Commit 01c97982 01c97982e27853a89d55c5872aa5c6b1d6ff7f05 by Brikou CARRE

sync with latest master

2 parents f44d37b6 a05a2586
CasperJS Changelog
2012-06-04, v0.6.10
- fixed [#73]( - `` not working correctly with binaries
- fixed [#129]( - Can't put `//` comments in evaluate() function
- closed [#130]( - Added a `Dummy` [colorizer]( class, in order to disable colors in console output
- fixed [#133]( - updated and fixed documentation about [extensibility](
- added `Casper.clickLabel()` for clicking on an element found by its `innerText` content
As a side note, the official website monolithic page has been split across several ones:
2012-05-29, v0.6.9
- **BC BREAK:** PhantomJS 1.5 is now the minimal PhantomJS version supported.
- fixed [#114]( - ensured client-side utils are injected before any `evaluate()` call
- merged [#89]( - Support for more mouse events (@nrabinowitz)
- [added a new `error` event, better error reporting](
- fixed [#117]( - `fill()` coulnd't `submit()` a form with a submit input named *submit*
- merged [#122]( - allow downloads to be triggered by more than just `GET` requests
- closed [#57]( - added context to emitted test events + complete assertion framework refactor
- fixed loaded resources array is now reset adequately [reference discussion](!topic/casperjs/TCkNzrj1IoA)
- fixed incomplete error message logged when passed an erroneous selector (xpath and css)
2012-05-20, v0.6.8
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for [PhantomJS](http://www.
It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful
high-level functions, methods & syntaxic sugar for doing common tasks such as:
- defining & ordering [navigation steps](
- defining & ordering [navigation steps](
- [filling forms](
- [clicking links](
- [capturing screenshots]( of a page (or an area)
......@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ high-level functions, methods & syntaxic sugar for doing common tasks such as:
- [logging]( & [events](
- [downloading base64]( encoded resources, even binary ones
- catching errors and react accordingly
- writing [functional test suite](, exporting results as JUnit XML (xUnit)
- writing [functional test suites](, exporting results as JUnit XML (xUnit)
Feel free to browse our [sample examples repository](
Browse the [sample examples repository](
Don't hesitate to pull request for any cool example of yours as well!
**Read the [full documentation]( on casperjs dedicated website.**
Subscribe to the [project mailing-list](!forum/casperjs)
Follow [@casperjs_org on twitter](
## Contributing to the docs
......@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
if (phantom.version.major !== 1 || phantom.version.minor < 5) {
console.error('CasperJS needs at least PhantomJS v1.5.0');
* Loads and initialize the CasperJS environment.
......@@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ phantom.loadCasper = function loadCasper() {
* TODO: remove when PhantomJS has full module support
require = (function _require(require, requireDir) {
var phantomBuiltins = ['fs', 'webpage', 'webserver'];
var phantomBuiltins = ['fs', 'webpage', 'webserver', 'system'];
var phantomRequire = phantom.__orig__require = require;
var requireCache = {};
return function _require(path) {
......@@ -229,32 +233,6 @@ phantom.loadCasper = function loadCasper() {
* Custom global error handler.
phantom.onError = function phantom_onError(msg, backtrace) {
var c = require('colorizer').create();
var match = /^(.*): __mod_error(.*):: (.*)/.exec(msg);
var notices = [];
if (match && match.length === 4) {
notices.push(' in module ' + match[2]);
notices.push(' NOTICE: errors within modules cannot be backtraced yet.');
msg = match[3];
console.error(c.colorize(msg, 'RED_BAR', 80));
notices.forEach(function(notice) {
console.error(c.colorize(notice, 'COMMENT'));
backtrace.forEach(function(item) {
var message = require('fs').absolute(item.file) + ":" + c.colorize(item.line, "COMMENT");
if (item['function']) {
message += " in " + c.colorize(item['function'], "PARAMETER");
console.error(" " + message);
* Initializes the CasperJS Command Line Interface.
phantom.initCasperCli = function initCasperCli() {
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import subprocess
import sys
Subproject commit 100ffeb02edee0d765efd29ef897c25343e24b2d
Subproject commit 9ec9627555680a13c411d6b19541f3d23c8f30f7
......@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
(function(exports) {
exports.create = function create() {
return new ClientUtils();
return new this.ClientUtils();
* Casper client-side helpers.
ClientUtils = function ClientUtils() {
exports.ClientUtils = function ClientUtils() {
var BASE64_ENCODE_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var BASE64_DECODE_CHARS = new Array(
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
......@@ -52,20 +52,11 @@
* Clicks on the DOM element behind the provided selector.
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector to the element to click
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector to the element to click
* @return Boolean
*/ = function click(selector) {
var elem = this.findOne(selector);
if (!elem) {
this.log("click(): Couldn't find any element matching '" + selector + "' selector", "error");
return false;
var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, elem);
// dispatchEvent return value is false if at least one of the event
// handlers which handled this event called preventDefault
return elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
return this.mouseEvent('click', selector);
......@@ -380,19 +371,6 @@
* Removes all DOM elements matching a given XPath expression.
* @param String expression The XPath expression
* @return Array
this.removeElementsByXPath = function removeElementsByXPath(expression) {
var a = document.evaluate(expression, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i = 0; i < a.snapshotLength; i++) {
* Logs a message. Will format the message a way CasperJS will be able
* to log phantomjs side.
......@@ -404,6 +382,26 @@
* Dispatches a mouse event to the DOM element behind the provided selector.
* @param String type Type of event to dispatch
* @param String selector A CSS3 selector to the element to click
* @return Boolean
this.mouseEvent = function mouseEvent(type, selector) {
var elem = this.findOne(selector);
if (!elem) {
this.log("mouseEvent(): Couldn't find any element matching '" + selector + "' selector", "error");
return false;
var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, elem);
// dispatchEvent return value is false if at least one of the event
// handlers which handled this event called preventDefault
return elem.dispatchEvent(evt);
* Processes a selector input, either as a string or an object.
* If passed an object, if must be of the form:
......@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@
this.processSelector = function processSelector(selector) {
var selectorObject = {
toString: function toString() {
return this.type + ' selector: ' + this.selector;
return this.type + ' selector: ' + this.path;
if (typeof selector === "string") {
......@@ -444,6 +442,19 @@
* Removes all DOM elements matching a given XPath expression.
* @param String expression The XPath expression
* @return Array
this.removeElementsByXPath = function removeElementsByXPath(expression) {
var a = document.evaluate(expression, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i = 0; i < a.snapshotLength; i++) {
* Sets a field (or a set of fields) value. Fails silently, but log
* error messages.
......@@ -546,14 +557,19 @@
this.visible = function visible(selector) {
try {
var el = this.findOne(selector);
return el && !== 'hidden' && el.offsetHeight > 0 && el.offsetWidth > 0;
var comp,
el = this.findOne(selector);
if (el) {
comp = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
return comp.visibility !== 'hidden' && comp.display !== 'none' && el.offsetHeight > 0 && el.offsetWidth > 0;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
exports.ClientUtils = ClientUtils;
// silly "hack" to force having an instance available
exports.__utils__ = new exports.ClientUtils();
......@@ -31,13 +31,19 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var utils = require('utils');
exports.create = function create() {
return new Colorizer();
exports.create = function create(type) {
if (!type) {
if (!(type in exports)) {
throw new Error(utils.format('Unsupported colorizer type "%s"', type));
return new exports[type]();
* This is a port of lime colorizer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier, Symfony project, MIT license
......@@ -102,3 +108,17 @@ var Colorizer = function Colorizer() {
exports.Colorizer = Colorizer;
* Dummy colorizer. Does basically nothing.
var Dummy = function Dummy() {
this.colorize = function colorize(text, styleName, pad) {
return text;
this.format = function format(text, style, pad){
return text;
exports.Dummy = Dummy;
......@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ var FunctionArgsInjector = function FunctionArgsInjector(fn) {
throw new CasperError("Unable to process function " + this.fn.toString());
var inject = this.getArgsInjectionString(fnObj.args, values);
return 'function ' + ( || '') + '(){' + inject + fnObj.body + '}';
var newFn = new Function([inject, fnObj.body].join('\n')); = || '';
return newFn;
this.getArgsInjectionString = function getArgsInjectionString(args, values) {
......@@ -39,7 +39,11 @@ var Mouse = function Mouse(casper) {
throw new CasperError('Mouse() needs a Casper instance');
var supportedEvents = ['mouseup', 'mousedown', 'click', 'mousemove'];
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var nativeEvents = ['mouseup', 'mousedown', 'click', 'mousemove'];
var emulatedEvents = ['mouseover', 'mouseout'];
var supportedEvents = nativeEvents.concat(emulatedEvents);
function computeCenter(selector) {
var bounds = casper.getElementBounds(selector);
......@@ -54,7 +58,10 @@ var Mouse = function Mouse(casper) {
if (!utils.isString(type) || supportedEvents.indexOf(type) === -1) {
throw new CasperError('Mouse.processEvent(): Unsupported mouse event type: ' + type);
args =; // cast Arguments -> Array
if (emulatedEvents.indexOf(type) > -1) {
casper.log("Mouse.processEvent(): no native fallback for type " + type, "warning");
args =; // cast Arguments -> Array
casper.emit('mouse.' + type.replace('mouse', ''), args);
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
......@@ -62,9 +69,6 @@ var Mouse = function Mouse(casper) {
case 1:
// selector
var selector = args[0];
if (!utils.isString(selector)) {
throw new CasperError('Mouse.processEvent(): No valid CSS selector passed: ' + selector);
}, [type].concat(computeCenter(selector)));
case 2:
......@@ -79,6 +83,10 @@ var Mouse = function Mouse(casper) {
this.processEvent = function() {
processEvent(arguments[0],, 1));
}; = function click() {
processEvent('click', arguments);
......@@ -131,27 +131,22 @@ function format(f) {
exports.format = format;
* Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another, also
* exposes the `__super__` property to child class.
* Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
* @param Function child Constructor function which needs to inherit the
* prototype.
* @param Function parent Constructor function to inherit prototype from.
* @return Function The child class
* @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the
* prototype.
* @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from.
function inherits(child, parent) {
for (var key in parent) {
if (, key)) {
child[key] = parent[key];
function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
ctor.super_ = ctor.__super__ = superCtor;
ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: ctor,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
function ctor() {
this.constructor = child;
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
exports.inherits = inherits;
......@@ -305,23 +300,23 @@ exports.isWebPage = isWebPage;
* Object recursive merging utility.
* @param Object obj1 the destination object
* @param Object obj2 the source object
* @param Object origin the origin object
* @param Object add the object to merge data into origin
* @return Object
function mergeObjects(obj1, obj2) {
for (var p in obj2) {
function mergeObjects(origin, add) {
for (var p in add) {
try {
if (obj2[p].constructor === Object) {
obj1[p] = mergeObjects(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
if (add[p].constructor === Object) {
origin[p] = mergeObjects(origin[p], add[p]);
} else {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
origin[p] = add[p];
} catch(e) {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
origin[p] = add[p];
return obj1;
return origin;
exports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects;
"name": "casperjs",
"description": "Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS",
"version": "0.6.8",
"version": "0.6.10",
"keywords": [
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"": "1.3"
"": "1.5"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
casper = require("casper").create()
### listening to a custom event ###
# listening to a custom event
casper.on "google.loaded", (title) ->
casper.echo "Google page title is #{title}"
@echo "Google page title is #{title}"
casper.start "", ->
### emitting a custom event ###
# emitting a custom event
@emit "google.loaded", @getTitle()
var casper;
var casper = require("casper").create();
casper = require("casper").create();
/* listening to a custom event */
// listening to a custom event
casper.on("google.loaded", function(title) {
casper.echo("Google page title is " + title);
this.echo("Google page title is " + title);
casper.start("", function() {
/* emitting a custom event */
// emitting a custom event
this.emit("google.loaded", this.getTitle());
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely log
every received resource.
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely
log every received resource.
casper = require("casper").create
Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack at
the 'verbose' level.
Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack
at the 'verbose' level.
@param Object resource A phantomjs resource object
onResourceReceived: (self, resource) ->
infos = []
......@@ -23,9 +25,9 @@ casper = require("casper").create
verbose: true # we want to see the log printed out to the console
logLevel: "verbose" # of course we want to see logs to our new level :)
### add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority ###
# add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority
casper.logLevels = ["verbose"].concat casper.logLevels
### test our new logger with google ###
casper.start ""
# test our new logger with google
casper.start("").run ->
A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely log
every received resource.
* A basic custom logging implementation. The idea is to (extremely) verbosely
* log every received resource.
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
var casper = require("casper").create({
Every time a resource is received, a new log entry is added to the stack at
the 'verbose' level.
......@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ casper = require("casper").create({
/* add a new 'verbose' logging level at the lowest priority */
casper.logLevels = ["verbose"].concat(casper.logLevels);
/* test our new logger with google */
\ No newline at end of file
// test our new logger with google
casper.start("").run(function() {
Download the google logo image as base64
Download the google logo image onto the local filesystem
casper = require("casper").create verbose: true
casper = require("casper").create()
casper.start "", ->
@echo @base64encode ""
@echo @download "", "logo.png"
Download the google logo image as base64
* download the google logo image onto the local filesystem
var casper;
casper = require("casper").create({
verbose: true
var casper = require("casper").create();
casper.start("", function() {
this.echo(this.base64encode(""));"", "logo.png");
......@@ -29,21 +29,18 @@ links = [
/* Just opens the page and prints the title */
start = function(link) {
// Just opens the page and prints the title
var start = function(link) {
this.start(link, function() {
this.echo("Page title: " + this.getTitle());
this.echo('Page title: ' + this.getTitle());
Get the links, and add them to the links array
(It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
addLinks = function(link) {
// Get the links, and add them to the links array
// (It could be done all in one step, but it is intentionally splitted)
var addLinks = function(link) {
this.then(function() {
var found;
found = this.evaluate(searchLinks);
var found = this.evaluate(searchLinks);
this.echo(found.length + " links found on " + link);
links = links.concat(found);
......@@ -57,10 +54,10 @@ casper.then(function() {
currentLink = 0;
/* As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running */
check = function() {
// As long as it has a next link, and is under the maximum limit, will keep running
function check() {
if (links[currentLink] && currentLink < upTo) {
this.echo("--- Link " + currentLink + " ---");
this.echo('--- Link ' + currentLink + ' ---');, links[currentLink]);, links[currentLink]);
getLinks = ->
links = document.querySelectorAll "h3.r a" links, (e) -> e.getAttribute "href"
links = []
casper = require("casper").create()
links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a") links, (e) ->
e.getAttribute "href"
casper.start "", ->
### search for 'casperjs' from google form ###
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "casperjs", true
# search for 'casperjs' from google form
@fill "form[action=\"/search\"]", q: "casperjs" , true
casper.then ->
### aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search ###
links = @evaluate getLinks
### search for 'phantomjs' from google form ###
@fill 'form[action="/search"]', q: "phantomjs", true
# aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
links = @evaluate(getLinks)
# now search for 'phantomjs' by fillin the form again
@fill "form[action=\"/search\"]", q: "phantomjs" , true
casper.then ->
### concat results for the 'phantomjs' search ###
links = links.concat @evaluate(getLinks)
# aggregate results for the 'phantomjs' search
links = links.concat(@evaluate(getLinks)) ->
### display results ###
@echo "#{links.length} links found:"
@echo " - " + links.join "\n - "
# echo results in some pretty fashion
@echo links.length + " links found:"
@echo(" - " + links.join("\n - "))
var casper, getLinks, links;
getLinks = function() {
var links;
links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a");
var links = document.querySelectorAll("h3.r a");
return, function(e) {
return e.getAttribute("href");
links = [];
casper = require("casper").create();
casper.start("", function() {
/* search for 'casperjs' from google form */
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: "casperjs"
}, true);
// search for 'casperjs' from google form
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', { q: "casperjs" }, true);
casper.then(function() {
/* aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search */
// aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
links = this.evaluate(getLinks);
/* search for 'phantomjs' from google form */
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: "phantomjs"
}, true);
// now search for 'phantomjs' by fillin the form again
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', { q: "phantomjs" }, true);
casper.then(function() {
/* concat results for the 'phantomjs' search */
// aggregate results for the 'phantomjs' search
links = links.concat(this.evaluate(getLinks));
}); {
/* display results */
// echo results in some pretty fashion
this.echo(links.length + " links found:");
this.echo(" - " + links.join("\n - "));
this.echo(" - " + links.join("\n - "))
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ casper = require("casper").create verbose: true
casper.fetchScore = ->
@evaluate ->
result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText
~~(/Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, ''))
parseInt /Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, '')
terms = casper.cli.args # terms are passed through command-line arguments
......@@ -35,10 +35,13 @@ casper.each terms, (self, term) ->
@then ->
score = @fetchScore()
scores.push term: term, score: score
self.echo "#{term}: #{score}"
@echo "#{term}: #{score}" ->
scores.sort (a, b) -> b.score - a.score;
winner = scores[0]
@echo "Winner is \"#{winner.term}\" with #{winner.score} results"
if scores.length is 0
@echo "No result found"
scores.sort (a, b) -> b.score - a.score
winner = scores[0]
@echo "Winner is \"" + winner.term + "\" with " + winner.score + " results"
Takes provided terms passed as arguments and query google for the number of
estimated results each have.
$ casperjs googlematch.js nicolas chuck borris
nicolas: 69600000
chuck: 49500000
borris: 2370000
winner is "nicolas" with 69600000 results
* Takes provided terms passed as arguments and query google for the number of
* estimated results each have.
* Usage:
* $ casperjs googlematch.js nicolas chuck borris
* nicolas: 69600000
* chuck: 49500000
* borris: 2370000
* winner is "nicolas" with 69600000 results
var casper, scores, terms;
......@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ casper = require("casper").create({
casper.fetchScore = function() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
var result;
result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText;
return ~~(/Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, ''));
var result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText;
return parseInt(/Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, ''), 10);
......@@ -39,29 +38,30 @@ casper.echo("Let the match begin between \"" + (terms.join('", "')) + "\"!");
casper.each(terms, function(self, term) {
casper.each(terms, function(casper, term, i) {
this.echo('Fecthing score for ' + term);
this.then(function() {
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {
q: term
}, true);
this.fill('form[action="/search"]', {q: term}, true);
this.then(function() {
var score;
score = this.fetchScore();
var score = this.fetchScore();
term: term,
score: score
self.echo(term + ": " + score);
this.echo(term + ': ' + score);
}); {
var winner;
scores.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.score - a.score;
winner = scores[0];
this.echo("Winner is \"" + winner.term + "\" with " + winner.score + " results");
if (scores.length === 0) {
this.echo("No result found");
} else {
scores.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.score - a.score;
var winner = scores[0];
this.echo("Winner is \"" + winner.term + "\" with " + winner.score + " results");
failed = [];
failed = []
start = null
links = [
casper = require("casper").create
onStepTimeout: -> failed.push @requestUrl
onStepTimeout: ->
failed.push @requestUrl "#{@requestUrl} loads in less than #{timeout}ms."
links = [
casper.on "load.finished", ->
@echo "#{@requestUrl} loaded in #{new Date() - start}ms", "PARAMETER"
timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0)
timeout = 1000 if timeout < 1
casper.options.stepTimeout = timeout
casper.echo "Testing with timeout=#{casper.options.stepTimeout}ms."
casper.echo "Testing with timeout=#{timeout}ms, please be patient."
casper.each links, (self, link) ->
@test.comment "Adding #{link} to test suite"
@thenOpen link, ->
if @requestUrl in failed "#{@requestUrl} loaded in less than #{timeout}ms."
@then ->
@test.comment "Loading #{link}"
start = new Date()
@open link
@then ->
if @requestUrl not in failed
@test.pass "#{@requestUrl} loaded in less than #{timeout}ms." ->
var casper, failed, links, timeout,
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
failed = [];
var failed = [];
var start = null;
var links = [
casper = require("casper").create({
var casper = require("casper").create({
onStepTimeout: function() {
failed.push(this.requestUrl); + " loads in less than " + timeout + "ms.");
links = [
timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
if (timeout < 1) {
timeout = 1000;
casper.on("load.finished", function() {
this.echo(this.requestUrl + " loaded in " + (new Date() - start) + "ms", "PARAMETER");
casper.options.stepTimeout = timeout;
var timeout = ~~casper.cli.get(0);
casper.options.stepTimeout = timeout > 0 ? timeout : 1000;
casper.echo("Testing with timeout=" + casper.options.stepTimeout + "ms.");
casper.echo("Testing with timeout=" + casper.options.stepTimeout + "ms, please be patient.");
casper.each(links, function(self, link) {
this.test.comment("Adding " + link + " to test suite");
this.thenOpen(link, function() {
var _ref;
if (_ref = this.requestUrl,, _ref) >= 0) {"" + this.requestUrl + " loaded in less than " + timeout + "ms.");
} else {
this.test.pass("" + this.requestUrl + " loaded in less than " + timeout + "ms.");
casper.each(links, function(casper, link) {
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment("Loading " + link);
start = new Date();;
this.then(function() {
var message = this.requestUrl + " loads in less than " + timeout + "ms.";
if (failed.indexOf(this.requestUrl) === -1) {
......@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ Just a silly game.
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 500
Will load in less than 500ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1000
Will load in less than 1000ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1500
Will load in less than 1500ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 2000
Will load in less than 2000ms?
Just a silly game.
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 500
Will load in less than 500ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1000
Will load in less than 1000ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1500
Will load in less than 1500ms?
$ casperjs samples/timeout.js 2000
Will load in less than 2000ms?
* Just a silly game.
* $ casperjs samples/timeout.js 500
* Will load in less than 500ms?
* $ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1000
* Will load in less than 1000ms?
* $ casperjs samples/timeout.js 1500
* Will load in less than 1500ms?
* $ casperjs samples/timeout.js 2000
* Will load in less than 2000ms?
* YES!
var casper, timeout;
......@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ casper.echo("Will load in less than " + timeout + "ms?");
casper.options.timeout = timeout;
casper.start("", function() {
this.echo("YES!", 'GREEN_BAR');
this.echo("YES!", "GREEN_BAR");
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var fs = require('fs');
var utils = require('utils');
var f = utils.format;
var casper = require('casper').create({
faultTolerant: false
exitOnError: false
// Options from cli
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<input type="checkbox" name="checklist[]" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="checklist[]" value="2" />
<input type="checkbox" name="checklist[]" value="3" />
<input type="submit"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />
\ No newline at end of file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>CasperJS test mouse events</title>
<a id="test1" href="#" onmousedown="results.test1 = true;">test</a>
<a id="test2" href="#">test</a>
<a id="test3" href="#" onmouseup="results.test3 = true;">test</a>
<a id="test4" href="#">test</a>
<a id="test5" href="#" onmouseover="results.test5 = true;">test</a>
<a id="test6" href="#">test</a>
<a id="test7" href="#" onmouseout="results.test7 = true;">test</a>
<a id="test8" href="#">test</a>
(function(window) {
window.results = {
test1: false,
test2: false,
test3: false,
test4: false,
test5: false,
test6: false,
test7: false,
test8: false
document.querySelector('#test2').onmousedown = function(event) {
results.test2 = true;
document.querySelector('#test4').onmouseup = function(event) {
results.test4 = true;
document.querySelector('#test6').onmouseover = function(event) {
results.test6 = true;
document.querySelector('#test8').onmouseout = function(event) {
results.test8 = true;
......@@ -12,16 +12,30 @@ casper.then(function() {
// onclick variants tests
casper.thenOpen('tests/site/click.html', function() {
this.test.assert('#test1'), ' can click an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert('#test2'), ' can click an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert('#test3'), ' can click an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert('#test4'), ' can click an unobstrusive js handled link');
this.test.assert('#test1'), ' can click an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert('#test2'), ' can click an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert('#test3'), ' can click an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert('#test4'), ' can click an unobstrusive js handled link');
var results = this.getGlobal('results');
this.test.assert(results.test1, ' has clicked an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert(results.test2, ' has clicked an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test3, ' has clicked an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test4, ' has clicked an unobstrusive js handled link');
// clickLabel tests
casper.thenOpen('tests/site/click.html', function() {
this.test.assert(this.clickLabel('test1'), 'Casper.clickLabel() can click an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert(this.clickLabel('test2'), 'Casper.clickLabel() can click an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert(this.clickLabel('test3'), 'Casper.clickLabel() can click an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert(this.clickLabel('test4'), 'Casper.clickLabel() can click an unobstrusive js handled link');
var results = this.getGlobal('results');
this.test.assert(results.test1, ' has clicked an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert(results.test2, ' has clicked an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test3, ' has clicked an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test4, ' has clicked an unobstrusive js handled link');
this.test.assert(results.test1, 'Casper.clickLabel() has clicked an `href="javascript:` link');
this.test.assert(results.test2, 'Casper.clickLabel() has clicked an `href="#"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test3, 'Casper.clickLabel() has clicked an `onclick=".*; return false"` link');
this.test.assert(results.test4, 'Casper.clickLabel() has clicked an unobstrusive js handled link');
// casper.mouse
casper.then(function() {
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mousedown', '#test1'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mousedown event');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mousedown', '#test2'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mousedown event handled by unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseup', '#test3'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseup event');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseup', '#test4'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseup event handled by unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseover', '#test5'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseover event');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseover', '#test6'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseover event handled by unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseout', '#test7'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseout event');
this.test.assert(this.mouseEvent('mouseout', '#test8'), 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() can dispatch a mouseout event handled by unobstrusive js');
var results = this.getGlobal('results');
this.test.assert(results.test1, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mousedown');
this.test.assert(results.test2, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mousedown via unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(results.test3, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseup');
this.test.assert(results.test4, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseup via unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(results.test5, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseover');
this.test.assert(results.test6, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseover via unobstrusive js');
this.test.assert(results.test7, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseout');
this.test.assert(results.test8, 'CasperUtils.mouseEvent() triggered mouseout via unobstrusive js');
}); {
......@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ function Plip() { return 'plop'; }
function foo_bar(boz) {}
var gni = function ($bubu_bibi, __popo__) {};
var gno = function ( arg1, /*plop*/ arg2 ) { };
function issue129(term) {
// see issue #129
return term;
// see issue #129
t.assertEquals(injector.extract(Plop), {
name: 'Plop',
args: ['foo', 'bar'],
......@@ -52,4 +57,8 @@ eval('processed = ' + injector.process({ a: 1, b: 2 }));
t.assertType(processed, "function", 'FunctionArgsInjector.process() processed a function');
t.assertEquals(processed(), 3, 'FunctionArgsInjector.process() processed the function correctly');
// Issue #129
var fnIssue129 = createInjector(issue129).process({term: 'fixed'});
t.assertEquals(fnIssue129('fixed'), 'fixed', 'FunctionArgsInjector.process() has issue #129 fixed');
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ var fs = require('fs');
var t = casper.test;
t.assert(t.testEquals(null, null), 'Tester.testEquals() null equality');
t.assertNot(t.testEquals(null, undefined), 'Tester.testEquals() null vs. undefined inequality');
......@@ -26,8 +28,6 @@ t.assertNot(t.testEquals({1:{name:"bob",age:28}, 2:{name:"john",age:26}}, {1:{na
t.assert(t.testEquals(function(x){return x;}, function(x){return x;}), 'Tester.testEquals() function equality');
t.assertNot(t.testEquals(function(x){return x;}, function(y){return y+2;}), 'Tester.testEquals() function inequality');
t.assertNotEquals(42, 43, 'Tester.assertNotEquals() works as expected');
var testDirRoot = fs.pathJoin(phantom.casperPath, 'tests', 'testdir');
var files = t.findTestFiles(testDirRoot);
......@@ -44,11 +44,65 @@ var expected = [
t.assertEquals(files, expected, 'findTestFiles() find test files and sort them');
casper.start('tests/site/index.html', function() {
casper.thenOpen('tests/site/index.html', function() {
t.assertTextExists('form', 'Tester.assertTextExists() checks that page body contains text');
casper.then(function() {
t.assert(true, 'Tester.assert() works as expected');
t.assertNot(false, 'Tester.assertNot() works as expected');
t.assertEquals(true, true, 'Tester.assertEquals() works as expected');
t.assertNotEquals(true, false, 'Tester.assertNotEquals() works as expected');
t.assertEval(function() {
return true;
}, 'Tester.assertEval() works as expected');
t.assertEvalEquals(function() {
return 42;
}, 42, 'Tester.assertEvalEquals() works as expected');
t.assertExists('body', 'Tester.assertExists() works as expected');
t.assertDoesntExist('foobar', 'Tester.assertDoesntExist() works as expected');
// using file:// protocol, HTTP status is always null
t.assertHttpStatus(null, 'Tester.assertHttpStatus() works as expected');
t.assertMatch("the lazy dog", /lazy/, 'Tester.assertMatch() works as expected');
t.assertRaises(function() {
throw new Error('plop');
}, [], 'Tester.assertRaises() works as expected');
t.assertResourceExists(/index\.html/, 'Tester.assertResourceExists() works as expected');
t.assertTitle('CasperJS test index', 'Tester.assertTitle() works as expected');
t.assertType("plop", "string", "Tester.assertType() works as expected");
t.assertUrlMatch(/index\.html$/, "Tester.assertUrlMatch() works as expected");
}); {