7.56 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import unittest

TEST_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
CASPERJS_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, '..', '..'))
CASPER_EXEC = os.path.join(CASPERJS_ROOT, 'bin', 'casperjs')

class TimeoutException(Exception):

def timeout(timeout_time):
    def timeout_function(f):
        def f2(*args):
            def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
                raise TimeoutException()
            old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
            signal.alarm(timeout_time) # triger alarm in timeout_time seconds
                retval = f(*args)
            except TimeoutException:
                raise AssertionError('timeout of %ds. exhausted' % timeout_time)
                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)
            return retval
        return f2
    return timeout_function

class CasperExecTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        with open(os.path.join(CASPERJS_ROOT, 'package.json')) as f:
            self.pkg_version = json.load(f).get('version')

    def runCommand(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        failing = kwargs.get('failing', False)
        cmd_args = [CASPER_EXEC, '--no-colors'] + cmd.split(' ')
            return subprocess.check_output(cmd_args).strip().decode('utf-8')
            if failing:
                raise AssertionError('Command %s has not failed' % cmd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
            if failing:
                return err.output.decode('utf-8')
                raise IOError('Command %s exited with status %s'
                              % (cmd, err.errorcode))

    def assertCommandOutputEquals(self, cmd, result, **kwargs):
        self.assertEqual(self.runCommand(cmd), result)

    def assertCommandOutputContains(self, cmd, what, **kwargs):
        if not what:
            raise AssertionError('Empty lookup')
        if isinstance(what, (list, tuple)):
            for entry in what:
                self.assertIn(entry, self.runCommand(cmd, **kwargs))
            self.assertIn(what, self.runCommand(cmd))

    def test_version(self):
        self.assertCommandOutputEquals('--version', self.pkg_version)

    def test_help(self):
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('--help', self.pkg_version)

    def test_require(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'modules', 'test.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputEquals(script_path, 'hello, world')

    def test_simple_script(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'scripts', 'script.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputEquals(script_path, 'it works')

    def test_syntax_error(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'error', 'syntax.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains(script_path, [
            'SyntaxError: Parse error',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_syntax_error_in_test(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'error', 'syntax.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test %s' % script_path, [
            'SyntaxError: Parse error',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_simple_test_script(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester', 'mytest.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test ' + script_path, [
            'PASS ok1',
            'PASS ok2',
            'PASS ok3',
            '3 tests executed',
            '3 passed',
            '0 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '0 skipped',

    def test_new_style_test(self):
        # using begin()
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester', 'passing.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test ' + script_path, [
            '# true',
            'PASS Subject is strictly true',
            'PASS 1 test executed',
            '1 passed',
            '0 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '0 skipped',

    def test_new_failing_test(self):
        # using begin()
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester', 'failing.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test ' + script_path, [
            '# true',
            'FAIL Subject is strictly true',
            '#    type: assert',
            '#    file: %s:3' % script_path,
            '#    code: test.assert(false);',
            '#    subject: false',
            'FAIL 1 test executed',
            '0 passed',
            '1 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '0 skipped',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_dubious_test(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester', 'dubious.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test ' + script_path, [
            'dubious test: 2 tests planned, 1 tests executed',
            'FAIL 1 test executed',
            '1 passed',
            '1 failed',
            '1 dubious',
            '0 skipped',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_skipped_test(self):
        script_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester', 'skipped.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test ' + script_path, [
            'SKIP 1 test skipped',
            'PASS 1 test executed',
            '1 passed',
            '0 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '1 skipped',

    def test_full_suite(self):
        folder_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'tester')
        failing_script = os.path.join(folder_path, 'failing.js')
        passing_script = os.path.join(folder_path, 'passing.js')
        mytest_script = os.path.join(folder_path, 'mytest.js')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains(' '.join([
            'test', failing_script, passing_script, mytest_script
        ]), [
            'Test file: %s' % failing_script,
            '# true',
            'FAIL Subject is strictly true',
            '#    type: assert',
            '#    file: %s:3' % failing_script,
            '#    code: test.assert(false);',
            '#    subject: false',
            'Test file: %s' % mytest_script,
            'PASS ok1',
            'PASS ok2',
            'PASS ok3',
            'Test file: %s' % passing_script,
            '# true',
            'PASS Subject is strictly true',
            'FAIL 5 tests executed',
            '4 passed',
            '1 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '0 skipped',
            'Details for the 1 failed test:',
            'assert: Subject is strictly true',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_fail_fast(self):
        folder_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'fail-fast', 'standard')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test %s --fail-fast' % folder_path, [
            '# test 1',
            '# test 2',
            '--fail-fast: aborted all remaining tests',
            'FAIL 2 tests executed',
            '1 passed',
            '1 failed',
            '0 dubious',
            '0 skipped',
        ], failing=True)

    def test_manual_abort(self):
        folder_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'fail-fast', 'manual-abort')
        self.assertCommandOutputContains('test %s --fail-fast' % folder_path, [
            '# test abort()',
            'PASS test 1',
            'PASS test 5',
            'this is my abort message',
        ], failing=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':