Commit 0aed0d58 0aed0d5832e76d20f2ea560293955214cb182553 by Sergey Poznyakoff

Minor fixes

* libproto/mailer/smtp.c: fix indentation
1 parent 496bdf72
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ static struct _mu_record _smtp_record = {
NULL, /* _get_mailer method. */
NULL /* _get_folder method. */
/* We export : url parsing and the initialisation of
the mailbox, via the register entry/record. */
mu_record_t mu_smtp_record = &_smtp_record;
......@@ -163,19 +164,20 @@ typedef struct _smtp *smtp_t;
#define AUTH_GSSAPI 0x00000010
#define AUTH_EXTERNAL 0x00000020
struct auth_mech_record {
struct auth_mech_record
unsigned long id;
char *name;
static struct auth_mech_record auth_mech_list[] = {
{ AUTH_LOGIN, "login" },
{ AUTH_PLAIN, "plain" },
{ AUTH_CRAM_MD5, "cram-md5" },
{ AUTH_DIGEST_MD5, "digest-md5" },
{ AUTH_GSSAPI, "gssapi" },
{ AUTH_EXTERNAL, "external" },
{ 0, NULL },
{AUTH_LOGIN, "login"},
{AUTH_PLAIN, "plain"},
{AUTH_CRAM_MD5, "cram-md5"},
{AUTH_DIGEST_MD5, "digest-md5"},
{AUTH_GSSAPI, "gssapi"},
{AUTH_EXTERNAL, "external"},
{0, NULL},
static void smtp_destroy (mu_mailer_t);
......@@ -238,7 +240,8 @@ CLEAR_STATE (smtp_t smtp)
as that which is ongoing. Check this. */
static int
smtp_check_send_resumption (smtp_t smtp,
mu_message_t msg, mu_address_t from, mu_address_t to)
mu_message_t msg, mu_address_t from,
mu_address_t to)
if (smtp->state == SMTP_NO_STATE)
return 0;
......@@ -324,6 +327,7 @@ _mailer_smtp_init (mu_mailer_t mailer)
/* Set our properties. */
mu_property_t property = NULL;
mu_mailer_get_property (mailer, &property);
mu_property_set_value (property, "TYPE", "SMTP", 1);
......@@ -429,8 +433,7 @@ smtp_open (mu_mailer_t mailer, int flags)
MU_DEBUG2 (mailer->debug, MU_DEBUG_PROT,
"smtp_open (host: %s port: %ld)\n",
smtp->mailhost, port);
"smtp_open (host: %s port: %ld)\n", smtp->mailhost, port);
status = mu_stream_open (mailer->stream);
CHECK_EAGAIN (smtp, status);
smtp->state = SMTP_GREETINGS;
......@@ -446,7 +449,7 @@ smtp_open (mu_mailer_t mailer, int flags)
return EACCES;
status = smtp_writeline (smtp, "EHLO %s\r\n", smtp->localhost);
CHECK_ERROR (smtp, status);
......@@ -475,7 +478,8 @@ ehlo:
if (smtp->capa & CAPA_STARTTLS)
smtp->state = SMTP_STARTTLS;
else if (smtp->capa & CAPA_AUTH && mailer->url->user) {
else if (smtp->capa & CAPA_AUTH && mailer->url->user)
smtp->state = SMTP_AUTH;
......@@ -484,14 +488,16 @@ ehlo:
if (smtp->capa & CAPA_STARTTLS) {
if (smtp->capa & CAPA_STARTTLS)
smtp_starttls (smtp);
goto ehlo;
if (smtp->capa & CAPA_AUTH) {
if (smtp->capa & CAPA_AUTH)
smtp_auth (smtp);
......@@ -532,6 +538,7 @@ smtp_close (mu_mailer_t mailer)
smtp_t smtp = mailer->data;
int status;
switch (smtp->state)
......@@ -565,6 +572,7 @@ smtp_reader (void *iodata)
int status = 0;
smtp_t iop = iodata;
status = smtp_read_ack (iop);
CHECK_EAGAIN (iop, status);
return status;
......@@ -575,6 +583,7 @@ smtp_writer (void *iodata, char *buf)
smtp_t iop = iodata;
int status;
if (mu_c_strncasecmp (buf, "EHLO", 4) == 0)
status = smtp_writeline (iop, "%s %s\r\n", buf, iop->localhost);
......@@ -586,9 +595,10 @@ smtp_writer (void *iodata, char *buf)
static void
smtp_stream_ctl (void *iodata, mu_stream_t *pold, mu_stream_t new)
smtp_stream_ctl (void *iodata, mu_stream_t * pold, mu_stream_t new)
smtp_t iop = iodata;
if (pold)
*pold = iop->mailer->stream;
if (new)
......@@ -642,7 +652,7 @@ cram_md5 (char *secret, char *challenge, unsigned char *digest)
if (secret_len > 64)
mu_md5_init_ctx (&context);
mu_md5_process_bytes ((unsigned char *)secret, secret_len, &context);
mu_md5_process_bytes ((unsigned char *) secret, secret_len, &context);
mu_md5_finish_ctx (&context, ipad);
mu_md5_finish_ctx (&context, opad);
......@@ -660,7 +670,7 @@ cram_md5 (char *secret, char *challenge, unsigned char *digest)
mu_md5_init_ctx (&context);
mu_md5_process_bytes (ipad, sizeof (ipad), &context);
mu_md5_process_bytes ((unsigned char *)challenge, challenge_len, &context);
mu_md5_process_bytes ((unsigned char *) challenge, challenge_len, &context);
mu_md5_finish_ctx (&context, digest);
mu_md5_init_ctx (&context);
......@@ -725,6 +735,7 @@ smtp_auth (smtp_t smtp)
unsigned char *b64buf = NULL;
unsigned char digest[16];
static char ascii_digest[33];
memset (digest, 0, 16);
status = mu_url_sget_user (mailer->url, &user);
......@@ -757,7 +768,7 @@ smtp_auth (smtp_t smtp)
mu_rtrim_cset (p, "\r\n");
mu_base64_decode (p, strlen (p), &chl, &chlen);
cram_md5 ((char *)mu_secret_password (secret), chl, digest);
cram_md5 ((char *) mu_secret_password (secret), chl, digest);
mu_secret_password_unref (secret);
free (chl);
......@@ -825,7 +836,8 @@ smtp_auth (smtp_t smtp)
static int
message_set_header_value (mu_message_t msg, const char *field, const char *value)
message_set_header_value (mu_message_t msg, const char *field,
const char *value)
int status = 0;
mu_header_t hdr = NULL;
......@@ -895,8 +907,8 @@ The correct algorithm is
static int
smtp_send_message (mu_mailer_t mailer, mu_message_t argmsg, mu_address_t argfrom,
mu_address_t argto)
smtp_send_message (mu_mailer_t mailer, mu_message_t argmsg,
mu_address_t argfrom, mu_address_t argto)
smtp_t smtp = NULL;
int status;
......@@ -1168,7 +1180,7 @@ smtp_send_message (mu_mailer_t mailer, mu_message_t argmsg, mu_address_t argfrom
smtp_address_add (mu_address_t *paddr, const char *value)
smtp_address_add (mu_address_t * paddr, const char *value)
mu_address_t addr = NULL;
int status;
......@@ -1300,6 +1312,7 @@ smtp_writeline (smtp_t smtp, const char *format, ...)
char *buffer = NULL;
size_t buflen = smtp->buflen * 2;
buffer = realloc (smtp->buffer, buflen);
if (smtp->buffer == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
......@@ -1333,6 +1346,7 @@ smtp_write (smtp_t smtp)
int status = 0;
size_t len;
if (smtp->ptr > smtp->buffer)
len = smtp->ptr - smtp->buffer;
......@@ -1386,7 +1400,8 @@ smtp_parse_ehlo_ack (smtp_t smtp)
status = smtp_readline (smtp);
if ((smtp->ptr - smtp->buffer) > 4 && smtp->buffer[3] == '-')
multi = 1;
if (status == 0) {
if (status == 0)
smtp->ptr = smtp->buffer;
if (!mu_c_strncasecmp (smtp->buffer, "250-STARTTLS", 12))
......@@ -1398,6 +1413,7 @@ smtp_parse_ehlo_ack (smtp_t smtp)
char *p;
size_t n = strtoul (smtp->buffer + 9, &p, 10);
if (*p != '\n')
MU_DEBUG1 (smtp->mailer->debug, MU_DEBUG_ERROR,
"suspicious size declaration: %s",
......@@ -1409,12 +1425,14 @@ smtp_parse_ehlo_ack (smtp_t smtp)
else if (!mu_c_strncasecmp (smtp->buffer, "250-AUTH", 8))
char *name, *s;
smtp->capa |= CAPA_AUTH;
for (name = strtok_r (smtp->buffer + 8, " ", &s); name;
name = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &s))
struct auth_mech_record *mechs = auth_mech_list;
for (; mechs->name; mechs++)
mu_rtrim_cset (name, "\r\n");