Commit 1e8f2c59 1e8f2c594104c60926385b5b4b6f23de30ad938f by Nicolas Perriault

added new sample: googlematch.js

1 parent a3408692
1 /**
2 * Takes provided terms passed as arguments and query google for the number of
3 * estimated results each have.
4 *
5 * Usage:
6 * $ phantomjs samples/googlematch.js nicolas chuck borris
7 * nicolas: 69600000
8 * chuck: 49500000
9 * borris: 2370000
10 * winner is "nicolas" with 69600000 results
11 */
12 phantom.injectJs('casper.js');
14 phantom.Casper.extend({
15 fetchScore: function() {
16 return this.evaluate(function() {
17 var result = document.querySelector('#resultStats').innerText;
18 return Number(/Environ ([0-9\s]{1,}).*/.exec(result)[1].replace(/\s/g, ''));
19 });
20 }
21 });
23 var casper = new phantom.Casper({
24 verbose: true
25 }), terms = phantom.args, scores = [], i = 0;
27 if (terms.length < 2) {
28 casper.log('usage: phantomjs googlematch.js term1, term2 [, term3]...').exit();
29 }
31 casper.start("");
33 casper.repeat(terms.length, function(self) {
34 self.then((function(casper, i) {
35 return function(self) {
36 self.fill('form[name=f]', {
37 q: terms[i]
38 }, true);
39 };
40 })(self, i));
41 self.then((function(casper, i) {
42 return function(self) {
43 var term = terms[i], score = self.fetchScore();
44 scores.push({
45 term: term,
46 score: score
47 });
48 self.echo(term + ': ' + score);
49 };
50 })(self, i));
51 i++;
52 });
54 {
55 scores.sort(function(a, b) {
56 return a.score - b.score;
57 });
58 var winner = scores[scores.length - 1];
59 self.echo('winner is "' + winner.term + '" with ' + winner.score + ' results')
60 self.exit();
61 });