Commit 97c62c33 97c62c3306780d1e1f1a0ef57791a1a6534e8d22 by Alain Magloire


	minor buf fixing.
nntpclient.c :
	adusted to the new API
1 parent 16056b55
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <termios.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <readline/readline.h>
......@@ -57,23 +58,31 @@ COMMAND;
/* The names of functions that actually do the manipulation. */
int com_article (char *);
int com_body (char *);
int com_connect (char *);
int com_date (char *);
int com_disconnect (char *);
int com_exit (char *);
int com_group (char *);
int com_head (char *);
int com_help (char *);
int com_ihave (char *);
int com_info (char *);
int com_last (char *);
int com_list (char *);
int com_list_active (char *);
int com_list_active_times (char *);
int com_list_distributions (char *);
int com_list_distribpats (char *);
int com_list_extensions (char *);
int com_list_newsgoups (char *);
int com_mode (char *);
int com_mode_reader (char *);
int com_newgroups (char *);
int com_newnews (char *);
int com_next (char *);
int com_post (char *);
int com_quit (char *);
int com_mode_reader (char *);
int com_exit (char *);
int com_help (char *);
int com_stat (char *);
int com_connect (char *);
int com_disconnect (char *);
int com_verbose (char *);
void initialize_readline (void);
......@@ -86,28 +95,27 @@ int valid_argument (const char *, char *);
void sig_int (int);
COMMAND commands[] = {
{"mode reader", com_mode_reader, "Set mode reader: MODE READER"},
{"list extensions", com_list_extensions, "List extensions: LIST EXTENSIONS"},
{"quit", com_quit, "Terminate the session: QUIT"},
{"group", com_group, "Select a group: GROUP group"},
{"next", com_next, "Set current to the next article: NEXT"},
{"last", com_last, "Set current to the previous article: LAST"},
{"article", com_article, "Retrieve an article: ARTICLE [message_id|number]"},
{"header", com_head, "Retrieve the head of an article: HEAD [message_id|number]"},
{"body", com_body, "Retrieve the body of an article: BODY [message_id|number]"},
{"date", com_date, "Server date: DATE"},
{"stat", com_stat, "Check the status of an article : STAT [message_id|number]"},
{"connect", com_connect, "Open connection: connect hostname [port]"},
{"date", com_date, "Server date: DATE"},
{"disconnect", com_disconnect, "Close connection: disconnect"},
{"verbose", com_verbose, "Enable Protocol tracing: verbose [on|off]"},
{"exit", com_exit, "exit program"},
{"help", com_help, "Display this text"},
{"?", com_help, "Synonym for `help'"},
{"group", com_group, "Select a group: GROUP group"},
{"head", com_head, "Retrieve the head of an article: HEAD [message_id|number]"},
{"help", com_help, "Ask the server for info: HELP"},
{"ihave", com_ihave, "Transfer an article to the server : IHAVE <<enter the article, finish with a '.' or ctrl-D>>"},
{"last", com_last, "Set current to the previous article: LAST"},
{"mode", com_mode, "Set mode reader: MODE READER"},
{"newgroups", com_newgroups, "Ask for new groups : NEWGROUPS [yyyymmdd hhmmss [GMT]]"},
{"newnews", com_newnews, "Ask for new news : NEWNEWS wildmat [yyyymmdd hhmmss]"},
{"next", com_next, "Set current to the next article: NEXT"},
{"post", com_post, "Post an article to the server : POST <<enter the article, finish with a '.' or ctrl-D>>"},
{"quit", com_quit, "Terminate the session: QUIT"},
{"stat", com_stat, "Check the status of an article : STAT [message_id|number]"},
{"verbose", com_verbose, "Enable Protocol tracing: verbose {on|off}"},
{"?", com_info, "Dysplay this help"},
......@@ -365,7 +373,7 @@ com_verbose (char *arg)
verbose = (strcmp (arg, "on") == 0);
if (nntp != NULL)
if (verbose == 1)
if (verbose)
mu_debug_t debug;
mu_debug_create (&debug, NULL);
......@@ -380,6 +388,15 @@ com_verbose (char *arg)
return status;
int com_mode (char *arg)
if (!valid_argument("mode", arg))
return EINVAL;
if (strncasecmp (arg, "READER", 6) == 0)
return com_mode_reader (arg);
return EINVAL;
com_mode_reader (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
......@@ -455,11 +472,11 @@ com_article (char *arg)
return EINVAL;
if ((arg == NULL || *arg == '\0') || (arg != NULL && *arg == '<'))
status = mu_nntp_body_id (nntp, arg, NULL, NULL, &stream);
status = mu_nntp_article_id (nntp, arg, NULL, NULL, &stream);
unsigned long number = strtoul (arg, NULL, 10);
status = mu_nntp_body (nntp, number, NULL, NULL, &stream);
status = mu_nntp_article (nntp, number, NULL, NULL, &stream);
if (status == 0 && stream != NULL)
......@@ -490,6 +507,59 @@ com_group (char *arg)
return status;
int com_list (char *arg)
int status = EINVAL;
char *keyword = NULL;
if (arg != NULL)
char *p = strchr (arg, ' ');
if (p)
*p++ = '\0';
keyword = arg;
arg = p;
keyword = arg;
keyword = arg;
if (keyword == NULL || *keyword == '\0')
status = com_list_active (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "ACTIVE.TIMES", 12) == 0)
status = com_list_active_times (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "ACTIVE", 6) == 0)
status = com_list_active (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "EXTENSIONS", 10) == 0)
status = com_list_extensions (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "DISTRIBUTIONS", 13) == 0)
status = com_list_distributions (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "DISTRIB.PATS", 12) == 0)
status = com_list_distrib_pats (arg);
else if (strncasecmp (keyword, "NEWSGROUPS", 10) == 0)
status = com_list_newsgroups (arg);
return status;
com_list_extensions (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
......@@ -500,12 +570,13 @@ com_list_extensions (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("List Extension:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *extension = NULL;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &extension);
printf ("Extension: %s\n", (extension) ? extension : "");
printf (" %s\n", extension);
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
......@@ -513,7 +584,206 @@ com_list_extensions (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
return status;
int com_last (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
com_list_active (char *arg)
list_t list = NULL;
int status = mu_nntp_list_active (nntp, arg, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("List Active:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
char *group = NULL;
unsigned long high;
unsigned long low;
char stat;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_list_active (buffer, &group, &high, &low, &stat);
if (group)
printf (" group(%s)", group);
free (group);
printf (" high(%ld) low(%ld) status(%c)\n", high, low, stat);
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_list_active_times (char *arg)
list_t list = NULL;
int status = mu_nntp_list_active_times (nntp, arg, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("List Active.Times:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
char *group = NULL;
char *creator = NULL;
unsigned long time = 0;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_list_active_times (buffer, &group, &time, &creator);
if (group)
printf (" group(%s)", group);
free (group);
if (time)
char *p = ctime((time_t *)&time);
char *buf = strdup (p);
p = strchr (buf, '\n');
if (p)
buf[p - buf] = '\0';
printf (" times(%s)", buf);
free (buf);
if (creator)
printf (" creator(%s)", creator);
free (creator);
printf ("\n");
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_list_distributions (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
list_t list = NULL;
int status = mu_nntp_list_distributions (nntp, arg, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("List Distributions:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
char *value = NULL;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_list_distributions (buffer, &key, &value);
if (key)
printf (" %s", key);
free (key);
if (value)
printf (": %s", value);
free (value);
printf ("\n");
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_list_distrib_pats (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
list_t list = NULL;
int status = mu_nntp_list_distrib_pats (nntp, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("List Distrib Pats:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
unsigned long weight = 0;
char *wildmat = NULL;
char *distrib = NULL;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_list_distrib_pats (buffer, &weight, &wildmat, &distrib);
printf (" weight(%ld)", weight);
if (wildmat)
printf (":%s", wildmat);
free (wildmat);
if (distrib)
printf (":%s", distrib);
free (distrib);
printf ("\n");
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_list_newsgroups (char *arg)
list_t list = NULL;
int status = mu_nntp_list_newsgroups (nntp, arg, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("Newsgroups:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
char *group = NULL;
char *desc = NULL;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_list_newsgroups (buffer, &group, &desc);
if (group)
printf (" %s", group);
free (group);
if (desc)
printf (":%s", desc);
free (desc);
printf ("\n");
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_last (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
char *mid = NULL;
unsigned long number = 0;
......@@ -527,7 +797,8 @@ int com_last (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
return status;
int com_next (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
com_next (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
char *mid = NULL;
unsigned long number = 0;
......@@ -542,6 +813,114 @@ int com_next (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
com_newgroups (char *arg)
list_t list = NULL;
struct tm stime;
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, is_gmt;
year = month = day = hour = min = sec = is_gmt = 0;
if (arg != NULL && *arg != '\0')
char gmt[4];
memset (gmt, 0, 4);
sscanf (arg, "%4d%2d%2d %2d%2d%2d %3s", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, gmt);
is_gmt = strncasecmp ("GMT", gmt, 3) == 0;
/* If nothing defined take the current time. */
if (year == 0)
time_t now = time (NULL);
struct tm *stime = localtime (&now);
sec = stime->tm_sec; /* seconds */
min = stime->tm_min; /* minutes */
hour = stime->tm_hour; /* hours */
day = stime->tm_mday; /* day of the month */
month = stime->tm_mon; /* month */
year = stime->tm_year + 1900; /* year */
int status = mu_nntp_newgroups (nntp, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, is_gmt, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("New Groups:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *buffer = NULL;
char *group = NULL;
unsigned long high = 0;
unsigned long low = 0;
char stat = 0;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &buffer);
mu_nntp_parse_newgroups (buffer, &group, &high, &low, &stat);
if (group)
printf (" group(%s)", group);
free (group);
printf (" hig(%d) low(%d) status(%c)\n", high, low, stat);
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_newnews (char *arg)
list_t list = NULL;
struct tm stime;
char *wildmat;
char gmt[4];
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, is_gmt;
if (!valid_argument ("newnews", arg))
return EINVAL;
year = month = day = hour = min = sec = is_gmt = 0;
memset (gmt, 0, 4);
wildmat = calloc (1, 512);
sscanf (arg, "%511s %4d%2d%2d %2d%2d%2d %3s", wildmat, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, gmt);
is_gmt = strncasecmp ("GMT", gmt, 3) == 0;
if (year == 0)
time_t now = time (NULL);
struct tm *stime = localtime (&now);
sec = stime->tm_sec; /* seconds */
min = stime->tm_min; /* minutes */
hour = stime->tm_hour; /* hours */
day = stime->tm_mday; /* day of the month */
month = stime->tm_mon; /* month */
year = stime->tm_year + 1900; /* year */
int status = mu_nntp_newnews (nntp, wildmat, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, is_gmt, &list);
if (status == 0)
iterator_t iterator = NULL;
list_get_iterator (list, &iterator);
printf ("New News:\n");
for (iterator_first (iterator);
!iterator_is_done (iterator); iterator_next (iterator))
char *mid = NULL;
iterator_current (iterator, (void **) &mid);
printf (" %s\n", mid);
iterator_destroy (&iterator);
list_destroy (&list);
return status;
com_stat (char *arg)
char *mid = NULL;
......@@ -567,7 +946,8 @@ com_stat (char *arg)
return status;
int com_date (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
com_date (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
unsigned int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
int status;
......@@ -575,7 +955,39 @@ int com_date (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
status = mu_nntp_date (nntp, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec);
if (status == 0)
fprintf (stdout, "%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
fprintf (stdout, "date: year(%d) month(%d) day(%d) hour(%d) min(%d) sec(%d)\n", year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
return status;
com_post (char *arg)
fprintf (stderr, "Not implemented\n");
return 0;
com_ihave (char *arg)
fprintf (stderr, "Not implemented\n");
return 0;
com_help (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
stream_t stream = NULL;
int status;
status = mu_nntp_help (nntp, &stream);
if (status == 0 && stream != NULL)
size_t n = 0;
char buf[128];
while ((stream_readline (stream, buf, sizeof buf, 0, &n) == 0) && n)
printf ("%s", buf);
stream_destroy (&stream, NULL);
return status;
......@@ -583,7 +995,7 @@ int com_date (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
/* Print out help for ARG, or for all of the commands if ARG is
not present. */
com_help (char *arg)
com_info (char *arg)
int i;
int printed = 0;
......@@ -624,11 +1036,16 @@ int
com_connect (char *arg)
char host[256];
int port = 110;
int port = 119;
int status;
if (!valid_argument ("connect", arg))
return 1;
*host = '\0';
/* Try with the environment. */
if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
arg = getenv ("NNTPSERVER");
if (!valid_argument ("connect", arg))
return EINVAL;
sscanf (arg, "%256s %d", host, &port);
if (!valid_argument ("connect", host))
return EINVAL;
......@@ -640,7 +1057,7 @@ com_connect (char *arg)
stream_t tcp;
if (verbose)
com_verbose ("verbose on");
com_verbose ("on");
status =
tcp_stream_create (&tcp, host, port,
......@@ -662,7 +1079,7 @@ com_connect (char *arg)
com_disconnect (char *arg)
com_disconnect (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
(void) arg;
if (nntp)
......@@ -677,11 +1094,12 @@ com_disconnect (char *arg)
com_quit (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
int status = 0;
if (nntp)
if (mu_nntp_quit (nntp) == 0)
mu_nntp_disconnect (nntp);
status = com_disconnect (arg);
......@@ -690,7 +1108,7 @@ com_quit (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
fprintf (stdout, "Try 'exit' to leave %s\n", progname);
return 0;
return status;
......@@ -710,7 +1128,7 @@ com_exit (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
valid_argument (const char *caller, char *arg)
if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0' || strchr (arg, ' ') != NULL)
if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Argument required.\n", caller);
return 0;
......@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ com_connect (char *arg)
stream_t tcp;
if (verbose)
com_verbose ("verbose on");
com_verbose ("on");
status =
tcp_stream_create (&tcp, host, port,
......@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ com_connect (char *arg)
com_disconnect (char *arg)
com_disconnect (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
(void) arg;
if (pop3)
......@@ -718,11 +718,12 @@ com_disconnect (char *arg)
com_quit (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
int status = 0;
if (pop3)
if (mu_pop3_quit (pop3) == 0)
mu_pop3_disconnect (pop3);
status = com_disconnect (arg);
......@@ -731,7 +732,7 @@ com_quit (char *arg ARG_UNUSED)
fprintf (stdout, "Try 'exit' to leave %s\n", progname);
return 0;
return status;