Commit 1e16807e 1e16807e7bf7991cd801a967704fb86964106bfd by Austin Rasmussen

Support for whitespace for bootstrap/casper_path

Adding quotations around the file path to allow whitespace in the path
for the bootstrap.js file passed to the execution engine and the
CASPER_PATH argument.
1 parent 89cfda79
No preview for this file type
......@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ class casperjs {
var CASPER_COMMAND = new List<string>(ENGINE_EXEC);
CASPER_COMMAND.AddRange(new [] {
Path.Combine(Path.Combine(CASPER_PATH, "bin"), "bootstrap.js"),
"--casper-path=" + CASPER_PATH,
@"""" + Path.Combine(CASPER_PATH, "bin\\bootstrap.js") + @"""",
@"--casper-path=""" + CASPER_PATH + @"""",