Commit c55dc1bc c55dc1bcff5bbd39a8ecac01feb2c52a79982dff by Nicolas Perriault

temporary fix for strange behavior of fs.isWritable on Windows

1 parent c816b83e
......@@ -943,9 +943,10 @@ Tester.prototype.runTest = function runTest(testFile) {
Tester.prototype.saveResults = function saveResults(filepath) {
"use strict";
if (!fs.isWritable(filepath)) {
throw new CasperError(f('Path %s is not writable.', filepath));
// FIXME: looks like phantomjs has a pb with fs.isWritable!topic/casperjs/hcUdwgGZOrU
// if (!fs.isWritable(filepath)) {
// throw new CasperError(f('Path %s is not writable.', filepath));
// }
try {
fs.write(filepath, this.exporter.getXML(), 'w');
this.casper.echo(f('Result log stored in %s', filepath), 'INFO', 80);