This is the GNU mailutils package.
This document describes the actions needed to build the pre-release
or Git version of the package. See end of file for copying conditions.

* Introduction

This is a *pre-release* version, and not ready for production use
yet. If you are taking source from Git, you will need to have several
special tools to help contribute. See the file README-hacking for more
information, See chapter `Building' for the detailed instructions on
how to build the package.

Please, note that the accompanying documentation may be inaccurate
or incomplete. The Git logs are the authoritative documentation of
all recent changes.

Report bugs to <>

* Checking Out the Sources

The following instructions apply if you wish to obtain sources from
the Git repository:

To clone the source tree from the repository, issue the following command:

  git clone git://

This will give you read-only access.  If you think you need write access,
contact the mailing list.

* Building

Usual procedures apply:

 make install

See INSTALL and README for the detailed instructions.

* Debugging

To enable additional debugging information, configure the package
with --enable-debug option.

Unless you compile mailutils statically, you will need to run
following command to debug any utility: 

  libtool --mode execute gdb UTILITY-NAME

Sometimes it is impossible or inconvenient to start a utility from
the debugger. In this case, use --HANG option, which is supported by
any of the mailutils programs. The option instructs the program to
sleep for a given number of seconds (3600 by default) right after
startup. For example, to debug `mimeview' utility, run

  mimeview --HANG [OTHER-OPTIONS]

Then switch to another terminal, get the PID of the ivoked utility and
attach to it using gdb: 

	gdb mimeview PID

Once in gdb, issue the following command

	set _argp_hang=0

Now set your breakpoints and proceed as usual.

* Copyright information:

Copyright (C) 2002-2005, 2007-2008, 2010-2012, 2014-2016 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies
   of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the
   copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved,
   thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn.

   Permission is granted to distribute modified versions
   of this document, or of portions of it,
   under the above conditions, provided also that they
   carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.

Local Variables:
mode: outline
paragraph-separate: "[ 	]*$"
version-control: never