- **Experimental:** as of 1.1-beta1, SlimerJS_ 0.8 or greater to run your tests against Gecko (Firefox) instead of Webkit. To see PhantomJS API compatibility of SLimerJS, please `refer to this page <https://github.com/laurentj/slimerjs/blob/master/API_COMPAT.md>`_.
- **Experimental:** as of 1.1-beta1, SlimerJS_ 0.8 or greater to run your tests against Gecko (Firefox) instead of Webkit. To see PhantomJS API compatibility of SlimerJS, please `refer to this page <https://github.com/laurentj/slimerjs/blob/master/API_COMPAT.md>`_.
.. warning::
.. deprecated:: 1.1
The `Ruby <http://ruby-lang.org/>`_ version of the ``casperjs`` executable also available in the ``rubybin/`` directory has been deprecated as of 1.1-beta, and is not compatible with SLimerJS_.
The `Ruby <http://ruby-lang.org/>`_ version of the ``casperjs`` executable also available in the ``rubybin/`` directory has been deprecated as of 1.1-beta, and is not compatible with SlimerJS_.
.. index:: Homebrew
Installing from Homebrew (OSX)
Installation of both PhantomJS and CasperJS can be achieved through `Homebrew <http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/>`_::
Installation of both PhantomJS and CasperJS can be achieved through `Homebrew <http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/>`_.