Makefile 1001 Bytes
# Makefile

CFLAGS  = -g -I../include -Wall -I../lib
LDFLAGS = -g -static
# On QNX
LDLIBS 	= -lsocket
# On GNU/Linux (if compile with threads)
#LDLIBS 	= -lpthread

MULIBS	= ../lib/.libs/libmailutils.a ../mailbox/.libs/libmailbox.a ../lib/.libs/libmailutils.a 

EXES    = addr mbox-explode mbox-dates mbox-auth url-parse mbox-check mimetest msg-send muemail

default: $(EXES)


# example of parsing the date fields, prints all the incorrectly
# formatted dates in a mailbox.

bad-dates: mbox-dates
	for m in ~/Mail/*; do ./mbox-dates $$m; done | tee bad-dates.out

# addr example and test

addr.test: addr
	./addr < Addrs > Addrs.test
	@echo "---- There should be no differences! ----"
	diff -C5 -u Addrs.good Addrs.test

# url example and test

url.test: url-parse
	./url-parse < Urls > Urls.test
	@echo "---- There should be no differences! ----"
	diff -u Urls.good Urls.test

# mimetest example and test

# clean and empty

	rm -f *.o

empty: clean
	rm -f $(EXES)