Commit 8c102519 8c102519605722d2ba92f73dd413d8502379227a by Nicolas Perriault

removed obsolete file

1 parent a0724c97
# A small subset of the run.js written in coffeescript
do (casper) ->
steps = 0
casper.options.onStepComplete = -> steps++
casper.start "tests/site/index.html", ->
@test.assertTitle "CasperJS test index", "Casper.start() casper can start itself an open an url"
@test.assertEquals @fetchText("ul li"), "onetwothree", "Casper.fetchText() can retrieves text contents"
@click "a[href=\"test.html\"]"
casper.then ->
@test.assertTitle "CasperJS test target", " casper can click on a text link"
@click "a[href=\"form.html\"]" ->
@test.assertEquals steps, 3, "Casper.options.onStepComplete() is called on step complete"
@options.onStepComplete = null
\ No newline at end of file