Commit db31a63b db31a63b2a99000772d3534d57ecac538c2a04e9 by Laurent Jouanneau

Fixes reference errors in testers.js

stackArray is not a standard property of the Error object. It is
added by PhantomJS (modification in the sources of QTWebkit).
We should use the stack property if stackArray is not present
(like in SlimerJS)
1 parent 831e82f8
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ Tester.prototype.done = function done() {
/*jshint maxstatements:20, maxcomplexity:20*/
var planned, config = this.currentSuite && this.currentSuite.config || {};
if (utils.isNumber(arguments[0])) {
if (arguments.length && utils.isNumber(arguments[0])) {
this.casper.warn('done() `planned` arg is deprecated as of 1.1');
planned = arguments[0];
......@@ -1230,9 +1230,27 @@ Tester.prototype.processAssertionError = function(error) {
testFile = this.currentTestFile,
try {
if ("stackArray" in error) {
// PhantomJS has changed the API of the Error object :-/
stackEntry = error.stackArray.filter(function(entry) {
return testFile === entry.sourceURL;
else if ('stack' in error) {
var r = /^\s*(.*)@(.*):(\d+)\s*$/gm;
var m;
while ((m = r.exec(e.stack))) {
var sourceURL = m[2];
if (sourceURL.indexOf('->') != -1) {
sourceURL = sourceURL.split('->')[1].trim();
if (sourceURL == testFile) {
stackEntry = { sourceURL: sourceURL, line: m[3]}
} catch (e) {}
if (stackEntry) {
result.line = stackEntry.line;