Commit f1efc9a8 f1efc9a80bbd80a2b42c37b44ee0531b839269c5 by Nicolas Perriault

updated README

1 parent cdd039e2
# CasperJS
>**Important note:** the `master` branch hosts the development version of CasperJS, and may be rather instable from time to time. Use the [`1.0` branch]( if you want to keep in sync with the stable version, or [use tagged versions](
>**Important note:** the `master` branch hosts the development version of CasperJS, which is now pretty stable and should be the right version to use if you ask me.
>Use the [`1.0` branch]( if you want to keep in sync with the stable old version, or [use tagged versions](
>Currently, available documentation is:
>- **hosted on []( for the development branch**
>- hosted on []( for the 1.0 branch
>- hosted on []( for the development branch
>[Travis-CI]( build statuses:
>- ![Build Status]( `1.0` branch
>- ![Build Status]( `master` branch
>- ![Build Status]( `1.0` branch
CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for [PhantomJS](
and [SlimerJS](
It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful
high-level functions, methods & syntaxic sugar for doing common tasks such as:
and [SlimerJS]( It eases the process of defining a full navigation
scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntaxic sugar for doing common
tasks such as:
- defining & ordering [navigation steps](
- [filling forms](