CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS. It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntaxic sugar for doing common tasks such as:
- defining & ordering navigation steps
- filling forms
- clicking links
- capturing screenshots of a page (or an area)
- making assertions on remote DOM
- logging & events
- downloading base64 encoded resources, even binary ones
- catching errors and react accordingly
- writing functional test suites, exporting results as JUnit XML (xUnit)
Browse the sample examples repository. Don't hesitate to pull request for any cool example of yours as well!
Read the full documentation on casperjs dedicated website.
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Contributing to the docs
CasperJS's documentation is written using the Markdown format, and hosted on Github thanks to the Github Pages Feature.
To view the source files on github, head to the gh-pages branch, and check the documentation's README for further instructions.