Commit f36d1f9e f36d1f9eca376baba1611a7c4bfa79991731e219 by Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

removed command.{c,h} -- absorbed into main.c

added a TODO file for imap
cleaned up to match
broke lots of things in main.c
1 parent f0fbfc6c
1999-10-12 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <>
* made sure that the imap4 was REALLY broken
1999-10-11 Jeff Bailey <>
* imap4d/ New file
......@@ -4,24 +4,20 @@ CPPFLAGS = -Wall -pedantic -ansi
sbin_PROGRAMS = imap4d
imap4d_SOURCES = capability.c \
command.c \
login.c \
logout.c \
main.c \
noop.c \
imap4d_LDADD = ../libmailbox/ \
../lib/libmailutils.a \
noinst_HEADERS = capability.h \
command.h \
imap.h \
imap_commands.h \
imap_types.h \
login.h \
logout.h \
noop.h \
- finish command retrieval restructuring
- see how many globals I can kill
- make it compile
- make it work
- use libmailbox and friends
- testing
- testing
- testing
- optimize
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "command.h"
Command* parse_command(char *string) {
size_t len, tmp;
Command *command;
if( string == NULL )
return NULL;
command = malloc(sizeof(Command));
memset(command, '\0', sizeof(Command));
len = strcspn(string, " ");
if( len > 0 ) {
tmp = strcspn(string, "\r\n");
string[tmp] = '\0';
strncpy(command->tag, string, len > 15 ? 15 : len);
} else {
strcpy(command->tag, "gibberish");
return command;
tmp = len;
++tmp; /* skip space char */
len = strcspn(string + tmp, " ");
if( len > 0 )
strncpy(command->cmd, string + tmp, len > 15 ? 15 : len);
else {
strcpy(command->cmd, "gibberish");
return command;
/* args is the rest of the string */
command->args = string + len + tmp + 1;
if( command->args[0] == '\0' ) /* no args */
command->args = NULL;
return command;
void free_command(Command *command) {
#include "imap_types.h"
Command *parse_command(char *string);
void free_command(Command *command);
......@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ static void init(void);
static int mainloop(void);
static void cleanup(void);
static void greeting(void);
static STATUS action(Command *command);
static Command* parse_command(char *string);
#define action(cmd) cmd->info->action ? cmd->info->action(cmd) : BAD;
#define free_command(cmd) free(cmd);
/* state the server is in */
......@@ -25,6 +29,14 @@ FILE *output = NULL;
static char *status_word[3] = {"BAD", "NO", "OK"};
static char *status_code[3] = {"invalid", "failed", "completed"};
static imap4_cmd_t COMMANDS[] = {
{ "capability", imap_capability, , , },
{ "noop" , imap_noop, , , },
{ "logout" , imap_logout, , , },
{ "login" , imap_login, , , },
{ "", , NULL, , , }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
......@@ -77,12 +89,16 @@ static int mainloop(void) {
while( getline(&client_string, &len, input) != -1 ) {
command = parse_command(client_string);
if(command) {
status = action(command);
fprintf(output, "%s %s %s %s\r\n", command->tag, status_word[status],
command->cmd, status_code[status]);
else {
/* FIXME: properly handle this */
fprintf(output, "");
if( state == LOGOUT ) /* all done, let's go */
......@@ -92,20 +108,52 @@ static int mainloop(void) {
return 1;
STATUS action(Command *command) {
imap4_action_t check_command(const char *command) {
if( strcasecmp(command->cmd, "capability") == 0 ) {
return imap_capability(command);
for(i = 0; COMMANDS[i]; ++i) {
if(strcasecmp(command, COMMANDS[i].cmd) == 0)
return COMMANDS[i];
else if( strcasecmp(command->cmd, "noop") == 0 ) {
return imap_noop(command);
else if( strcasecmp(command->cmd, "logout") == 0 ) {
return imap_logout(command);
return NULL;
Command* parse_command(char *string) {
size_t len, tmp;
Command *command;
if( string == NULL )
return NULL;
command = malloc(sizeof(Command));
memset(command, '\0', sizeof(Command));
len = strcspn(string, " ");
if( len > 0 ) {
tmp = strcspn(string, "\r\n");
string[tmp] = '\0';
strncpy(command->tag, string, len > 15 ? 15 : len);
} else {
strcpy(command->tag, "gibberish");
return command;
else if( strcasecmp(command->cmd, "login") == 0 ) {
return imap_login(command);
tmp = len;
++tmp; /* skip space char */
len = strcspn(string + tmp, " ");
if( len > 0 )
strncpy(command->cmd, string + tmp, len > 15 ? 15 : len);
else {
strcpy(command->cmd, "gibberish");
return command;
/* args is the rest of the string */
command->args = string + len + tmp + 1;
if( command->args[0] == '\0' ) /* no args */
command->args = NULL;
command->info = check_command(command->cmd);
return BAD;
return command;