Commit f897e6be f897e6be2eba17039f21d23441d332bed15b16c5 by Sergey Poznyakoff

(alias_expand): Recursively expand aliases if recursealiases is set.

1 parent 1d0f9bad
/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail
Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -258,11 +258,75 @@ alias_destroy (char *name)
static void
recursive_alias_expand (char *name, mu_list_t exlist, mu_list_t origlist)
mu_list_t alist;
mu_iterator_t itr;
if (!alias_lookup (name, &alist))
if (mu_list_locate (exlist, name, NULL) == MU_ERR_NOENT)
mu_list_append (exlist, name);
mu_list_get_iterator (alist, &itr);
for (mu_iterator_first (itr);
!mu_iterator_is_done (itr);
mu_iterator_next (itr))
char *word;
mu_iterator_current (itr, (void **)&word);
if (mu_list_locate (origlist, word, NULL) == MU_ERR_NOENT)
mu_list_prepend (origlist, word);
recursive_alias_expand (word, exlist, origlist);
mu_list_remove (origlist, word);
mu_iterator_destroy (&itr);
static int
string_comp (const void *item, const void *value)
return strcmp (item, value);
char *
alias_expand (char *name)
mu_list_t list;
if (util_getenv (NULL, "recursivealiases", Mail_env_boolean, 0) == 0)
char *s;
mu_list_t origlist;
int status = mu_list_create (&list);
if (status)
mu_error (_("Cannot create list: %s"), mu_strerror (status));
return NULL;
status = mu_list_create (&origlist);
if (status)
mu_list_destroy (&origlist);
mu_error (_("Cannot create list: %s"), mu_strerror (status));
return NULL;
mu_list_set_comparator (list, string_comp);
mu_list_set_comparator (origlist, string_comp);
recursive_alias_expand (name, list, origlist);
s = util_slist_to_string (list, ",");
mu_list_destroy (&origlist);
mu_list_destroy (&list);
return s;
if (!alias_lookup (name, &list))
return NULL;
return util_slist_to_string (list, ",");