Commit e2e6fa5e e2e6fa5e54eb3a365aa968ec4e3c83ff55d9be85 by Sergey Poznyakoff

(_mime_parse_mpart_message): The CRLF preceding the encapsulation line is concep…

…tually attached to the boundary.
1 parent 6ace2b21
......@@ -325,8 +325,6 @@ _mime_parse_mpart_message (mu_mime_t mime)
cp2 =
mime->cur_line[0] ==
'\n' ? mime->cur_line + 1 : mime->cur_line;
if (mime->header_length)
if (mime->line_ndx >= blength)
if ((!strncasecmp (cp2, "--", 2)
......@@ -338,10 +336,19 @@ _mime_parse_mpart_message (mu_mime_t mime)
mime->flags &= ~MIME_PARSER_HAVE_CR;
mb_length = mime->cur_offset -
mb_offset - mime->line_ndx;
if (mb_lines > 1)
if (mime->header_length)
/* this skips the preamble */
/* RFC 1521 [Page 30]:
NOTE: The CRLF preceding the encapsulation line
is conceptually attached to the boundary so
that it is possible to have a part that does
not end with a CRLF (line break). Body parts
that must be considered to end with line
breaks, therefore, must have two CRLFs
preceding the encapsulation line, the first
of which is part of the preceding body part,
and the second of which is part of the
encapsulation boundary. */
_mime_append_part (mime, NULL,
mb_offset, mb_length,
mb_lines - 1);
......@@ -360,6 +367,9 @@ _mime_parse_mpart_message (mu_mime_t mime)
else if (mime->header_length)
mime->line_ndx = 0;
mime->cur_line[0] = *cp; /* stay in this state but
leave '\n' at begining */