Commit 41710652 41710652a88cb91db35ff82209f891fe77b2cb67 by Nicolas Perriault

introduced TimedOutError for timed out tests

1 parent 1932d880
......@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@ function AssertionError(msg, result) {
AssertionError.prototype = new Error();
exports.AssertionError = AssertionError;
function TimedOutError(msg) {
"use strict";;
this.message = msg; = 'TimedOutError';
TimedOutError.prototype = new Error();
exports.TimedOutError = TimedOutError;
* Creates a tester instance.
......@@ -101,8 +110,6 @@ var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
this.started = false;
this.suiteResults = new TestSuiteResult();
this.on('success', function onSuccess(success) {
var timeElapsed = new Date() - this.currentTestStartTime;
this.currentSuite.addSuccess(success, timeElapsed - this.lastAssertTime);
......@@ -167,6 +174,28 @@ var Tester = function Tester(casper, options) {
// Do not hook casper if we're not testing
if (!phantom.casperTest) {
// onRunComplete
this.casper.options.onRunComplete = function test_onRunComplete(casper) {
// specific timeout callbacks
this.casper.options.onStepTimeout = function test_onStepTimeout(timeout, step) {
throw new TimedOutError(f("Step timeout occured at step %s (%dms)", step, timeout));
this.casper.options.onTimeout = function test_onTimeout(timeout) {
throw new TimedOutError(f("Timeout occured (%dms)", timeout));
this.casper.options.onWaitTimeout = function test_onWaitTimeout(timeout) {
throw new TimedOutError(f("Wait timeout occured (%dms)", timeout));
// Tester class is an EventEmitter
......@@ -800,33 +829,6 @@ Tester.prototype.comment = function comment(message) {
* Configure casper callbacks for testing purpose.
Tester.prototype.configure = function configure() {
"use strict";
var tester = this;
// Do not hook casper if we're not testing
if (!phantom.casperTest) {
// specific timeout callbacks
this.casper.options.onStepTimeout = function test_onStepTimeout(timeout, step) {"Step timeout occured at step %s (%dms)", step, timeout));
this.casper.options.onTimeout = function test_onTimeout(timeout) {"Timeout occured (%dms)", timeout));
this.casper.options.onWaitTimeout = function test_onWaitTimeout(timeout) {"Wait timeout occured (%dms)", timeout));
* Declares the current test suite done.
* @param Number planned Number of planned tests