Commit a4a17742 a4a17742bcb3e2efb21164ff9f46b242618f539d by Nicolas Perriault

Merge pull request #587 from mickaelandrieu/master

Update writing_modules documentation: CasperJS in now able to call/load ...
2 parents e6ec6ead 1d1e83ba
......@@ -28,3 +28,47 @@ From your root casper script::
var universe = require('./universe');
console.log(universe.answer()); // prints "It's 42"
.. versionadded:: 1.1.
.. hint::
Like PhantomJS, CasperJS allows using nodejs modules installed through npm_.
As an example, let's install the underscore_ library:
.. _npm:
.. code-block:: text
$ npm install underscore
Then, ``require`` it like you would with any other nodejs compliant module::
var _ = require('underscore');
var casper = require('casper').create();
var urls = _.uniq([
casper.start().eachThen(urls, function(response) {
this.thenOpen(, function(response) {
Finaly, you’ll probably get something like this:
.. code-block:: text
$ casperjs npm-underscore-test.js
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