Commit 37529525 375295258b89c0752e1ab778f9f500c2b8c3dd88 by Sergey Poznyakoff

New function. Implements extension format function 'unre': remove

leading whitespace and eventual 're:' prefix from the subject header line.
1 parent b2f14e9b
......@@ -1570,6 +1570,49 @@ builtin_putaddr (struct mh_machine *mach)
print_obj (mach, mach->reg_num, &mach->reg_str);
/* GNU extension: Strip leading whitespace and eventual Re: (or Re\[[0-9]+\]:)
prefix from the argument */
static void
builtin_unre (struct mh_machine *mach)
char *start, *p;
for (p = strobj_ptr (&mach->arg_str); *p; p++)
if (!isspace (*p))
start = p;
if (strncasecmp (p, "re", 2) == 0)
if (p[2] == ':')
p += 3;
else if (p[2] == '[')
for (p += 3; *p; p++)
if (*p == ']' || !isdigit (*p))
if (*p == ']' && p[1] == ':')
p += 2;
p = start;
p = start;
if (p != strobj_ptr (&mach->arg_str))
for (; *p && isspace (*p); p++)
p = strdup (p);
strobj_free (&mach->arg_str);
strobj_create (&mach->arg_str, p);
free (p);
/* Builtin function table */
mh_builtin_t builtin_tab[] = {
......@@ -1645,6 +1688,7 @@ mh_builtin_t builtin_tab[] = {
{ "gname", builtin_gname, mhtype_str, mhtype_str},
{ "formataddr", builtin_formataddr, mhtype_none, mhtype_str, 1 },
{ "putaddr", builtin_putaddr, mhtype_none, mhtype_str },
{ "unre", builtin_unre, mhtype_str, mhtype_str },
{ 0 }