Commit c7afbb58 c7afbb5844361ffa112e4946abb1772a3da19144 by David Linse Committed by David Linse

Read optional 'name' property from failure

This allows to pass in a custom name which is used
in the junit xml report.
1 parent 44d0d7b5
......@@ -721,11 +721,12 @@ Writes an error-style formatted message to stdout::
**Signature:** ``fail(String message)``
**Signature:** ``fail(String message [, Object option])``
Adds a failed test entry to the stack::"Georges W. Bush");"Here goes a really long and expressive message", {name:'shortfacts'});
.. seealso:: `pass()`_
......@@ -246,6 +246,27 @@ You should get a pretty XUnit XML report like this:
You can customize the value for the `name` property by passing an object to `` like:
.. code-block:: js'google search for "casperjs" retrieves 10 or more results', {name: 'result count is 10+'});
.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites duration="1.249">
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="Google search retrieves 10 or more results" package="googletesting" tests="5" time="1.249" timestamp="2012-12-30T21:27:26.320Z">
<testcase classname="googletesting" name="google homepage title is the one expected" time="0.813"/>
<testcase classname="googletesting" name="main form is found" time="0.002"/>
<testcase classname="googletesting" name="google title is ok" time="0.416"/>
<testcase classname="googletesting" name="search term has been submitted" time="0.017"/>
<testcase classname="googletesting" name="results count is 10+" time="0.001"/>
<failure type="fail">google search for "casperjs" retrieves 10 or more results</failure>
CasperJS own tests
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ XUnitExporter.prototype.getXML = function getXML() {
// failed test cases
result.failures.forEach(function(failure) {
var testCase = utils.node('testcase', {
name: failure.message || failure.standard,
name: || failure.message || failure.standard,
classname: generateClassName(failure.file),
time: utils.ms2seconds(~~failure.time)
......@@ -75,3 +75,25 @@ casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() can handle a failed test', 2, function suite(
test.assertEquals(casper.getElementInfo('failure[type="footype"]').text, 'footext');
casper.test.begin('XUnitReporter() can handle custom name attribute for a test case', 2, function suite(test) {
var xunit = require('xunit').create();
var results = new tester.TestSuiteResult();
var suite1 = new tester.TestCaseResult({
name: 'foo',
file: '/foo'
success: false,
type: "footype",
message: "footext",
file: "/foo",
name: "foo bar baz"
test.assertExists('testsuite[name="foo"][package="foo"][tests="1"][failures="1"] testcase[name="foo bar baz"] failure[type="footype"]');
test.assertEquals(casper.getElementInfo('failure[type="footype"]').text, 'footext');