Commit bbd5410c bbd5410c38d610da6872d890e712ed4279fa4620 by Nicolas Perriault

added an event as a Casper option

1 parent 38c19678
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -26,12 +26,15 @@
* Main Casper class. Available options are:
* Type Name Default Description
* - Array clientScripts ([]): A collection of script filepaths to include to every page loaded
* - String logLevel ("error") Logging level (see logLevels for available values)
* - Object pageSettings ({}): PhantomJS's WebPage settings object
* - WebPage page (null): An existing WebPage instance
* - Boolean verbose (false): Realtime output of log messages
* Name | Type | Default | Description
* ——————————————————+——————————+—————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
* clientScripts | Array | [] | A collection of script filepaths to include to every page loaded
* logLevel | String | "error" | Logging level (see logLevels for available values)
* onDie | function | null | A function to be called when Casper#die() is called
* onPageInitialized | function | null | A function to be called after WebPage instance has been initialized
* page | WebPage | null | An existing WebPage instance
* pageSettings | Object | {} | PhantomJS's WebPage settings object
* verbose | Boolean | false | Realtime output of log messages
* @param Object options Casper options
* @return Casper
......@@ -48,10 +51,9 @@
clientScripts: [],
logLevel: "error",
onDie: null,
onPageInitialized: null,
page: null,
pageSettings: {
pageSettings: { userAgent: DEFAULT_USER_AGENT },
verbose: false
// local properties
......@@ -398,6 +400,10 @@
} = mergeObjects(, this.options.pageSettings);
this.started = true;
if (typeof(this.options.onPageInitialized) === "function") {
this.log("Post-configuring WebPage instance", "debug");
if (typeof(location) === "string" && location.length > 0) {
if (typeof(then) === "function") {