Commit 31a83594 31a835947cdbd500de58c2ae35a813366ef57b77 by Nicolas Perriault

backported dynamic.js sample example to require branch

1 parent 3b7e28a0
if (phantom.casperArgs.args.length !== 1) {
console.log('You must provide the maximum number of pages to visit');
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true
// If we don't set a limit, it could go on forever
var upTo = ~~casper.cli.get(0) || 10; // max 10 links
// Fetch all <a> elements from the page and return
// the ones which contains a href starting with 'http://'
function searchLinks() {
var filter = Array.prototype.filter,
map =;
return'a'), function(a) {
return (/^http:\/\/.*/i).test(a.getAttribute('href'));
}), function(a) {
return a.getAttribute('href');
// The base links array
var links = [
// Just opens the page and prints the title
var start = function(self, link) {
self.start(link, function(self) {
self.echo('Page title: ' + self.getTitle());
// Get the links, and add them to the links array
// (It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
var addLinks = function(link) {
this.then(function(self) {
var found = self.evaluate(searchLinks);
self.echo(found.length + " links found on " + link);
links = links.concat(found);
casper.start().then(function(self) {
var currentLink = 0;
// As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running
function check(self) {
if (links[currentLink] && currentLink < upTo) {
self.echo('--- Link ' + currentLink + ' ---');
start(self, links[currentLink]);, links[currentLink]);
} else {
self.echo('All done.').exit();