Commit b5732daf b5732daff5ff94d4b149424aa4255b220eca0b20 by Laurent Jouanneau

Refs #482: element.innerText is not supported by Gecko

This property on DOM element is not part of the standard of DOM.
1 parent 0de06390
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
attributes: attributes,
tag: element.outerHTML,
html: element.innerHTML,
text: element.innerText,
text: element.textContent || element.innerText,
x: bounds.left,
width: bounds.width,
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
attributes: attributes,
tag: element.outerHTML,
html: element.innerHTML,
text: element.innerText,
text: element.textContent || element.innerText,
x: bounds[index].left,
y: bounds[index].top,
width: bounds[index].width,