Commit f44d37b6 f44d37b6ae0a62ffcd54fd931ba004e696e32309 by Brikou CARRE

moved var declaration to the top

1 parent b1ed9a7e
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ nbLinks = 0
currentLink = 1
images = []
# helper to hide some element from remote DOM
### helper to hide some element from remote DOM ###
casper.hide = (selector) ->
@evaluate (selector) ->
document.querySelector(selector).style.display = "none"
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ casper.start "", ->
nbLinks = @evaluate ->
return __utils__.findAll('#promo2_carousel_items_items li').length
@echo "#{nbLinks} items founds"
# hide navigation arrows
### hide navigation arrows ###
@hide ".nav_left"
@hide ".nav_right"
@mouse.move "#promo2_carousel"
......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ casper.start "", ->
@echo "Clicked on pause button"
@waitUntilVisible ".autoplay.nav_play", ->
@echo "Carousel has been paused"
# hide play button
### hide play button ###
@hide ".autoplay"
# Capture carrousel area
### Capture carrousel area ###
next = ->
image = "bbcshot#{currentLink}.png"
images.push image
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ next = ->
@then buildPage
# Building resulting page and image
### Building resulting page and image ###
buildPage = ->
@echo "Build result page"
fs = require "fs"
@viewport 624, 400
pageHtml = "<html><body style='background:black;margin:0;padding:0'>"
for image in images
images.forEach (image) ->
pageHtml += "<img src='file://#{fs.workingDirectory}/#{image}'><br>"
pageHtml += "</body></html>"
fs.write "result.html", pageHtml, 'w'
......@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
Create a mosaic image from all headline photos on BBC homepage
var casper = require("casper").create();
var nbLinks = 0;
var currentLink = 1;
var images = [];
var buildPage, casper, currentLink, images, nbLinks, next;
casper = require("casper").create();
nbLinks = 0;
currentLink = 1;
images = [];
/* helper to hide some element from remote DOM */
casper.hide = function(selector) {
this.evaluate(function(selector) {
document.querySelector(selector).style.display = "none";
......@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ casper.start("", function() {
return __utils__.findAll('#promo2_carousel_items_items li').length;
this.echo(nbLinks + " items founds");
// hide navigation arrows
/* hide navigation arrows */
......@@ -31,14 +34,16 @@ casper.start("", function() {
this.echo("Clicked on pause button");
this.waitUntilVisible(".autoplay.nav_play", function() {
this.echo("Carousel has been paused");
// hide play button
/* hide play button */
var next = function next() {
var image = "bbcshot" + currentLink + ".png";
/* Capture carrousel area */
next = function() {
var image;
image = "bbcshot" + currentLink + ".png";
this.echo("Processing image " + currentLink);
this.captureSelector(image, '.carousel_viewport');
......@@ -53,11 +58,13 @@ var next = function next() {
var buildPage = function buildPage() {
/* Building resulting page and image */
buildPage = function() {
var fs, pageHtml;
this.echo("Build result page");
var fs = require("fs");
fs = require("fs");
this.viewport(624, 400);
var pageHtml = "<html><body style='background:black;margin:0;padding:0'>";
pageHtml = "<html><body style='background:black;margin:0;padding:0'>";
images.forEach(function(image) {
pageHtml += "<img src='file://" + fs.workingDirectory + "/" + image + "'><br>";
casper = require("casper").create()
dump = require("utils").dump
# removing default options passed by the Python executable
### removing default options passed by the Python executable ###
casper.cli.drop "cli"
casper.cli.drop "casper-path"
var casper = require("casper").create();
var dump = require("utils").dump;
var casper, dump;
// removing default options passed by the Python executable
casper = require("casper").create();
dump = require("utils").dump;
/* removing default options passed by the Python executable */
casper = require("casper").create()
# listening to a custom event
casper.on 'google.loaded', (title) ->
### listening to a custom event ###
casper.on "google.loaded", (title) ->
casper.echo "Google page title is #{title}"
casper.start "", ->
# emitting a custom event
@emit 'google.loaded', @getTitle()
### emitting a custom event ###
@emit "google.loaded", @getTitle()
var casper = require("casper").create();
var casper;
// listening to a custom event
casper.on('google.loaded', function(title) {
casper = require("casper").create();
/* listening to a custom event */
casper.on("google.loaded", function(title) {
casper.echo("Google page title is " + title);
casper.start("", function() {
// emitting a custom event
this.emit('google.loaded', this.getTitle());
/* emitting a custom event */
this.emit("google.loaded", this.getTitle());
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely
log every received resource.
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely log
every received resource.
casper = require("casper").create
# Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack
# at the 'verbose' level.
Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack at
the 'verbose' level.
onResourceReceived: (self, resource) ->
infos = []
props = ["url", "status", "statusText", "redirectURL", "bodySize"]
props = [
infos.push resource[prop] for prop in props
infos.push "[#{}: #{h.value}]" for h in resource.headers
@log infos.join(', '), 'verbose'
infos.push "[#{}: #{header.value}]" for header in resource.headers
@log infos.join(", "), "verbose"
verbose: true # we want to see the log printed out to the console
logLevel: 'verbose' # of course we want to see logs to our new level :)
logLevel: "verbose" # of course we want to see logs to our new level :)
### add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority ###
casper.logLevels = ["verbose"].concat casper.logLevels
# add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority
casper.logLevels = ['verbose'].concat casper.logLevels
# test our new logger with google
### test our new logger with google ###
casper.start ""
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely
log every received resource.
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely log
every received resource.
var casper = require("casper").create({
* Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack
* at the 'verbose' level.
* @param Object resource A phantomjs resource object
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack at
the 'verbose' level.
onResourceReceived: function(self, resource) {
var infos = [
var header, infos, prop, props, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref;
infos = [];
props = [
resource.headers.forEach(function(header) {
infos.push('[' + [, header.value].join(', ') + ']');
self.log(infos.join(', '), 'verbose');
for (_i = 0, _len = props.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
prop = props[_i];
_ref = resource.headers;
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
header = _ref[_j];
infos.push("[" + + ": " + header.value + "]");
this.log(infos.join(", "), "verbose");
verbose: true, // we want to see the log printed out to the console
logLevel: 'verbose' // of course we want to see logs to our new level :)
verbose: true,
logLevel: "verbose"
// add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority
casper.logLevels = ['verbose'].concat(casper.logLevels);
/* add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority */
casper.logLevels = ["verbose"].concat(casper.logLevels);
// test our new logger with google
casper.start("").run(function(self) {
/* test our new logger with google */
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
Download the google logo image as base64
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
casper = require("casper").create verbose: true
casper = require("casper").create
verbose: true
# If we don't set a limit, it could go on forever
upTo = ~~casper.cli.get(0) || 10 # max 10 links
### If we don't set a limit, it could go on forever ###
upTo = ~~casper.cli.get(0) || 10
# Fetch all <a> elements from the page and return
# the ones which contains a href starting with 'http://'
Fetch all <a> elements from the page and return
the ones which contains a href starting with 'http://'
searchLinks = ->
filter = Array::filter
map = Array::map
......@@ -13,20 +16,22 @@ searchLinks = ->
), (a) ->
a.getAttribute "href"
# The base links array
### The base links array ###
links = [
# Just opens the page and prints the title
### Just opens the page and prints the title ###
start = (link) ->
@start link, ->
@echo "Page title: #{ @getTitle() }"
# Get the links, and add them to the links array
# (It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
Get the links, and add them to the links array
(It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
addLinks = (link) ->
@then ->
found = @evaluate searchLinks
......@@ -35,11 +40,12 @@ addLinks = (link) ->
casper.then -> @echo "Starting"
casper.then ->
@echo "Starting"
currentLink = 0;
# As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running
### As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running ###
check = ->
if links[currentLink] && currentLink < upTo
@echo "--- Link #{currentLink} ---"
var casper = require("casper").create({
var addLinks, casper, check, currentLink, links, searchLinks, start, upTo;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
// If we don't set a limit, it could go on forever
var upTo = ~~casper.cli.get(0) || 10; // max 10 links
/* If we don't set a limit, it could go on forever */
upTo = ~~casper.cli.get(0) || 10;
// Fetch all <a> elements from the page and return
// the ones which contains a href starting with 'http://'
var searchLinks = function searchLinks() {
var filter = Array.prototype.filter;
var map =;
Fetch all <a> elements from the page and return
the ones which contains a href starting with 'http://'
searchLinks = function() {
var filter, map;
filter = Array.prototype.filter;
map =;
return"a"), function(a) {
return /^http:\/\/.*/i.test(a.getAttribute("href"));
}), function(a) {
......@@ -17,25 +22,28 @@ var searchLinks = function searchLinks() {
// The base links array
var links = [
/* The base links array */
links = [
// Just opens the page and prints the title
var start = function start(link) {
/* Just opens the page and prints the title */
start = function(link) {
this.start(link, function() {
this.echo("Page title: " + (this.getTitle()));
this.echo("Page title: " + this.getTitle());
// Get the links, and add them to the links array
// (It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
var addLinks = function addLinks(link) {
Get the links, and add them to the links array
(It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
addLinks = function(link) {
this.then(function() {
var found = this.evaluate(searchLinks);
var found;
found = this.evaluate(searchLinks);
this.echo(found.length + " links found on " + link);
links = links.concat(found);
......@@ -47,10 +55,10 @@ casper.then(function() {
var currentLink = 0;
currentLink = 0;
// As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running
var check = function check() {
/* As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running */
check = function() {
if (links[currentLink] && currentLink < upTo) {
this.echo("--- Link " + currentLink + " ---");, links[currentLink]);
casper = require("casper").create()
links = [
var casper = require("casper").create();
var casper, links;
var links = [
casper = require("casper").create();
links = [
casper.each(links, function(self, link) {
this.thenOpen(link, function() {
this.echo((this.getTitle()) + " - " + link);
this.echo(this.getTitle() + " - " + link);
This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
casper = require("casper").create()
casper.on "http.status.200", (resource) ->
......@@ -16,14 +20,15 @@ casper.on "http.status.500", (resource) ->
@echo "#{resource.url} is in error", "ERROR"
links = [
for link in links
casper.thenOpen link, -> @echo "#{link} loaded"
casper.each links, (self, link) ->
self.thenOpen link, ->
@echo "#{link} loaded"
* This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
var casper = require("casper").create();
casper.on('http.status.200', function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + ' is OK', 'INFO');
This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
var casper, links;
casper = require("casper").create();
casper.on("http.status.200", function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + " is OK", "INFO");
casper.on('http.status.301', function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + ' is permanently redirected', 'PARAMETER');
casper.on("http.status.301", function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + " is permanently redirected", "PARAMETER");
casper.on('http.status.302', function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + ' is temporarily redirected', 'PARAMETER');
casper.on("http.status.302", function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + " is temporarily redirected", "PARAMETER");
casper.on('http.status.404', function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + ' is not found', 'COMMENT');
casper.on("http.status.404", function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + " is not found", "COMMENT");
casper.on('http.status.500', function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + ' is in error', 'ERROR');
casper.on("http.status.500", function(resource) {
this.echo(resource.url + " is in error", "ERROR");
var links = [
links = [
casper.start().each(links, function(self, link) {
casper.each(links, function(self, link) {
self.thenOpen(link, function() {
this.echo(link + ' loaded');
this.echo(link + " loaded");
casper = require("casper").create
loadImages: false
logLevel: "debug"
verbose: true
links =
'': 0
'': 0
'': 0
'': 0
"": 0
"": 0
"": 0
"": 0
class Fantomas extends require("casper").Casper
countLinks: ->
@evaluate ->
fantomas = Object.create(casper)
renderJSON: (what) ->
@echo JSON.stringify what, null, ' '
fantomas.countLinks = ->
@evaluate ->
fantomas = new Fantomas
loadImages: false
logLevel: "debug"
verbose: true
fantomas.renderJSON = (what) ->
@echo JSON.stringify(what, null, " ")
for url of links
do (url) ->
fantomas.thenOpen url, ->
links[url] = @countLinks()
Object.keys(links).forEach (url) ->
fantomas.thenOpen url, ->
links[url] = @countLinks() ->
@renderJSON links
var casper = require("casper").create({
loadImages: false,
var casper, fantomas, links;
casper = require("casper").create({
loadImages: false,
logLevel: "debug",
verbose: true
var links = {
'': 0,
'': 0,
'': 0,
'': 0
links = {
"": 0,
"": 0,
"": 0,
"": 0
var fantomas = Object.create(casper);
fantomas = Object.create(casper);
fantomas.countLinks = function(selector) {
fantomas.countLinks = function() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
return __utils__.findAll('a[href]').length;
return __utils__.findAll("a[href]").length;
fantomas.renderJSON = function(what) {
return this.echo(JSON.stringify(what, null, ' '));
this.echo(JSON.stringify(what, null, " "));
......@@ -32,5 +34,6 @@ Object.keys(links).forEach(function(url) {
}); {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ links = []
casper = require("casper").create()
casper.start "", ->
# search for 'casperjs' from google form
### search for 'casperjs' from google form ###
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "casperjs", true
casper.then ->
# aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
### aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search ###
links = @evaluate getLinks
# search for 'phantomjs' from google form
### search for 'phantomjs' from google form ###
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "phantomjs", true
casper.then ->
# concat results for the 'phantomjs' search
### concat results for the 'phantomjs' search ###
links = links.concat @evaluate(getLinks) ->
# display results
### display results ###
@echo "#{links.length} links found:"
@echo " - " + links.join "\n - "
var getLinks = function getLinks() {
var casper, getLinks, links;
getLinks = function() {
var links;
links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a");
return, function(e) {
......@@ -6,32 +8,33 @@ var getLinks = function getLinks() {
var links = [];
var casper = require("casper").create();
links = [];
casper = require("casper").create();
casper.start("", function() {
// search for 'casperjs' from google form
/* search for 'casperjs' from google form */
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: "casperjs"
}, true);
casper.then(function() {
// aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
/* aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search */
links = this.evaluate(getLinks);
// search for 'phantomjs' from google form
/* search for 'phantomjs' from google form */
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: "phantomjs"
}, true);
casper.then(function() {
// concat results for the 'phantomjs' search
/* concat results for the 'phantomjs' search */
links = links.concat(this.evaluate(getLinks));
}); {
// display results
/* display results */
this.echo(links.length + " links found:");
this.echo(" - " + links.join("\n - "));
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Takes provided terms passed as arguments and query google for the number of
estimated results each have.
$ casperjs googlematch.js nicolas chuck borris
$ casperjs nicolas chuck borris
nicolas: 69600000
chuck: 49500000
borris: 2370000
......@@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ Usage:
winner is "nicolas" with 69600000 results
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper, scores, terms;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
casper.fetchScore = function() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
var result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText;
var result;
result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText;
return ~~(/Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, ''));
var terms = casper.cli.args;
terms = casper.cli.args;
if (terms.length < 2) {
......@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ if (terms.length < 2) {
var scores = [];
scores = [];
casper.echo("Let the match begin between \"" + (terms.join('", "')) + "\"!");
......@@ -54,10 +57,11 @@ casper.each(terms, function(self, term) {
}); {
var winner;
scores.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.score - a.score;
var winner = scores[0];
winner = scores[0];
this.echo("Winner is \"" + winner.term + "\" with " + winner.score + " results");
......@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ processPage = ->
if @exists "#pnnext"
@echo "requesting next page: #{currentPage}"
url = @getCurrentUrl()
@thenClick("#pnnext").then ->
check = -> url != @getCurrentUrl()
@waitFor check, processPage
@waitFor (->
url isnt @getCurrentUrl()
), processPage
@echo "that's all, folks."
casper.start "", ->
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: casper.cli.args.join(' '), true
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: casper.cli.args.join(" "), true
casper.then processPage
......@@ -6,18 +6,19 @@ Usage: $ casperjs my search terms
(all arguments will be used as the query)
var casper = require("casper").create();
var casper, currentPage, processPage;
var currentPage = 1;
casper = require("casper").create();
currentPage = 1;
if (casper.cli.args.length === 0) {
.echo("Usage: $ casperjs my search terms")
.echo("Usage: $ casperjs googlepagination.js my search terms")
var processPage = function processPage() {
processPage = function() {
var url;
this.echo("capturing page " + currentPage);
this.capture("google-results-p" + currentPage + ".png");
......@@ -28,8 +29,8 @@ var processPage = function processPage() {
this.echo("requesting next page: " + currentPage);
url = this.getCurrentUrl();
return this.thenClick("#pnnext").then(function() {
return this.waitFor(function() {
this.thenClick("#pnnext").then(function() {
this.waitFor(function() {
return url !== this.getCurrentUrl();
}, processPage);
......@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ var processPage = function processPage() {
casper.start("", function() {
return this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: casper.cli.args.join(' ')
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: casper.cli.args.join(" ")
}, true);
casper = require("casper").create logLevel: "debug"
casper = require("casper").create
logLevel: "debug"
casper.start "", ->
@test.assertTitle 'Google', 'google homepage title is the one expected'
@test.assertExists 'form[action="/search"]', 'main form is found'
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: 'foo', true
@test.assertTitle "Google", "google homepage title is the one expected"
@test.assertExists 'form[action="/search"]', "main form is found"
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "foo", true
casper.then ->
@test.assertTitle 'foo - Recherche Google', 'google title is ok'
@test.assertUrlMatch /q=foo/, 'search term has been submitted'
test = -> __utils__.findAll('h3.r').length >= 10
@test.assertEval test, 'google search for "foo" retrieves 10 or more results'
@test.assertTitle "foo - Recherche Google", "google title is ok"
@test.assertUrlMatch /q=foo/, "search term has been submitted"
@test.assertEval (->
__utils__.findAll("h3.r").length >= 10
), "google search for \"foo\" retrieves 10 or more results" -> @test.renderResults true ->
@test.renderResults true
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
logLevel: "debug"
casper.start("", function(self) {
self.test.assertTitle('Google', 'google homepage title is the one expected');
self.test.assertExists('form[action="/search"]', 'main form is found');
self.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: 'foo'
casper.start("", function() {
this.test.assertTitle("Google", "google homepage title is the one expected");
this.test.assertExists('form[action="/search"]', "main form is found");
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: "foo"
}, true);
casper.then(function(self) {
self.test.assertTitle('foo - Recherche Google', 'google title is ok');
self.test.assertUrlMatch(/q=foo/, 'search term has been submitted');
self.test.assertEval(function() {
return __utils__.findAll('h3.r').length >= 10;
}, 'google search for "foo" retrieves 10 or more results');
casper.then(function() {
this.test.assertTitle("foo - Recherche Google", "google title is ok");
this.test.assertUrlMatch(/q=foo/, "search term has been submitted");
this.test.assertEval((function() {
return __utils__.findAll("h3.r").length >= 10;
}), "google search for \"foo\" retrieves 10 or more results");
}); {
self.test.renderResults(true); {
casper = require("casper").create
verbose: true
logLevel: 'debug'
logLevel: "debug"
casper.log "this is a debug message", 'debug'
casper.log "and an informative one", 'info'
casper.log "and a warning", 'warning'
casper.log "and an error", 'error'
casper.log "this is a debug message", "debug"
casper.log "and an informative one", "info"
casper.log "and a warning", "warning"
casper.log "and an error", "error"
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
logLevel: "debug"
casper.log("this is a debug message", 'debug');
casper.log("and an informative one", 'info');
casper.log("and a warning", 'warning');
casper.log("and an error", 'error');
casper.log("this is a debug message", "debug");
casper.log("and an informative one", "info");
casper.log("and a warning", "warning");
casper.log("and an error", "error");
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ metas = []
if not url
.echo "Usage: casperjs [url]"
.echo("Usage: $ casperjs <url>")
.exit 1
casper.start url, ->
metas = @evaluate ->
var casper = require("casper").create()
, url = casper.cli.get(0)
, metas = [];
var casper, metas, url;
casper = require("casper").create();
url = casper.cli.get(0);
metas = [];
if (!url) {
.echo("Usage: casperjs [url]")
.echo("Usage: $ casperjs metaextract.js <url>")
......@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ if (!url) {
casper.start(url, function() {
metas = this.evaluate(function() {
var metas = [];
[]'meta'), function(elem) {
[]"meta"), function(elem) {
var meta = {};
[] {
meta[] = attr.value;
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper, check, countLinks, currentSuite, suites;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
var countLinks = function countLinks() {
countLinks = function() {
return document.querySelectorAll('a').length;
var suites = [
suites = [
function() {
this.echo("Suite 1");
this.start("", function() {
......@@ -40,9 +42,9 @@ casper.then(function() {
var currentSuite = 0;
currentSuite = 0;
var check = function check() {
check = function() {
if (suites[currentSuite]) {
......@@ -17,9 +17,12 @@ if not twitterAccount or not filename or not /\.(png|jpg|pdf)$/i.test filename
casper.start "!/#{twitterAccount}", ->
capture = ->
@captureSelector filename, 'html'
@waitForSelector ".tweet-row", (->
@captureSelector filename, "html"
@echo "Saved screenshot of #{@getCurrentUrl()} to #{filename}"
@waitForSelector '.tweet-row', capture, null, 12000
), (->
@die("Timeout reached. Fail whale?")
), 12000
......@@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ This script will capture a screenshot of a twitter account page
Usage: $ casperjs <twitter-account> <filename.[jpg|png|pdf]>
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper, filename, twitterAccount;
casper = require("casper").create({
viewportSize: {
width: 1024,
height: 768
var twitterAccount = casper.cli.get(0);
var filename = casper.cli.get(1);
twitterAccount = casper.cli.get(0);
filename = casper.cli.get(1);
if (!twitterAccount || !filename || !/\.(png|jpg|pdf)$/i.test(filename)) {
......@@ -21,12 +23,13 @@ if (!twitterAccount || !filename || !/\.(png|jpg|pdf)$/i.test(filename)) {
casper.start("!/" + twitterAccount, function() {
this.waitForSelector('.tweet-row', function() {
this.captureSelector(filename, 'html');
this.echo("Saved screenshot of " + this.getCurrentUrl() + " to " + filename);
}, function() {
this.die('Timeout reached. Fail whale?').exit();
}, 12000);
this.waitForSelector(".tweet-row", (function() {
this.captureSelector(filename, "html");
this.echo("Saved screenshot of " + (this.getCurrentUrl()) + " to " + filename);
}), (function() {
this.die("Timeout reached. Fail whale?");
}), 12000);
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
This script will add a custom HTTP status code handler, here for 404 pages.
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
httpStatusHandlers: {
404: function(self, resource) {
this.echo("Resource at " + resource.url + " not found (404)", "COMMENT");
var failed = [];
var casper, failed, links, timeout,
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
var casper = require("casper").create({
failed = [];
casper = require("casper").create({
onStepTimeout: function() {
var links = [
links = [
......@@ -14,10 +17,12 @@ var links = [
var timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
if (timeout < 1) {
timeout = 1000;
casper.options.stepTimeout = timeout;
casper.echo("Testing with timeout=" + casper.options.stepTimeout + "ms.");
......@@ -25,13 +30,13 @@ casper.echo("Testing with timeout=" + casper.options.stepTimeout + "ms.");
casper.each(links, function(self, link) {
self.test.comment('Adding ' + link + ' to test suite');
self.thenOpen(link, function(self) {
var testStatus = self.test.pass;
if (failed.indexOf(self.requestUrl) > -1) {;
this.test.comment("Adding " + link + " to test suite");
this.thenOpen(link, function() {
var _ref;
if (_ref = this.requestUrl,, _ref) >= 0) {"" + this.requestUrl + " loaded in less than " + timeout + "ms.");
} else {
this.test.pass("" + this.requestUrl + " loaded in less than " + timeout + "ms.");
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ YES!
casper = require("casper").create
onTimeout: ->
@echo "NOPE.", 'RED_BAR'
@echo "NOPE.", "RED_BAR"
timeout = ~~casper.cli.get 0
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ casper.echo "Will load in less than #{timeout}ms?"
casper.options.timeout = timeout
casper.start "", ->
@echo "YES!", 'GREEN_BAR'
@echo "YES!", "GREEN_BAR"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,16 +15,18 @@ Will load in less than 2000ms?
var casper = require("casper").create({
var casper, timeout;
casper = require("casper").create({
onTimeout: function() {
.echo("NOPE.", 'RED_BAR')
.echo("NOPE.", "RED_BAR")
var timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
if (timeout < 1) {
......@@ -32,14 +34,13 @@ if (timeout < 1) {
casper.echo("Will load in less than " + timeout + "ms?");
casper.options.timeout = timeout;
casper.start("", function() {
.echo("YES!", 'GREEN_BAR')
this.echo("YES!", 'GREEN_BAR');