Commit 484639be 484639be1e1e8f45c136d82a53b80e9adf2b97b9 by Nicolas Perriault

Initial attempt at bringing support for test cases - refs #56

1 parent a2ebe03a
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ CasperJS Changelog
XXXX-XX-XX, v1.0.0
- merged PR [#322]( - Support number in withFrame()
- fixed [#323]( - `thenEvaluate()` should be updated to take the same parameters as `evaluate()`, while maintaining backwards compatibility.
- merged PR [#319](, fixed [#209]( - test duration has been added to XUnit XML result file.
- `Casper.userAgent()` does not require the instance to be started anymore
......@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ You can check out the [contribution graphs on github](
$ git shortlog -s -n | cut -c8-
Nicolas Perriault
Brikou CARRE
Chris Lorenzo
Victor Yap
Dave Lee
Rob Barreca
Andrew Childs
Solomon White
Andrew Childs
Dave Lee
Reina Sweet
Elmar Langholz
Jason Funk
......@@ -24,7 +25,6 @@ Julien Moulin
Michael Geers
Jan Schaumann
Rafael Garcia
Raphaël Benitte
Tim Bunce
......@@ -49,4 +49,5 @@ Mehdi Kabab
Mikko Peltonen
Pascal Borreli
Rafael Garcia
Subproject commit b0f51d643a839fb66c174086c426b9c7b49e2a80
Subproject commit 0f6c923dbfe9bb605adfa5c9d6c8cd3ac1d56586
......@@ -1372,6 +1372,19 @@ Casper.prototype.sendKeys = function(selector, keys, options) {
* Sets current page content.
* @param String content Desired page content
* @return Casper
Casper.prototype.setContent = function setContent(content) {
"use strict";
this.checkStarted(); = content;
return this;
* Sets current WebPage instance the credentials for HTTP authentication.
* @param String username
......@@ -1873,18 +1886,22 @@ Casper.prototype.waitWhileVisible = function waitWhileVisible(selector, then, on
* Makes the provided frame page as the currently active one. Note that the
* active page will be reverted when finished.
* @param String frameName Target frame name
* @param String|Number frameInfo Target frame name or number
* @param Function then Next step function
* @return Casper
Casper.prototype.withFrame = function withFrame(frameName, then) {
Casper.prototype.withFrame = function withFrame(frameInfo, then) {
"use strict";
this.then(function _step() {
if ( === -1) {
throw new CasperError(f('No frame named "%s" was found.', frameName));
if (utils.isNumber(frameInfo)) {
if (frameInfo > - 1) {
throw new CasperError(f('Frame number "%d" is out of bounds.', frameInfo));
} else if ( === -1) {
throw new CasperError(f('No frame named "%s" was found.', frameInfo));
// make the frame page the currently active one;;
try {
......@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ var events = require('events');
var utils = require('utils');
var f = utils.format;
* Creates a tester instance.
* @param Casper casper A Casper instance
* @param Object options Tester options
* @return Tester
exports.create = function create(casper, options) {
"use strict";
return new Tester(casper, options);
......@@ -48,7 +55,7 @@ exports.create = function create(casper, options) {
var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
"use strict";
/*jshint maxstatements:20*/
/*jshint maxstatements:30*/
if (!utils.isCasperObject(casper)) {
throw new CasperError("Tester needs a Casper instance");
......@@ -60,32 +67,22 @@ var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
this.executed = 0;
this.currentTestFile = null;
this.currentSuite = undefined;
this.currentSuiteNum = 0;
this.exporter = require('xunit').create();
this.loadIncludes = {
includes: [],
pre: [],
post: []
this.running = false;
this.suites = [];
this.suites = new TestSuite();
this.options = utils.mergeObjects({
failFast: false, // terminates a suite as soon as a test fails?
failText: "FAIL", // text to use for a successful test
failText: "FAIL", // text to use for a succesful test
passText: "PASS", // text to use for a failed test
pad: 80 // maximum number of chars for a result line
}, options);
// properties
this.testResults = {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
passes: [],
failures: [],
passesTime: [],
failuresTime: []
// measuring test duration
this.currentTestStartTime = null;
this.lastAssertTime = 0;
......@@ -93,47 +90,27 @@ var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
this.on('success', function onSuccess(success) {
var timeElapsed = new Date() - this.currentTestStartTime;
this.testResults.passesTime.push(timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
this.exporter.addSuccess(fs.absolute(success.file), success.message || success.standard, timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
this.currentSuite.addSuccess(success, timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
this.lastAssertTime = timeElapsed;
this.on('fail', function onFail(failure) {
// export
var timeElapsed = new Date() - this.currentTestStartTime;
this.testResults.failuresTime.push(timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
failure.message || failure.standard,
failure.standard || "test failed",
failure.type || "unknown",
(timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime)
var valueKeys = Object.keys(failure.values),
timeElapsed = new Date() - this.currentTestStartTime;
this.currentSuite.addFailure(failure, timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
this.lastAssertTime = timeElapsed;
// special printing
if (failure.type) {
this.comment(' type: ' + failure.type);
if (failure.values && Object.keys(failure.values).length > 0) {
for (var name in failure.values) {
var comment = ' ' + name + ': ';
var value = failure.values[name];
try {
comment += utils.serialize(failure.values[name]);
} catch (e) {
try {
comment += utils.serialize(failure.values[name].toString());
} catch (e2) {
comment += '(unserializable value)';
if (!failure.values || valueKeys.length === 0) {
valueKeys.forEach(function(name) {
this.comment(f(' %s: %s', name, utils.formatTestValue(failure.values[name], name)));
// casper events
......@@ -147,7 +124,7 @@ var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
line = backtrace[0].line;
} catch (e) {}
this.test.uncaughtError(msg, this.test.currentTestFile, line);
this.test.uncaughtError(msg, this.test.currentTestFile, line, backtrace);
......@@ -175,7 +152,8 @@ exports.Tester = Tester;
* @param Object|null context Assertion context object (Optional)
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assert = Tester.prototype.assertTrue = function assert(subject, message, context) {
Tester.prototype.assert =
Tester.prototype.assertTrue = function assert(subject, message, context) {
"use strict";
return this.processAssertionResult(utils.mergeObjects({
......@@ -198,9 +176,10 @@ Tester.prototype.assert = Tester.prototype.assertTrue = function assert(subject,
* @param String message Test description (Optional)
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertEquals = Tester.prototype.assertEqual = function assertEquals(subject, expected, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertEquals =
Tester.prototype.assertEqual = function assertEquals(subject, expected, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(this.testEquals(subject, expected), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(subject, expected), message, {
type: "assertEquals",
standard: "Subject equals the expected value",
values: {
......@@ -235,10 +214,12 @@ Tester.prototype.assertNotEquals = function assertNotEquals(subject, shouldnt, m
* @param Function fn A function to be evaluated in remote DOM
* @param String message Test description
* @param Object params Object/Array containing the parameters to inject into the function (optional)
* @param Object params Object/Array containing the parameters to inject into
* the function (optional)
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertEval = Tester.prototype.assertEvaluate = function assertEval(fn, message, params) {
Tester.prototype.assertEval =
Tester.prototype.assertEvaluate = function assertEval(fn, message, params) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(this.casper.evaluate(fn, params), message, {
type: "assertEval",
......@@ -257,13 +238,15 @@ Tester.prototype.assertEval = Tester.prototype.assertEvaluate = function assertE
* @param Function fn The function to be evaluated in remote DOM
* @param Boolean expected The expected value
* @param String|null message Test description
* @param Object|null params Object containing the parameters to inject into the function (optional)
* @param Object|null params Object containing the parameters to inject into the
* function (optional)
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertEvalEquals = Tester.prototype.assertEvalEqual = function assertEvalEquals(fn, expected, message, params) {
Tester.prototype.assertEvalEquals =
Tester.prototype.assertEvalEqual = function assertEvalEquals(fn, expected, message, params) {
"use strict";
var subject = this.casper.evaluate(fn, params);
return this.assert(this.testEquals(subject, expected), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(subject, expected), message, {
type: "assertEvalEquals",
standard: "Evaluated function returns the expected value",
values: {
......@@ -288,7 +271,7 @@ Tester.prototype.assertField = function assertField(inputName, expected, messag
var actual = this.casper.evaluate(function(inputName) {
return __utils__.getFieldValue(inputName);
}, inputName);
return this.assert(this.testEquals(actual, expected), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(actual, expected), message, {
type: 'assertField',
standard: f('"%s" input field has the value "%s"', inputName, expected),
values: {
......@@ -307,7 +290,10 @@ Tester.prototype.assertField = function assertField(inputName, expected, messag
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertExists = Tester.prototype.assertExist = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorExists = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorExist = function assertExists(selector, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertExists =
Tester.prototype.assertExist =
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorExists =
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorExist = function assertExists(selector, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(this.casper.exists(selector), message, {
type: "assertExists",
......@@ -326,7 +312,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertExists = Tester.prototype.assertExist = Tester.prototype.
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertDoesntExist = Tester.prototype.assertNotExists = function assertDoesntExist(selector, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertDoesntExist =
Tester.prototype.assertNotExists = function assertDoesntExist(selector, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(!this.casper.exists(selector), message, {
type: "assertDoesntExist",
......@@ -347,7 +334,7 @@ Tester.prototype.assertDoesntExist = Tester.prototype.assertNotExists = function
Tester.prototype.assertHttpStatus = function assertHttpStatus(status, message) {
"use strict";
var currentHTTPStatus = this.casper.currentHTTPStatus;
return this.assert(this.testEquals(this.casper.currentHTTPStatus, status), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(this.casper.currentHTTPStatus, status), message, {
type: "assertHttpStatus",
standard: f("HTTP status code is: %s", status),
values: {
......@@ -365,7 +352,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertHttpStatus = function assertHttpStatus(status, message) {
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertMatch = Tester.prototype.assertMatches = function assertMatch(subject, pattern, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertMatch =
Tester.prototype.assertMatches = function assertMatch(subject, pattern, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(pattern.test(subject), message, {
type: "assertMatch",
......@@ -384,7 +372,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertMatch = Tester.prototype.assertMatches = function assertM
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertNot = Tester.prototype.assertFalse = function assertNot(condition, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertNot =
Tester.prototype.assertFalse = function assertNot(condition, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(!condition, message, {
type: "assertNot",
......@@ -402,7 +391,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertNot = Tester.prototype.assertFalse = function assertNot(c
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertNotVisible = Tester.prototype.assertInvisible = function assertNotVisible(selector, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertNotVisible =
Tester.prototype.assertInvisible = function assertNotVisible(selector, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(!this.casper.visible(selector), message, {
type: "assertVisible",
......@@ -422,7 +412,9 @@ Tester.prototype.assertNotVisible = Tester.prototype.assertInvisible = function
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertRaises = Tester.prototype.assertRaise = Tester.prototype.assertThrows = function assertRaises(fn, args, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertRaises =
Tester.prototype.assertRaise =
Tester.prototype.assertThrows = function assertRaises(fn, args, message) {
"use strict";
var context = {
type: "assertRaises",
......@@ -447,7 +439,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertRaises = Tester.prototype.assertRaise = Tester.prototype.
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertResourceExists = Tester.prototype.assertResourceExist = function assertResourceExists(test, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertResourceExists =
Tester.prototype.assertResourceExist = function assertResourceExists(test, message) {
"use strict";
return this.assert(this.casper.resourceExists(test), message, {
type: "assertResourceExists",
......@@ -465,7 +458,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertResourceExists = Tester.prototype.assertResourceExist = f
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist = Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist = function assertTextDoesntExist(text, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist =
Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist = function assertTextDoesntExist(text, message) {
"use strict";
var textFound = (this.casper.evaluate(function _evaluate() {
return document.body.textContent || document.body.innerText;
......@@ -486,7 +480,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist = Tester.prototype.assertTextDoesntExist
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertTextExists = Tester.prototype.assertTextExist = function assertTextExists(text, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertTextExists =
Tester.prototype.assertTextExist = function assertTextExists(text, message) {
"use strict";
var textFound = (this.casper.evaluate(function _evaluate() {
return document.body.textContent || document.body.innerText;
......@@ -546,7 +541,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertFalsy = function assertFalsy(subject, message) {
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorHasText = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorContains = function assertSelectorHasText(selector, text, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorHasText =
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorContains = function assertSelectorHasText(selector, text, message) {
"use strict";
var textFound = this.casper.fetchText(selector).indexOf(text) !== -1;
return this.assert(textFound, message, {
......@@ -567,7 +563,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertSelectorHasText = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorContains
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorDoesntContain = function assertSelectorDoesntHaveText(selector, text, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText =
Tester.prototype.assertSelectorDoesntContain = function assertSelectorDoesntHaveText(selector, text, message) {
"use strict";
var textFound = this.casper.fetchText(selector).indexOf(text) === -1;
return this.assert(textFound, message, {
......@@ -590,7 +587,7 @@ Tester.prototype.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText = Tester.prototype.assertSelectorD
Tester.prototype.assertTitle = function assertTitle(expected, message) {
"use strict";
var currentTitle = this.casper.getTitle();
return this.assert(this.testEquals(currentTitle, expected), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(currentTitle, expected), message, {
type: "assertTitle",
standard: f('Page title is: "%s"', expected),
values: {
......@@ -607,7 +604,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertTitle = function assertTitle(expected, message) {
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatch = Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatches = function assertTitleMatch(pattern, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatch =
Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatches = function assertTitleMatch(pattern, message) {
"use strict";
var currentTitle = this.casper.getTitle();
return this.assert(pattern.test(currentTitle), message, {
......@@ -631,7 +629,7 @@ Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatch = Tester.prototype.assertTitleMatches = functi
Tester.prototype.assertType = function assertType(subject, type, message) {
"use strict";
var actual = utils.betterTypeOf(subject);
return this.assert(this.testEquals(actual, type), message, {
return this.assert(utils.equals(actual, type), message, {
type: "assertType",
standard: f('Subject type is: "%s"', type),
values: {
......@@ -651,7 +649,8 @@ Tester.prototype.assertType = function assertType(subject, type, message) {
* @param String message Test description
* @return Object An assertion result object
Tester.prototype.assertUrlMatch = Tester.prototype.assertUrlMatches = function assertUrlMatch(pattern, message) {
Tester.prototype.assertUrlMatch =
Tester.prototype.assertUrlMatches = function assertUrlMatch(pattern, message) {
"use strict";
var currentUrl = this.casper.getCurrentUrl(),
patternType = utils.betterTypeOf(pattern),
......@@ -701,16 +700,26 @@ = function bar(text, style) {
* Retrieves the sum of all durations of the tests which were
* executed in the current suite
* Starts a suite.
* @return Number duration of all tests executed until now (in the current suite)
* @param String description Test suite description
* @param Function suiteFn Suite function
Tester.prototype.calculateSuiteDuration = function calculateSuiteDuration() {
Tester.prototype.begin = function begin(description, suiteFn) {
"use strict";
return this.testResults.passesTime.concat(this.testResults.failuresTime).reduce(function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
description = description || "Untitled suite in " + this.currentTestFile;
this.executed = 0;
this.currentSuite = new TestSuiteResult({
name: description,
file: this.currentTestFile
try {, this.casper);
} catch (e) {
this.uncaughtError(e, this.currentTestFile, e.line);
......@@ -767,14 +776,38 @@ Tester.prototype.configure = function configure() {
Tester.prototype.done = function done(planned) {
"use strict";
if (planned > 0 && planned !== this.executed) {'%s: %d tests planned, %d tests executed',
this.currentTestFile, planned, this.executed));
this.dubious(planned, this.executed);
if (this.currentSuite) {
this.currentSuite = undefined;
this.executed = 0;
this.running = false;
* Marks a test as dubious, when the number of planned tests doesn't match the
* number of actually executed one.
* @param String message
Tester.prototype.dubious = function dubious(planned, executed) {
"use strict";
var message = f('%d tests planned, %d tests executed', planned, executed);
return this.assert(false, message, {
type: "dubious",
standard: message,
message: message,
values: {
planned: planned,
executed: executed
* Writes an error-style formatted message to stdout.
* @param String message
......@@ -857,57 +890,6 @@ Tester.prototype.formatMessage = function formatMessage(message, style) {
* Retrieves current failure data and all failed cases.
* @return Object casedata An object containg information about cases
* @return Number casedata.length The number of failed cases
* @return Array casedata.cases An array of all the failed case objects
Tester.prototype.getFailures = function getFailures() {
"use strict";
return {
length: this.testResults.failed,
cases: this.testResults.failures
* Retrieves current passed data and all passed cases.
* @return Object casedata An object containg information about cases
* @return Number casedata.length The number of passed cases
* @return Array casedata.cases An array of all the passed case objects
Tester.prototype.getPasses = function getPasses() {
"use strict";
return {
length: this.testResults.passed,
cases: this.testResults.passes
* Retrieves the array where all the durations of failed tests are stored
* @return Array durations of failed tests
Tester.prototype.getFailuresTime = function getFailuresTime() {
"use strict";
return this.testResults.failuresTime;
* Retrieves the array where all the durations of passed tests are stored
* @return Array durations of passed tests
Tester.prototype.getPassesTime = function getPassesTime() {
"use strict";
return this.testResults.passesTime;
* Writes an info-style formatted message to stdout.
* @param String message
......@@ -918,7 +900,7 @@ = function info(message) {
* Adds a successful test entry to the stack.
* Adds a succesful test entry to the stack.
* @param String message
......@@ -939,6 +921,12 @@ Tester.prototype.pass = function pass(message) {
Tester.prototype.processAssertionResult = function processAssertionResult(result) {
"use strict";
if (!this.currentSuite) {
this.currentSuite = new TestSuiteResult({
name: "Untitled suite in " + this.currentTestFile,
file: this.currentTestFile
var eventName= 'success',
message = result.message || result.standard,
style = 'INFO',
......@@ -947,9 +935,6 @@ Tester.prototype.processAssertionResult = function processAssertionResult(result
eventName = 'fail';
style = 'RED_BAR';
status = this.options.failText;
} else {
this.casper.echo([this.colorize(status, style), this.formatMessage(message)].join(' '));
this.emit(eventName, result);
......@@ -962,21 +947,22 @@ Tester.prototype.processAssertionResult = function processAssertionResult(result
* Renders a detailed report for each failed test.
* @param Array failures
Tester.prototype.renderFailureDetails = function renderFailureDetails(failures) {
Tester.prototype.renderFailureDetails = function renderFailureDetails() {
"use strict";
var failures = this.suites.getAllFailures();
if (failures.length === 0) {
this.casper.echo(f("\nDetails for the %d failed test%s:\n", failures.length, failures.length > 1 ? "s" : ""), "PARAMETER");
this.casper.echo(f("\nDetails for the %d failed test%s:\n",
failures.length, failures.length > 1 ? "s" : ""), "PARAMETER");
failures.forEach(function _forEach(failure) {
var type, message, line;
type = failure.type || "unknown";
line = ~~failure.line;
message = failure.message;
this.casper.echo(f('In %s:%s', failure.file, line));
this.casper.echo(f(' %s: %s', type, message || failure.standard || "(no message was entered)"), "COMMENT");
this.casper.echo(f('In %s%s', failure.file, ~~failure.line ? ':' + ~~failure.line : ''));
if (failure.suite) {
this.casper.echo(f(' %s', failure.suite), "PARAMETER");
this.casper.echo(f(' %s: %s', failure.type || "unknown",
failure.message || failure.standard || "(no message was entered)"), "COMMENT");
......@@ -989,14 +975,19 @@ Tester.prototype.renderResults = function renderResults(exit, status, save) {
"use strict";
/*jshint maxstatements:20*/
save = save ||;
var total = this.testResults.passed + this.testResults.failed, statusText, style, result;
var exitStatus = ~~(status || (this.testResults.failed > 0 ? 1 : 0));
var failed = this.suites.countFailed(),
passed = this.suites.countPassed(),
total = this.suites.countTotal(),
exitStatus = ~~(status || (failed > 0 ? 1 : 0));
if (total === 0) {
statusText = this.options.failText;
style = 'RED_BAR';
result = f("%s Looks like you didn't run any test.", statusText);
} else {
if (this.testResults.failed > 0) {
if (failed > 0) {
statusText = this.options.failText;
style = 'RED_BAR';
} else {
......@@ -1004,12 +995,12 @@ Tester.prototype.renderResults = function renderResults(exit, status, save) {
style = 'GREEN_BAR';
result = f('%s %s tests executed in %ss, %d passed, %d failed.',
statusText, total, utils.ms2seconds(this.calculateSuiteDuration()),
this.testResults.passed, this.testResults.failed);
statusText, total, utils.ms2seconds(this.suites.calculateDuration()),
passed, failed);
this.casper.echo(result, style, this.options.pad);
if (this.testResults.failed > 0) {
if (failed > 0) {
if (save) {
......@@ -1053,12 +1044,15 @@ Tester.prototype.runSuites = function runSuites() {
if (testFiles.length === 0) {"No test file found in %s, aborting.",, "RED_BAR");"No test file found in %s, aborting.",, "RED_BAR");
self.currentSuiteNum = 0;
self.currentTestStartTime = new Date();
self.lastAssertTime = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function _check(self) {
if (self.running) {
......@@ -1066,13 +1060,9 @@ Tester.prototype.runSuites = function runSuites() {
if (self.currentSuiteNum === testFiles.length) {
} else {
self.passesTime = [];
self.failuresTime = [];
}, 100, this);
......@@ -1096,12 +1086,10 @@ Tester.prototype.runTest = function runTest(testFile) {
Tester.prototype.saveResults = function saveResults(filepath) {
"use strict";
// FIXME: looks like phantomjs has a pb with fs.isWritable!topic/casperjs/hcUdwgGZOrU
// if (!fs.isWritable(filepath)) {
// throw new CasperError(f('Path %s is not writable.', filepath));
// }
var exporter = require('xunit').create();
try {
fs.write(filepath, this.exporter.getXML(), 'w');
fs.write(filepath, exporter.getXML(), 'w');
this.casper.echo(f('Result log stored in %s', filepath), 'INFO', 80);
} catch (e) {
this.casper.echo(f('Unable to write results to %s: %s', filepath, e), 'ERROR', 80);
......@@ -1127,17 +1115,184 @@ Tester.prototype.testEquals = Tester.prototype.testEqual = function testEquals(v
* @param Error|String error The error
* @param String file Test file where the error occurred
* @param Number line Line number (optional)
* @param Array backtrace Error stack trace (optional)
Tester.prototype.uncaughtError = function uncaughtError(error, file, line) {
Tester.prototype.uncaughtError = function uncaughtError(error, file, line, backtrace) {
"use strict";
return this.processAssertionResult({
success: false,
type: "uncaughtError",
file: file,
line: ~~line || "unknown",
line: ~~line,
message: utils.isObject(error) ? error.message : error,
values: {
error: error
error: error,
stack: backtrace
* Test suites array.
function TestSuite() {}
TestSuite.prototype = [];
exports.TestSuite = TestSuite;
* Returns the number of tests.
* @return Number
TestSuite.prototype.countTotal = function countTotal() {
"use strict";
return this.countPassed() + this.countFailed();
* Returns the number of failed tests.
* @return Number
TestSuite.prototype.countFailed = function countFailed() {
"use strict";
return {
return result.failed;
}).reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b;
* Returns the number of succesful tests.
* @return Number
TestSuite.prototype.countPassed = function countPassed() {
"use strict";
return {
return result.passed;
}).reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b;
* Returns all failures from this suite.
* @return Array
TestSuite.prototype.getAllFailures = function getAllFailures() {
"use strict";
var failures = [];
this.forEach(function(result) {
failures = failures.concat(result.failures);
return failures;
* Returns all succesful tests from this suite.
* @return Array
TestSuite.prototype.getAllPasses = function getAllPasses() {
"use strict";
var passes = [];
this.forEach(function(result) {
passes = passes.concat(result.passes);
return passes;
* Returns all results from this suite.
* @return Array
TestSuite.prototype.getAllResults = function getAllResults() {
"use strict";
return this.getAllPasses().concat(this.getAllFailures());
* Computes the sum of all durations of the tests which were executed in the
* current suite.
* @return Number
TestSuite.prototype.calculateDuration = function calculateDuration() {
"use strict";
return this.getAllResults().map(function(result) {
return result.time;
}).reduce(function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
* Test suite results object.
* @param Object options
function TestSuiteResult(options) {
"use strict"; = options &&;
this.file = options && options.file;
this.assertions = 0;
this.passed = 0;
this.failed = 0;
this.passes = [];
this.failures = [];
exports.TestSuiteResult = TestSuiteResult;
* Adds a success record and its execution time to their associated stacks.
* @param Object success
* @param Number time
TestSuiteResult.prototype.addSuccess = function addSuccess(success, time) {
"use strict";
success.suite =;
success.time = time;
* Adds a failure record and its execution time to their associated stacks.
* @param Object failure
* @param Number time
TestSuiteResult.prototype.addFailure = function addFailure(failure, time) {
"use strict";
failure.suite =;
failure.time = time;
* Computes total duration for this suite.
* @return Number
TestSuiteResult.prototype.calculateDuration = function calculateDuration() {
"use strict";
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
var passedTimes = {
return ~~success.time;
}).reduce(add, 0);
var failedTimes = {
return ~~failure.time;
}).reduce(add, 0);
return passedTimes + failedTimes;
......@@ -200,6 +200,43 @@ function format(f) {
exports.format = format;
* Formats a test value.
* @param Mixed value
* @return String
function formatTestValue(value, name) {
"use strict";
var formatted = '';
if (value instanceof Error) {
formatted += value.message + '\n';
if (value.stack) {
formatted += indent(value.stack, 12, '#');
} else if (name === 'stack') {
if (isArray(value)) {
formatted += {
return format('in %s() in %s:%d', (entry.function || "anonymous"), entry.file, entry.line);
} else {
formatted += 'not provided';
} else {
try {
formatted += serialize(value);
} catch (e) {
try {
formatted += serialize(value.toString());
} catch (e2) {
formatted += '(unserializable value)';
return formatted;
exports.formatTestValue = formatTestValue;
* Retrieves the value of an Object foreign property using a dot-separated
* path string.
......@@ -226,6 +263,22 @@ function getPropertyPath(obj, path) {
exports.getPropertyPath = getPropertyPath;
* Indents a string.
* @param String string
* @param Number nchars
* @param String prefix
* @return String
function indent(string, nchars, prefix) {
"use strict";
return string.split('\n').map(function(line) {
return (prefix || '') + new Array(nchars).join(' ') + line;
exports.indent = indent;
* Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
* @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the
......@@ -295,7 +348,7 @@ exports.isClipRect = isClipRect;
function isFalsy(subject) {
"use strict";
/*jshint eqeqeq:false*/
return subject == new Function('return false;')();
return !subject;
exports.isFalsy = isFalsy;
......@@ -392,7 +445,7 @@ exports.isString = isString;
function isTruthy(subject) {
"use strict";
/*jshint eqeqeq:false*/
return subject == new Function('return true;')();
return !!subject;
exports.isTruthy = isTruthy;
......@@ -80,76 +80,75 @@ exports.create = function create() {
function XUnitExporter() {
"use strict";
this._xml = utils.node('testsuite');
this.results = undefined;
this._xml = utils.node('testsuites');
this._xml.toString = function toString() {
return this.outerHTML; // ouch
return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + this.outerHTML; // ouch
exports.XUnitExporter = XUnitExporter;
* Adds a successful test result.
* Retrieves generated XML object - actually an HTMLElement.
* @param String classname
* @param String name
* @param Number duration Test duration in milliseconds
* @return HTMLElement
XUnitExporter.prototype.addSuccess = function addSuccess(classname, name, duration) {
XUnitExporter.prototype.getXML = function getXML() {
"use strict";
var snode = utils.node('testcase', {
classname: generateClassName(classname),
name: name
if (duration !== undefined) {
snode.setAttribute('time', utils.ms2seconds(duration));
if (!(this.results instanceof require('tester').TestSuite)) {
throw new CasperError('Results not set, cannot get XML.');
* Adds a failed test result.
* @param String classname
* @param String name
* @param String message
* @param String type
* @param Number duration Test duration in milliseconds
XUnitExporter.prototype.addFailure = function addFailure(classname, name, message, type, duration) {
"use strict";
var fnode = utils.node('testcase', {
classname: generateClassName(classname),
name: name
this.results.forEach(function(result) {
var suiteNode = utils.node('testsuite', {
tests: result.assertions,
failures: result.failed,
time: utils.ms2seconds(result.calculateDuration()),
'package': generateClassName(result.file),
result.passes.forEach(function(success) {
var testCase = utils.node('testcase', {
name: success.message || success.standard,
classname: generateClassName(success.file),
time: utils.ms2seconds(~~success.time)
if (duration !== undefined) {
fnode.setAttribute('time', utils.ms2seconds(duration));
result.failures.forEach(function(failure) {
var testCase = utils.node('testcase', {
name: failure.message || failure.standard,
classname: generateClassName(failure.file),
time: utils.ms2seconds(~~failure.time)
var failureNode = utils.node('failure', {
type: failure.type || "failure"
failureNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(failure.message || "no message left"));
if (failure.values && failure.values.error instanceof Error) {
var errorNode = utils.node('error', {
type: utils.betterTypeOf(failure.values.error)
var failure = utils.node('failure', {
type: type || "unknown"
failure.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message || "no message left"));
this._xml.setAttribute('duration', utils.ms2seconds(this.results.calculateDuration()));
return this._xml;
* Adds test suite duration
* Sets test results.
* @param Number duration Test duration in milliseconds
* @param TestSuite results
XUnitExporter.prototype.setSuiteDuration = function setSuiteDuration(duration) {
XUnitExporter.prototype.setResults = function setResults(results) {
"use strict";
if (!isNaN(duration)) {
this._xml.setAttribute("time", utils.ms2seconds(duration));
if (!(results instanceof require('tester').TestSuite)) {
throw new CasperError('Invalid results type.');
* Retrieves generated XML object - actually an HTMLElement.
* @return HTMLElement
XUnitExporter.prototype.getXML = function getXML() {
"use strict";
return this._xml;
return this.results = results;
......@@ -25,7 +25,17 @@ casper.withFrame('frame2', function() {
this.test.assertTitle('CasperJS frame 3');
casper.withFrame(0, function() {
this.test.assertTitle('CasperJS frame 1');
casper.withFrame(1, function() {
this.test.assertTitle('CasperJS frame 3');
}); {
this.test.assertTitle('CasperJS test frames');
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ casper.thenOpen('tests/site/index.html', function() {
t.assertTruthy('1', 'Tester.assertTruthy() works as expected');
t.assertFalsy('0', 'Tester.assertFalsy() works as expected');
t.assertFalsy('', 'Tester.assertFalsy() works as expected');
t.assertNot(false, 'Tester.assertNot() works as expected');
......@@ -200,27 +200,6 @@ casper.reload(function() {
t.assertField('checklist[]', [], 'Tester.assertField() works as expected with check lists');
casper.then(function() {
t.assertEquals(typeof t.getFailures().length, "number", "Tester.getFailures() works as expected");
var passCount = t.getPasses().length;
t.assertEquals(1, 1, "Rogue assertEquals pass case");
t.assertEquals(t.getPasses().length, passCount + 1, "Tester.getPasses() works as expected");
casper.then(function() {
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
var passedTime = t.getPassesTime().reduce(add, 0),
failedTime = t.getFailuresTime().reduce(add, 0),
calculatedSum = t.calculateSuiteDuration();
t.assertEquals(calculatedSum, passedTime + failedTime, "Tester.calculateSuiteDuration() works as expected")
}); {
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ var utils = require('utils'),
t = casper.test,
x = require('casper').selectXPath;
(function() {
casper.test.begin('utils.betterTypeOf() tests', function(casper) {
var testCases = [
{subject: 1, expected: 'number'},
{subject: '1', expected: 'string'},
......@@ -19,13 +18,13 @@ t.comment('betterTypeOf()');
{subject: new RegExp(), expected: 'regexp'}
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(utils.betterTypeOf(testCase.subject), testCase.expected,
require('utils').format('betterTypeOf() detects expected type "%s"', testCase.subject));
this.assertEquals(utils.betterTypeOf(testCase.subject), testCase.expected,
utils.format('betterTypeOf() detects expected type "%s"', testCase.expected));
(function() {
casper.test.begin('utils.cleanUrl() tests', function(casper) {
var testCases = {
'': '',
'': '',
......@@ -39,47 +38,47 @@ t.comment('cleanUrl()');
'/100': '/100'
for (var testCase in testCases) {
t.assertEquals(utils.cleanUrl(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'cleanUrl() cleans an URL');
this.assertEquals(utils.cleanUrl(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'cleanUrl() cleans an URL');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('utils.clone() tests', function(casper) {
var a = {a: 1, b: 2, c: [1, 2]};
t.assertEquals(utils.clone(a), a);
this.assertEquals(utils.clone(a), a);
var b = [1, 2, 3, a];
t.assertEquals(utils.clone(b), b);
this.assertEquals(utils.clone(b), b);
(function() {
t.assert(utils.equals(null, null), 'equals() null equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals(null, undefined), 'equals() null vs. undefined inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals("hi", "hi"), 'equals() string equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals("hi", "ih"), 'equals() string inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals(5, 5), 'equals() number equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals("5", 5), 'equals() number equality without implicit cast');
t.assert(utils.equals(5, 5.0), 'equals() number equality with cast');
t.assertNot(utils.equals(5, 10), 'equals() number inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals([], []), 'equals() empty array equality');
t.assert(utils.equals([1,2], [1,2]), 'equals() array equality');
t.assert(utils.equals([1,2,[1,2,function(){}]], [1,2,[1,2,function(){}]]), 'equals() complex array equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2,[1,2,function(a){}]], [1,2,[1,2,function(b){}]]), 'equals() complex array inequality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2], [2,1]), 'equals() shuffled array inequality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2], [1,2,3]), 'equals() array length inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals({}, {}), 'equals() empty object equality');
t.assert(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {a:1,b:2}), 'equals() object length equality');
t.assert(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {b:2,a:1}), 'equals() shuffled object keys equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {a:1,b:3}), 'equals() object inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals({1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}, {1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}), 'equals() complex object equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals({1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}, {1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:27}}), 'equals() complex object inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals(function(x){return x;}, function(x){return x;}), 'equals() function equality');
t.assertNot(utils.equals(function(x){return x;}, function(y){return y+2;}), 'equals() function inequality');
t.assert(utils.equals([{a:1, b:2}, {c:3, d:4}], [{a:1, b:2}, {c:3, d:4}]), 'equals() arrays of objects');
casper.test.begin('equals() tests', function(casper) {
this.assert(utils.equals(null, null), 'equals() null equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals(null, undefined), 'equals() null vs. undefined inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals("hi", "hi"), 'equals() string equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals("hi", "ih"), 'equals() string inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals(5, 5), 'equals() number equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals("5", 5), 'equals() number equality without implicit cast');
this.assert(utils.equals(5, 5.0), 'equals() number equality with cast');
this.assertNot(utils.equals(5, 10), 'equals() number inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals([], []), 'equals() empty array equality');
this.assert(utils.equals([1,2], [1,2]), 'equals() array equality');
this.assert(utils.equals([1,2,[1,2,function(){}]], [1,2,[1,2,function(){}]]), 'equals() complex array equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2,[1,2,function(a){}]], [1,2,[1,2,function(b){}]]), 'equals() complex array inequality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2], [2,1]), 'equals() shuffled array inequality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals([1,2], [1,2,3]), 'equals() array length inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals({}, {}), 'equals() empty object equality');
this.assert(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {a:1,b:2}), 'equals() object length equality');
this.assert(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {b:2,a:1}), 'equals() shuffled object keys equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals({a:1,b:2}, {a:1,b:3}), 'equals() object inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals({1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}, {1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}), 'equals() complex object equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals({1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}, {1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:27}}), 'equals() complex object inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals(function(x){return x;}, function(x){return x;}), 'equals() function equality');
this.assertNot(utils.equals(function(x){return x;}, function(y){return y+2;}), 'equals() function inequality');
this.assert(utils.equals([{a:1, b:2}, {c:3, d:4}], [{a:1, b:2}, {c:3, d:4}]), 'equals() arrays of objects');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('fileExt() tests', function() {
var testCases = {
'foo.ext': 'ext',
'FOO.EXT': 'ext',
......@@ -88,27 +87,25 @@ t.comment('fileExt()');
'toto.': '',
' plop.ext ': 'ext'
for (var testCase in testCases) {
t.assertEquals(utils.fileExt(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'fileExt() extract file extension');
this.assertEquals(utils.fileExt(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'fileExt() extract file extension');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('fillBlanks() tests', function() {
var testCases = {
'foo': 'foo ',
' foo bar ': ' foo bar ',
' foo bar ': ' foo bar '
for (var testCase in testCases) {
t.assertEquals(utils.fillBlanks(testCase, 10), testCases[testCase], 'fillBlanks() fills blanks');
this.assertEquals(utils.fillBlanks(testCase, 10), testCases[testCase], 'fillBlanks() fills blanks');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('getPropertyPath() tests', function() {
var testCases = [
input: utils.getPropertyPath({}, 'a.b.c'),
......@@ -140,19 +137,19 @@ t.comment('getPropertyPath()');
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(testCase.input, testCase.output, 'getPropertyPath() gets a property using a path');
this.assertEquals(testCase.input, testCase.output, 'getPropertyPath() gets a property using a path');
(function() {
t.assertEquals(utils.isArray([]), true, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
t.assertEquals(utils.isArray({}), false, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
t.assertEquals(utils.isArray("foo"), false, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
casper.test.begin('isArray() tests', function() {
this.assertEquals(utils.isArray([]), true, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
this.assertEquals(utils.isArray({}), false, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
this.assertEquals(utils.isArray("foo"), false, 'isArray() checks for an Array');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('isClipRect() tests', function() {
var testCases = [
[{}, false],
[{top: 2}, false],
......@@ -160,14 +157,13 @@ t.comment('isClipRect()');
[{top: 2, left: 2, height: 2, width: 2}, true],
[{top: 2, left: 2, width: 2, height: new Date()}, false]
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(utils.isClipRect(testCase[0]), testCase[1], 'isClipRect() checks for a ClipRect');
this.assertEquals(utils.isClipRect(testCase[0]), testCase[1], 'isClipRect() checks for a ClipRect');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('isHTTPResource() tests', function() {
var testCases = [
[{}, false],
[{url: 'file:///var/www/i.html'}, false],
......@@ -176,26 +172,25 @@ t.comment('isHTTPResource()');
[{url: 'HTTP://'}, true],
[{url: ''}, true]
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(utils.isHTTPResource(testCase[0]), testCase[1], 'isHTTPResource() checks for an HTTP resource');
this.assertEquals(utils.isHTTPResource(testCase[0]), testCase[1], 'isHTTPResource() checks for an HTTP resource');
(function() {
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject({}), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject([]), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject(1), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject("1"), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject(function(){}), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject(new Function('return {};')()), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject(require('webpage').create()), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
t.assertEquals(utils.isObject(null), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
casper.test.begin('isObject() tests', function() {
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject({}), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject([]), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject(1), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject("1"), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject(function(){}), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject(new Function('return {};')()), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject(require('webpage').create()), true, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
this.assertEquals(utils.isObject(null), false, 'isObject() checks for an Object');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('isValidSelector() tests', function() {
t.assertEquals(utils.isValidSelector({}), false, 'isValidSelector() checks for a valid selector');
t.assertEquals(utils.isValidSelector(""), false, 'isValidSelector() checks for a valid selector');
t.assertEquals(utils.isValidSelector("a"), true, 'isValidSelector() checks for a valid selector');
......@@ -219,18 +214,18 @@ t.comment('isValidSelector()');
type: "css3",
path: "a"
}), false, 'isValidSelector() checks for a valid selector');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('isWebPage() tests', function() {
var pageModule = require('webpage');
t.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(pageModule), false, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
t.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(pageModule.create()), true, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
t.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(null), false, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
this.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(pageModule), false, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
this.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(pageModule.create()), true, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
this.assertEquals(utils.isWebPage(null), false, 'isWebPage() checks for a WebPage instance');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('isJsFile() tests', function() {
var testCases = {
'': false,
'toto.png': false,
......@@ -238,14 +233,13 @@ t.comment('isJsFile()');
'': true,
'script.js': true
for (var testCase in testCases) {
t.assertEquals(utils.isJsFile(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'isJsFile() checks for js file');
this.assertEquals(utils.isJsFile(testCase), testCases[testCase], 'isJsFile() checks for js file');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('mergeObjects() tests', function() {
var testCases = [
obj1: {a: 1}, obj2: {b: 2}, merged: {a: 1, b: 2}
......@@ -269,20 +263,18 @@ t.comment('mergeObjects()');
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(utils.mergeObjects(testCase.obj1, testCase.obj2), testCase.merged, 'mergeObjects() can merge objects');
this.assertEquals(utils.mergeObjects(testCase.obj1, testCase.obj2), testCase.merged, 'mergeObjects() can merge objects');
(function() {
t.assertEquals(utils.objectValues({}), [], 'objectValues() can extract object values');
t.assertEquals(utils.objectValues({a: 1, b: 2}), [1, 2], 'objectValues() can extract object values');
casper.test.begin('objectValues() tests', function() {
this.assertEquals(utils.objectValues({}), [], 'objectValues() can extract object values');
this.assertEquals(utils.objectValues({a: 1, b: 2}), [1, 2], 'objectValues() can extract object values');
(function() {
casper.test.begin('unique() tests', function() {
var testCases = [
input: [1,2,3],
......@@ -302,8 +294,7 @@ t.comment('unique()');
testCases.forEach(function(testCase) {
t.assertEquals(utils.unique(testCase.input), testCase.output, 'unique() computes unique values of an array');
this.assertEquals(utils.unique(testCase.input), testCase.output, 'unique() computes unique values of an array');
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false*/
var tester = require('tester');
var testpage = require('webpage').create();
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
xunit.addSuccess('foo', 'bar');
/<testcase classname="foo" name="bar"/,
'XUnitExporter.addSuccess() adds a successful testcase');
xunit.addFailure('bar', 'baz', 'wrong', 'chucknorriz');
/<testcase classname="bar" name="baz"><failure type="chucknorriz">wrong/,
'XUnitExporter.addFailure() adds a failed testcase');
casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() initialization', function suite() {
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
var results = new tester.TestSuite();
// named classname
xunit = require('xunit').create();
xunit.addSuccess(require('fs').workingDirectory + '/plop.js', 'It worked');
/<testcase classname="(.*)plop" name="It worked"/,
'XUnitExporter.addSuccess() handles class name');
xunit.addSuccess(require('fs').workingDirectory + '/plip.js', 'Failure');
/<testcase classname="(.*)plip" name="Failure"/,
'XUnitExporter.addFailure() handles class name');
casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() can hold test suites', function suite() {
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
var results = new tester.TestSuite();
var suite1 = new tester.TestSuiteResult({
name: 'foo',
file: '/foo'
var suite2 = new tester.TestSuiteResult({
name: 'bar',
file: '/bar'
this.assertEvalEquals(function() {
return __utils__.findAll('testsuite').length;
}, 2);
// named with time
xunit = require('xunit').create();
xunit.addSuccess('foo', 'It worked', 1024);
/<testcase classname="foo" name="It worked" time="(.*)"/,
'XUnitExporter.addSuccess() writes duration of test');
xunit.addFailure('bar', 'baz', 'wrong', 'chucknorriz', 1024);
/<testcase classname="bar" name="baz" time="(.*)"><failure type="chucknorriz">wrong/,
'XUnitExporter.addFailure() adds a failed testcase with duration');
casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() can hold a suite with a succesful test', function suite() {
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
var results = new tester.TestSuite();
var suite1 = new tester.TestSuiteResult({
name: 'foo',
file: '/foo'
success: true,
type: "footype",
message: "footext",
file: "/foo"
this.assertExists('testsuite[name="foo"][package="foo"][tests="1"][failures="0"] testcase[name="footext"]');
// named with time
xunit = require('xunit').create();
'XUnitExporter.create() created <testsuite> without time');
/<testsuite time="1.024">/,
'XUnitExporter.setSuiteDuration() sets time in seconds');
casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() can handle a failed test', function suite() {
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
var results = new tester.TestSuite();
var suite1 = new tester.TestSuiteResult({
name: 'foo',
file: '/foo'
success: false,
type: "footype",
message: "footext",
file: "/foo"
this.assertExists('testsuite[name="foo"][package="foo"][tests="1"][failures="1"] testcase[name="footext"] failure[type="footype"]');