Commit 42a59a2f 42a59a2fb37dd5f7b01e2d1d08405163d17c10ab by Sergey Poznyakoff

(build_mime): Split into three smaller

functions, each for its own task.
Add Content-Type,Content-Transfer-Encoding headers to the
DSN. Proposed by Kostas Zorbadelos.
1 parent ccc5e5a2
......@@ -132,105 +132,128 @@ mu_sieve_get_message_sender (mu_message_t msg, char **ptext)
return rc;
static void
mime_create_reason (mu_mime_t mime, mu_message_t msg, const char *text)
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t stream;
time_t t;
struct tm *tm;
char *sender;
size_t off = 0;
mu_body_t body;
mu_header_t hdr;
char datestr[80];
static char *content_header = "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=" MU_SIEVE_CHARSET "\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &stream);
time (&t);
tm = localtime (&t);
strftime (datestr, sizeof datestr, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z", tm);
mu_sieve_get_message_sender (msg, &sender);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"\nThe original message was received at %s from %s.\n",
datestr, sender);
free (sender);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"Message was refused by recipient's mail filtering program.\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Reason given was as follows:\n\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "%s", text);
mu_stream_close (stream);
mu_header_create (&hdr, content_header, strlen (content_header), newmsg);
mu_message_set_header (newmsg, hdr, NULL);
mu_mime_add_part (mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
static void
mime_create_ds (mu_mime_t mime)
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t stream;
mu_header_t hdr;
size_t off = 0;
mu_body_t body;
char *email;
char datestr[80];
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_header (newmsg, &hdr);
mu_header_set_value (hdr, "Content-Type", "message/delivery-status", 1);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &stream);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Reporting-UA: sieve; %s\n", PACKAGE_STRING);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Arrival-Date: %s\n", datestr);
email = mu_get_user_email (NULL);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Final-Recipient: RFC822; %s\n",
email ? email : "unknown");
free (email);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Action: deleted\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically;deleted\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Last-Attempt-Date: %s\n", datestr);
mu_stream_close (stream);
mu_mime_add_part(mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
/* Quote original message */
static int
mime_create_quote (mu_mime_t mime, mu_message_t msg)
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t istream, ostream;
mu_header_t hdr;
size_t ioff = 0, ooff = 0, n;
char buffer[512];
mu_body_t body;
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_header (newmsg, &hdr);
mu_header_set_value (hdr, "Content-Type", "message/rfc822", 1);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &ostream);
mu_message_get_stream (msg, &istream);
while (mu_stream_read (istream, buffer, sizeof buffer - 1, ioff, &n) == 0
&& n != 0)
size_t sz;
mu_stream_write (ostream, buffer, n, ooff, &sz);
if (sz != n)
return EIO;
ooff += n;
ioff += n;
mu_stream_close (ostream);
mu_mime_add_part (mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
return 0;
static int
build_mime (mu_mime_t *pmime, mu_message_t msg, const char *text)
mu_mime_t mime = NULL;
char datestr[80];
int status;
mu_mime_create (&mime, NULL, 0);
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t stream;
time_t t;
struct tm *tm;
char *sender;
size_t off = 0;
mu_body_t body;
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &stream);
time (&t);
tm = localtime (&t);
strftime (datestr, sizeof datestr, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z", tm);
mu_sieve_get_message_sender (msg, &sender);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"\nThe original message was received at %s from %s.\n",
datestr, sender);
free (sender);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"Message was refused by recipient's mail filtering program.\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Reason given was as follows:\n\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "%s", text);
mu_stream_close (stream);
mu_mime_add_part (mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
/* message/delivery-status */
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t stream;
mu_header_t hdr;
size_t off = 0;
mu_body_t body;
char *email;
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_header (newmsg, &hdr);
mu_header_set_value (hdr, "Content-Type", "message/delivery-status", 1);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &stream);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Reporting-UA: sieve; %s\n", PACKAGE_STRING);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Arrival-Date: %s\n", datestr);
email = mu_get_user_email (NULL);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Final-Recipient: RFC822; %s\n",
email ? email : "unknown");
free (email);
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Action: deleted\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off,
"Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically;deleted\n");
mu_stream_printf (stream, &off, "Last-Attempt-Date: %s\n", datestr);
mu_stream_close (stream);
mu_mime_add_part(mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
/* Quote original message */
mu_message_t newmsg;
mu_stream_t istream, ostream;
mu_header_t hdr;
size_t ioff = 0, ooff = 0, n;
char buffer[512];
mu_body_t body;
mu_message_create (&newmsg, NULL);
mu_message_get_header (newmsg, &hdr);
mu_header_set_value (hdr, "Content-Type", "message/rfc822", 1);
mu_message_get_body (newmsg, &body);
mu_body_get_stream (body, &ostream);
mu_message_get_stream (msg, &istream);
mime_create_reason (mime, msg, text);
mime_create_ds (mime);
status = mime_create_quote (mime, msg);
if (status)
mu_mime_destroy (&mime);
return status;
while (mu_stream_read (istream, buffer, sizeof buffer - 1, ioff, &n) == 0
&& n != 0)
size_t sz;
mu_stream_write (ostream, buffer, n, ooff, &sz);
if (sz != n)
return EIO;
ooff += n;
ioff += n;
mu_stream_close (ostream);
mu_mime_add_part (mime, newmsg);
mu_message_unref (newmsg);
*pmime = mime;
return 0;