/* GNU mailutils - a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include <alloca.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBGEN_H # include <libgen.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <mailutils/body.h> #include <mailutils/filter.h> #include <mailutils/header.h> #include <mailutils/message.h> #include <mailutils/stream.h> #define MAX_HDR_LEN 256 #define BUF_SIZE 2048 struct _msg_info { char *buf; size_t nbytes; char *header_buf; int header_len; int header_size; header_t hdr; message_t msg; int ioffset; int ooffset; stream_t stream; /* output file/decoding stream for saving attachment */ stream_t fstream; /* output file stream for saving attachment */ }; #define MSG_HDR "Content-Type: %s; name=%s\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s\nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s\n\n" int message_create_attachment (const char *content_type, const char *encoding, const char *filename, message_t * newmsg) { header_t hdr; body_t body; stream_t fstream = NULL, tstream = NULL; char *header, *name = NULL, *fname = NULL; int ret; if (filename == NULL || newmsg == NULL) return EINVAL; if ((ret = message_create (newmsg, NULL)) == 0) { if (content_type == NULL) content_type = "text/plain"; if (encoding == NULL) encoding = "7bit"; if ((fname = strdup (filename)) != NULL) { name = strrchr (fname, '/'); if (name) name++; else name = fname; if ((header = alloca (strlen (MSG_HDR) + strlen (content_type) + strlen (name) * 2 + strlen (encoding) + 1)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; else { sprintf (header, MSG_HDR, content_type, name, encoding, name); if ((ret = header_create (&hdr, header, strlen (header), *newmsg)) == 0) { message_get_body (*newmsg, &body); if ((ret = file_stream_create (&fstream, filename, MU_STREAM_READ)) == 0) { if ((ret = stream_open (fstream)) == 0) { if ((ret = filter_create (&tstream, fstream, encoding, MU_FILTER_ENCODE, MU_STREAM_READ)) == 0) { body_set_stream (body, tstream, *newmsg); message_set_header (*newmsg, hdr, NULL); } } } } } } } if (ret) { if (*newmsg) message_destroy (newmsg, NULL); if (hdr) header_destroy (&hdr, NULL); if (fstream) stream_destroy (&fstream, NULL); if (fname) free (fname); } return ret; } static int _attachment_setup (struct _msg_info **info, message_t msg, stream_t * stream, void **data) { int sfl, ret; body_t body; if ((ret = message_get_body (msg, &body)) != 0 || (ret = body_get_stream (body, stream)) != 0) return ret; stream_get_flags (*stream, &sfl); if (data == NULL && (sfl & MU_STREAM_NONBLOCK)) return EINVAL; if (data) *info = *data; if (*info == NULL) { if ((*info = calloc (1, sizeof (struct _msg_info))) == NULL) return ENOMEM; } if (((*info)->buf = malloc (BUF_SIZE)) == NULL) { free (*info); return ENOMEM; } return 0; } static void _attachment_free (struct _msg_info *info, int free_message) { if (info->buf) free (info->buf); if (info->header_buf) free (info->header_buf); if (free_message) { if (info->msg) message_destroy (&(info->msg), NULL); else if (info->hdr) header_destroy (&(info->hdr), NULL); } free (info); } #define _ISSPECIAL(c) ( \ ((c) == '(') || ((c) == ')') || ((c) == '<') || ((c) == '>') \ || ((c) == '@') || ((c) == ',') || ((c) == ';') || ((c) == ':') \ || ((c) == '\\') || ((c) == '.') || ((c) == '[') \ || ((c) == ']') ) static char * _header_get_param (char *field_body, const char *param, size_t * len) { char *str, *p, *v, *e; int quoted = 0, was_quoted = 0; if (len == NULL || (str = field_body) == NULL) return NULL; p = strchr (str, ';'); while (p) { p++; while (isspace ((unsigned) *p)) /* walk upto start of param */ p++; if ((v = strchr (p, '=')) == NULL) break; *len = 0; v = e = v + 1; while (*e && (quoted || (!_ISSPECIAL (*e) && !isspace ((unsigned) *e)))) { /* skip pass value and calc len */ if (*e == '\"') quoted = ~quoted, was_quoted = 1; else (*len)++; e++; } if (strncasecmp (p, param, strlen (param))) { /* no match jump to next */ p = strchr (e, ';'); continue; } else return was_quoted ? v + 1 : v; /* return unquoted value */ } return NULL; } #if 0 int message_get_attachment_name (message_t msg, char *name, size_t bufsz, size_t *sz) { char *pTmp, *fname = NULL; header_t hdr; int ret = EINVAL; size_t size = 0; if (filename != NULL && (ret = message_get_header (msg, &hdr)) == 0) { *filename = NULL; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Disposition", NULL, 0, &size); if (size) { if ((pTmp = alloca (size + 1)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Disposition", pTmp, size + 1, 0); if (strstr (pTmp, "attachment") != NULL) fname = _header_get_param (pTmp, "filename", &size); } if (fname == NULL) { size = 0; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Type", NULL, 0, &size); if (size) { if ((pTmp = alloca (size + 1)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Type", pTmp, size + 1, 0); fname = _header_get_param (pTmp, "name", &size); } } if (fname) { fname[size] = '\0'; if ((*filename = strdup (fname)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; } else ret = ENOENT; } return ret; } #endif int message_aget_attachment_name(message_t msg, char** name) { size_t sz = 0; int ret = 0; if(name == NULL) return EINVAL; if((ret = message_get_attachment_name(msg, NULL, 0, &sz)) != 0) return ret; *name = malloc(sz + 1); if((ret = message_get_attachment_name(msg, *name, sz + 1, NULL)) != 0) { free(*name); *name = NULL; } return ret; } int message_get_attachment_name (message_t msg, char *buf, size_t bufsz, size_t *sz) { int ret = EINVAL; header_t hdr; char *value = NULL; char *name = NULL; size_t namesz = 0; if(!msg) return ret; if ((ret = message_get_header (msg, &hdr)) != 0) return ret; ret = header_aget_value (hdr, "Content-Disposition", &value); /* If the header wasn't there, we'll fall back to Content-Type, but other errors are fatal. */ if(ret != 0 && ret != ENOENT) return ret; if(ret == 0 && value != NULL) { /* FIXME: this is cheezy, it should check the value of the Content-Disposition field, not strstr it. */ if (strstr (value, "attachment") != NULL) name = _header_get_param (value, "filename", &namesz); } /* If we didn't get the name, we fall back on the Content-Type name parameter. */ if (name == NULL) { if(value) free(value); ret = header_aget_value (hdr, "Content-Type", &value); name = _header_get_param (value, "name", &namesz); } if (name) { ret = 0; name[namesz] = '\0'; if(sz) *sz = namesz; if(buf) strncpy(buf, name, bufsz); } else ret = ENOENT; return ret; } int message_save_attachment (message_t msg, const char *filename, void **data) { stream_t istream; struct _msg_info *info = NULL; int ret; size_t size; size_t nbytes; header_t hdr; char *content_encoding; const char *fname = NULL; char *partname = NULL; if (msg == NULL) return EINVAL; if ((ret = _attachment_setup (&info, msg, &istream, data)) != 0) return ret; if (ret == 0 && (ret = message_get_header (msg, &hdr)) == 0) { if (filename == NULL) { ret = message_aget_attachment_name (msg, &partname); if(partname) fname = partname; } else fname = filename; if (fname && (ret = file_stream_create (&info->fstream, fname, MU_STREAM_WRITE | MU_STREAM_CREAT)) == 0) { if ((ret = stream_open (info->fstream)) == 0) { header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", NULL, 0, &size); if (size) { if ((content_encoding = alloca (size + 1)) == NULL) ret = ENOMEM; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", content_encoding, size + 1, 0); } else content_encoding = (char *) "7bit"; ret = filter_create (&info->stream, istream, content_encoding, MU_FILTER_DECODE, MU_STREAM_READ); } } } if (info->stream && istream) { if (info->nbytes) memmove (info->buf, info->buf + (BUF_SIZE - info->nbytes), info->nbytes); while ((ret == 0 && info->nbytes) || ((ret = stream_read (info->stream, info->buf, BUF_SIZE, info->ioffset, &info->nbytes)) == 0 && info->nbytes)) { info->ioffset += info->nbytes; while (info->nbytes) { if ((ret = stream_write (info->fstream, info->buf, info->nbytes, info->ooffset, &nbytes)) != 0) break; info->nbytes -= nbytes; info->ooffset += nbytes; } } } if (ret != EAGAIN && info) { stream_close (info->fstream); stream_destroy (&info->stream, NULL); stream_destroy (&info->fstream, NULL); _attachment_free (info, ret); } /* Free fname if we allocated it. */ if(partname) free(partname); return ret; } int message_encapsulate (message_t msg, message_t * newmsg, void **data) { stream_t istream, ostream; const char *header; struct _msg_info *info = NULL; int ret = 0; size_t nbytes; body_t body; if (msg == NULL || newmsg == NULL) return EINVAL; if ((ret = _attachment_setup (&info, msg, &ostream, data)) != 0) return ret; if (info->msg == NULL && (ret = message_create (&(info->msg), NULL)) == 0) { header = "Content-Type: message/rfc822\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n"; if ((ret = header_create (&(info->hdr), header, strlen (header), msg)) == 0) ret = message_set_header (info->msg, info->hdr, NULL); } if (ret == 0 && (ret = message_get_stream (msg, &istream)) == 0) { if ((ret = message_get_body (info->msg, &body)) == 0 && (ret = body_get_stream (body, &ostream)) == 0) { if (info->nbytes) memmove (info->buf, info->buf + (BUF_SIZE - info->nbytes), info->nbytes); while ((ret == 0 && info->nbytes) || ((ret = stream_read (istream, info->buf, BUF_SIZE, info->ioffset, &info->nbytes)) == 0 && info->nbytes)) { info->ioffset += info->nbytes; while (info->nbytes) { if ((ret = stream_write (ostream, info->buf, info->nbytes, info->ooffset, &nbytes)) != 0) break; info->nbytes -= nbytes; info->ooffset += nbytes; } } } } if (ret == 0) *newmsg = info->msg; if (ret != EAGAIN && info) _attachment_free (info, ret); return ret; } int message_unencapsulate (message_t msg, message_t * newmsg, void **data) { size_t size, nbytes; int ret = 0; char *content_type; header_t hdr; stream_t istream, ostream; struct _msg_info *info = NULL; if (msg == NULL || newmsg == NULL) return EINVAL; if ((data == NULL || *data == NULL) && (ret = message_get_header (msg, &hdr)) == 0) { header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Type", NULL, 0, &size); if (size) { if ((content_type = alloca (size + 1)) == NULL) return ENOMEM; header_get_value (hdr, "Content-Type", content_type, size + 1, 0); if (strncasecmp (content_type, "message/rfc822", strlen ("message/rfc822")) != 0) return EINVAL; } else return EINVAL; } if ((ret = _attachment_setup (&info, msg, &istream, data)) != 0) return ret; if (info->msg == NULL) ret = message_create (&(info->msg), NULL); if (ret == 0) { message_get_stream (info->msg, &ostream); if (info->nbytes) memmove (info->buf, info->buf + (BUF_SIZE - info->nbytes), info->nbytes); while ((ret == 0 && info->nbytes) || ((ret = stream_read (istream, info->buf, BUF_SIZE, info->ioffset, &info->nbytes)) == 0 && info->nbytes)) { info->ioffset += info->nbytes; while (info->nbytes) { if ((ret = stream_write (ostream, info->buf, info->nbytes, info->ooffset, &nbytes)) != 0) break; info->nbytes -= nbytes; info->ooffset += nbytes; } } } if (ret == 0) *newmsg = info->msg; if (ret != EAGAIN && info) _attachment_free (info, ret); return ret; }