Commit 82863faf 82863faf8b0ada90690d4d0e163513e7f0598ebf by Nicolas Perriault

jshint 1.0.0 compliance

1 parent 64b73b49
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* Create a mosaic image from all headline photos on BBC homepage
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create();
var dump = require("utils").dump;
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create();
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* download the google logo image onto the local filesystem
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create();
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create({
loadImages: false,
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var links = [];
var casper = require("casper").create();
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* Takes provided terms passed as arguments and query google for the number of
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* Capture multiple pages of google search results
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
* Google sample testing.
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true,
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create();
var url = casper.cli.get(0);
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* This script will capture a screenshot of a twitter account page
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
var failed = [];
var start = null;
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* Just a silly game.
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, console, phantom, require*/
* Translation using the Google Translate Service.
/*global phantom CasperError patchRequire*/
/*global phantom, CasperError, patchRequire, require:true, casper:true*/
if (!phantom.casperLoaded) {
console.log('This script must be invoked using the casperjs executable');
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
casper.test.begin('HTTP authentication tests', 8, function(test) {
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements: 99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements: 99*/
var utils = require('utils');
casper.test.begin('click() tests', 2, function(test) {
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxparams:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxparams:99*/
casper.test.begin('mapping argument context', 1, function(test) {
var context = {
/*global casper __utils__*/
/*global casper, __utils__*/
/*jshint strict:false*/
var fs = require('fs');
/*global casper __utils__*/
/*global casper, __utils__*/
/*jshint strict:false*/
casper.test.begin('handling frames', 16, function(test) {
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
casper.test.begin('sendKeys() tests', 2, function(test) {
casper.start('tests/site/form.html', function() {
this.sendKeys('input[name="email"]', 'duke@nuk.em');
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var utils = require('utils')
if (utils.ltVersion(phantom.version, '1.8.0')) {
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global casper __utils__*/
/*global casper, __utils__*/
casper.test.begin('logging tests', 4, function(test) {
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
casper.test.begin('mouseEvent() tests', 16, function(test) {
casper.start('tests/site/mouse-events.html', function() {
test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mousedown', '#test1'), 'Casper.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mousedown event');
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var utils = require('utils');
var x = require('casper').selectXPath;
/*global casper __utils__*/
/*global casper, __utils__*/
/*jshint strict:false*/
var x = require('casper').selectXPath;
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
var cli = require('cli');
casper.test.begin('parsing an empty argument list', 12, function(test) {
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
var pagestack = require('pagestack');
var utils = require('utils');
var webpage = require('webpage');
/*global casper*/
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99*/
var fs = require('fs');
casper.test.begin('Common assertions tests', 43, function(test) {
/*jshint strict:false eqeqeq:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*jshint strict:false, eqeqeq:false*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var steps = [];
casper.test.begin('Tester.begin() configuration', 10, {
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var fs = require('fs');
casper.test.begin('Tester.sortFiles()', 1, function suite(test) {
/*jshint strict:false maxstatements:99 maxcomplexity:99 */
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*jshint strict:false, maxstatements:99, maxcomplexity:99*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var TestCaseResult = require('tester').TestCaseResult;
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global CasperError casper console phantom require*/
/*global CasperError, casper, console, phantom, require*/
var TestCaseResult = require('tester').TestCaseResult,
TestSuiteResult = require('tester').TestSuiteResult;
/*global casper __utils__*/
/*global casper, __utils__*/
/*jshint strict:false*/
var tester = require('tester');
var testpage = require('webpage').create();