Commit f92de3f9 f92de3f9485803222230ce77ac1f3c8c9924d083 by Nicolas Perriault

fixed #250 - prevent self tests to be run using the `casper test` command

1 parent 2f60c14c
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ The documentation has been [updated accordingly](
- [Casper.resourceExists()]( and related functions now checks for non HTTP-404 received responses.
- closes [#230]( - added [`ClientUtils.getElementsBound()`]( and [`Casper.getElementsBound()`](
- fixed [#250]( - prevent self tests to be run using the standard `casper test` command
- fixes [#254]( - fix up one use of qsa, hit when filling forms with missing elements
2012-10-01, v1.0.0-RC2
......@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ function bootstrap(global) {
} else if (phantom.casperArgs.get(0) === "selftest") {
phantom.casperScript = fs.absolute(fs.pathJoin(phantom.casperPath, 'tests', 'run.js'));
phantom.casperSelfTest = true;
phantom.casperArgs.options.includes = fs.pathJoin(phantom.casperPath, 'tests', 'selftest.js');
if (phantom.casperArgs.args.length > 1) {
// we want a single test file
......@@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ var casper = require('casper').create({
// local utils
function checkSelfTest(tests) {
var isCasperTest = false;
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var testDir = fs.absolute(fs.dirname(test));
if (fs.isDirectory(testDir)) {
if (fs.exists(fs.pathJoin(testDir, '.casper'))) {
isCasperTest = true;
return isCasperTest;
function checkIncludeFile(include) {
var absInclude = fs.absolute(include.trim());
if (!fs.exists(absInclude)) {
......@@ -54,6 +67,12 @@ if (casper.cli.args.length) {
// check for casper selftests
if (!phantom.casperSelfTest && checkSelfTest(tests)) {
casper.warn('To run casper self tests, use the `selftest` command.');
// includes handling
var container;