Commit 13f2ed24 13f2ed24efad14e07289907ca7dda2f7ff3b96c5 by Solomon White

add visible, wait while/until visible

1 parent 58fc30eb
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -402,6 +402,22 @@
* Checks if an element matching the provided CSS3 selector is visible
* current page DOM by checking that offsetWidth and offsetHeight are
* both non-zero.
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector
* @return Boolean
visible: function(selector) {
return this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.visible(__casper_params__.selector);
}, {
selector: selector
* Exits phantom.
* @param Number status Status
......@@ -919,8 +935,8 @@
* Waits until an element matching the provided CSS3 selector does not exist in
* remote DOM to process a next step.
* Waits until an element matching the provided CSS3 selector does not
* exist in the remote DOM to process a next step.
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector
* @param Function then The next step to perform (optional)
......@@ -933,6 +949,40 @@
return this.waitFor(function(self) {
return ! self.exists(selector);
}, then, onTimeout, timeout);
* Waits until an element matching the provided CSS3 selector is
* visible in the remote DOM to process a next step.
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector
* @param Function then The next step to perform (optional)
* @param Function onTimeout A callback function to call on timeout (optional)
* @param Number timeout The max amount of time to wait, in milliseconds (optional)
* @return Casper
waitUntilVisible: function(selector, then, onTimeout, timeout) {
timeout = timeout ? timeout : this.defaultWaitTimeout;
return this.waitFor(function(self) {
return self.visible(selector);
}, then, onTimeout, timeout);
* Waits until an element matching the provided CSS3 selector is no
* longer visible in remote DOM to process a next step.
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector
* @param Function then The next step to perform (optional)
* @param Function onTimeout A callback function to call on timeout (optional)
* @param Number timeout The max amount of time to wait, in milliseconds (optional)
* @return Casper
waitWhileVisible: function(selector, then, onTimeout, timeout) {
timeout = timeout ? timeout : this.defaultWaitTimeout;
return this.waitFor(function(self) {
return ! self.visible(selector);
}, then, onTimeout, timeout);
......@@ -1027,6 +1077,21 @@
* Checks if a given DOM element is visible in remote page.
* @param String selector CSS3 selector
* @return Boolean
this.visible = function(selector) {
try {
var el = document.querySelector(selector);
return el && el.offsetHeight > 0 && el.offsetWidth > 0;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Fetches innerText within the element(s) matching a given CSS3
* selector.