evaluateOrDie(function() {
return /message sent/.test(document.body.innerText);
}, 'sending message failed');
}).run(function(self) {
self.echo('message sent').exit();
**WARNING:** Please don't use CasperJS nor PhantomJS to send spam, or I'll be calling the Chuck. More seriously, please don't.
### Casper#getCurrentUrl()
Retrieves current URL of current document. Note: the url will be url-decoded.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.log(self.getCurrentUrl()); // ""
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#repeat(int times, function then)
Repeats a navigation step a given number of times.
``` javascript
var i = 0;
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.evaluateOrDie(function() {
return /logged in/.match(document.title);
}, 'not authenticated');
}).repeat(5, function(self) {
self.echo("I am step #" + ++i);
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#run(fn onComplete[, int time])
Runs the whole suite of steps and optionally executes a callback when they've all been done. Obviously, **calling this method is mandatory** in order to run the Casper navigation suite.
Casper suite **won't run**:
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
// ...
}).then(function(self) {
// ...
Casper suite **will run**:
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
// ...
}).then(function(self) {
// ...
### Casper#start(String url[, function then])
Configures and starts Casper, then open the provided `url` and optionnaly adds the step provided by the `then` argument.
``` javascript
casper.start('', function(self) {
self.echo("I'm loaded.");
}).run(function() {
``` javascript
casper.then(function(self) {
self.echo("I'm loaded.");
}); {
Or alternatively:
``` javascript
casper.then(function() {
casper.echo("I'm loaded.");
}); {
Matter of taste!
Please note that **you must call the `start()` method in order to be able to add navigation steps** and run the suite. If you don't you'll get an error message inviting you to do so anyway.
### Casper#then(function fn)
The standard way to add a new navigation step to the Casper suite by provide a callback function which will be executed when the requested page is loaded.
``` javascript
casper.start('').then(function(self) {
self.echo("I'm in your google.");
}).run(function(self) {
Please note that usage of the `self` argument is not mandatory, it's just pythonic-like syntaxic sugar. You can perfectly use this alternative:
``` javascript
casper.start('').then(function() {
casper.echo("I'm in your google.");
}).run(function(self) {
If you want to open a page as a next step in your navigation scenario, please refer to the `Casper#thenOpen()` method documentation.
### Casper#thenEvaluate(function fn[, Object replacements])
Adds a new navigation step to perform code evaluation within the current retrieved page DOM.
``` javascript
// Querying for "Chuck Norris" on Google
casper.start('').thenEvaluate(function() {
document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').setAttribute('value', '%term%');
}, {
term: 'Chuck Norris'
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#thenOpen(String location[, function then])
Adds a new navigation step for opening a new location, and optionnaly add a next step when its loaded.
``` javascript
casper.start('').then(function(self) {
self.echo("I'm in your google.");
}).thenOpen('', function(self) {
self.echo("Now I'm in your yahoo.")
}).run(function(self) {
### Casper#thenOpenAndEvaluate(String location[, function then, Object replacements])
Basically a shortcut for opening an url and evaluate code against remote DOM environment.
``` javascript
casper.start('').then(function(self) {
self.echo("I'm in your google.");
}).thenOpenAndEvaluate('', function() {
}).run(function(self) {
## Client-side utils
Casper ships with a few client-side utilitites which are injected in the remote DOM environement, and accessible from there through the `__utils__` object instance of the `phantom.Casper.ClientUtils` class.
### CasperUtils#getBase64(String url)
This method will retrieved a base64 encoded version of any resource behind an url. For example, let's imagine we want to retrieve the base64 representation of some website's logo:
``` javascript
var logo = null;
casper.start('', function(self) {
logo = self.evaluate(function() {
var imgUrl = document.querySelector('img.logo').getAttribute('src');
}).run(function(self) {
## Colorizer
Casper ships with a `Colorizer` object which can print stuff to the console output in color:
``` javascript
casper.echo('this is an informative message', 'INFO'); // printed in green
casper.echo('this is an error message', 'ERROR'); // printed in red
Available predefined styles are:
- `ERROR`: white text on red background
- `INFO`: green text
- `TRACE`: green text
- `PARAMETER`: cyan text
- `COMMENT`: yellow text
- `WARNING`: red text
- `GREEN_BAR`: green text on white background
- `RED_BAR`: white text on red background
- `INFO_BAR`: cyan text
Here's a sample output of what it can look like:
## Extending Casper
Sometimes it can be convenient to add your own methods to the `Casper` class; it's easily doable using the `Casper.extend()` method as illustrated below:
``` javascript
fetchTexts: function(selector) {
return this.evaluate(function() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('%selector%');
return, function(e) {
return e.innerText;
}, {
selector: selector.replace("'", "\'")
renderJSON: function(what) {
return this.echo(JSON.stringify(what, null, ' ')).exit();
var articles = [];
new phantom.Casper().start('', function(self) {
articles = self.fetchTexts('h3');
}).thenOpen('', function(self) {
}).run(function(self) {
## Testing
CasperJS has some unit and functional tests, located in the `tests` subfolder. More tests will be added in the future. To run the test suite, from the root of a checkout of the casperjs repository:
$ phantomjs tests/run.js
## Licensing
`Casper.js` is released under the terms of the [MIT license](
## Now what
Feel free to play with the code and [report an issue on github]( I'm also reachable [on twitter](
**Read the [full documentation]( on casperjs dedicated website.**
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