Commit 59c6ecdc 59c6ecdc410336c82e15af70242c5cb532176a24 by Sergey Poznyakoff

Minor changes. The screen is 80x24!

1 parent 57386437
......@@ -50,60 +50,101 @@ extern int mu_nntp_stls (mu_nntp_t nntp);
extern int mu_nntp_mode_reader (mu_nntp_t nntp);
/* An iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsability of
the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
/* An iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsibility
of the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_list_extensions (mu_nntp_t nntp, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_quit (mu_nntp_t nntp);
/* The argument name is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_group (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *group, unsigned long *total, unsigned long *first,
/* The argument name is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_group (mu_nntp_t nntp,
const char *group,
unsigned long *total,
unsigned long *first,
unsigned long *last, char **name);
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_last (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long *number, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_next (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long *number, char **mid);
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The caller must call stream_destoy() when done, no other commands are permitted until the stream is destroyed. */
extern int mu_nntp_article (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_article_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_head (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_head_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *name, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_body (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_body_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid, stream_t *stream);
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_stat (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_stat_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id, unsigned long *pnum, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_date (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned int *year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day,
unsigned int *hour, unsigned int *minute, unsigned int *second);
/* The caller must call stream_destoy() when done, no other commands are permitted until the stream is destroyed. */
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_last (mu_nntp_t nntp,
unsigned long *number, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_next (mu_nntp_t nntp,
unsigned long *number, char **mid);
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3). The caller must call stream_destoy() when done, no
other commands are permitted until the stream is destroyed. */
extern int mu_nntp_article (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_article_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_head (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_head_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *name,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_body (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
extern int mu_nntp_body_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid,
stream_t *stream);
/* The argument mid is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3) */
extern int mu_nntp_stat (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned long number,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_stat_id (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *id,
unsigned long *pnum, char **mid);
extern int mu_nntp_date (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned int *year,
unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day,
unsigned int *hour, unsigned int *minute,
unsigned int *second);
/* The caller must call stream_destoy() when done, no other commands are
permitted until the stream is destroyed. */
extern int mu_nntp_help (mu_nntp_t nntp, stream_t *stream);
/* An iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsability of
the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_newgroups (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day,
unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int second, int is_gmt, iterator_t *iterator);
/* A iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsability of
the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_newnews (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day,
unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int second, int is_gmt, iterator_t *iterator);
/* An iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsibility
of the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_newgroups (mu_nntp_t nntp, unsigned int year,
unsigned int month, unsigned int day,
unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute,
unsigned int second, int is_gmt,
iterator_t *iterator);
/* A iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsibility
of the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_newnews (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat,
unsigned int year, unsigned int month,
unsigned int day, unsigned int hour,
unsigned int minute, unsigned int second,
int is_gmt, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_post (mu_nntp_t nntp, stream_t stream);
extern int mu_nntp_ihave (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *mid, stream_t stream);
/* A iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsability of
the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_list_active (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_active_times (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_distributions (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_ihave (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *mid,
stream_t stream);
/* A iterator is return with the multi-line answer. It is the responsibility
of the caller to call iterator_destroy() to dispose of the iterator. */
extern int mu_nntp_list_active (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat,
iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_active_times (mu_nntp_t nntp,
const char *wildmat,
iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_distributions (mu_nntp_t nntp,
const char *wildmat,
iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_distrib_pats (mu_nntp_t nntp, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_newsgroups (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, iterator_t *iterator);
extern int mu_nntp_list_newsgroups (mu_nntp_t nntp,
const char *wildmat,
iterator_t *iterator);
/* Parse the list active response.
......@@ -116,50 +157,74 @@ extern int mu_nntp_list_newsgroups (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *wildmat, ite
'm': posting is not permitted
'm': postings will be moderated
The argument group is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The argument group is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3).
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_active (const char *buffer, char **group, unsigned long *high, unsigned long *low, char *status);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_newgroups (const char *buffer, char **group, unsigned long *high, unsigned long *low, char *status);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_active (const char *buffer, char **group,
unsigned long *high, unsigned long *low,
char *status);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_newgroups (const char *buffer, char **group,
unsigned long *high, unsigned long *low,
char *status);
/* Parse the list active.times response.
"group time creator"
group: is the name of the group
time: measure in seconds since Jan 1 1970
creator: entity taht created the newsgroup
The argument group/creator is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The argument group/creator is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is
responsible to call free(3).
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_active_times (const char *buffer, char **group, unsigned long *time, char **creator);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_active_times (const char *buffer, char **group,
unsigned long *time,
char **creator);
/* Parse the list distributions response.
"key value"
key: field key.
value: short explaination of key
The argument key/value is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The argument key/value is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsible
to call free(3).
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_distributions (const char *buffer, char **key, char **value);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_distributions (const char *buffer,
char **key, char **value);
/* Parse the list distributions response.
The argument wildmat/distrib is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The argument wildmat/distrib is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is
responsible to call free(3).
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_distrib_pats (const char *buffer, unsigned long *weight, char **wildmat, char **distrib);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_distrib_pats (const char *buffer,
unsigned long *weight,
char **wildmat, char **distrib);
/* Parse the list distributions response.
"group description"
The argument group/description is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is responsable to call free(3).
The argument group/description is allocated with malloc(3). The caller is
responsible to call free(3).
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_newsgroups (const char *buffer, char **group, char **description);
extern int mu_nntp_parse_list_newsgroups (const char *buffer, char **group,
char **description);
/* Reads the multi-line response of the server, nread will be 0 when the termination octets
are detected. Clients should not use this function unless they are sending direct command. */
extern int mu_nntp_readline (mu_nntp_t nntp, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *nread);
/* Reads the multi-line response of the server, nread will be 0 when the
termination octets are detected. Clients should not use this function
unless they are sending a direct command. */
extern int mu_nntp_readline (mu_nntp_t nntp, char *buffer,
size_t buflen, size_t *nread);
/* Returns the last command acknowledge. If the server supports RESP-CODE, the message
could be retrieve, but it is up the caller to do the parsing. */
extern int mu_nntp_response (mu_nntp_t nntp, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *nread);
/* Returns the last command acknowledge. If the server supports RESP-CODE,
the message could be retrieved, but it is up the caller to do the parsing.
extern int mu_nntp_response (mu_nntp_t nntp, char *buffer,
size_t buflen, size_t *nread);
/* pop3_writeline copies the line in the internal buffer, a mu_pop3_send() is
needed to do the actual transmission. */
......@@ -174,6 +239,8 @@ extern int mu_nntp_sendline (mu_nntp_t nntp, const char *line);
/* Transmit via the carrier the internal buffer data. */
extern int mu_nntp_send (mu_nntp_t nntp);
extern int mu_nntp_response_code (mu_nntp_t nntp);
#ifdef __cplusplus