stream.h 6.19 KB
/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail
   Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   GNU Mailutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with GNU Mailutils.  If not, see <>. */


#include <mailutils/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

enum mu_buffer_type

#define MU_SEEK_SET      0
#define MU_SEEK_CUR      1
#define MU_SEEK_END      2

#define MU_STREAM_READ	      0x00000001
#define MU_STREAM_WRITE	      0x00000002
#define MU_STREAM_SEEK        0x00000004
#define MU_STREAM_APPEND      0x00000008
#define MU_STREAM_CREAT	      0x00000010
#define MU_STREAM_NONBLOCK    0x00000020
#define MU_STREAM_AUTOCLOSE   0x00000040
#define MU_STREAM_NONLOCK     0x00000080
#define MU_STREAM_ALLOW_LINKS 0x00000100
/* FIXME: This one affects only mailboxes */  
#define MU_STREAM_QACCESS     0x00000200

#define MU_STREAM_RDTHRU      0x00000400
#define MU_STREAM_WRTHRU      0x00000800

#define MU_STREAM_IRGRP       0x00001000
#define MU_STREAM_IWGRP       0x00002000
#define MU_STREAM_IROTH       0x00004000
#define MU_STREAM_IWOTH       0x00008000
#define MU_STREAM_IMASK       0x0000F000

#define MU_IOCTL_GET_STATUS      2
#define MU_IOCTL_GET_PID         3
#define MU_IOCTL_SWAP_STREAM     7

void mu_stream_ref (mu_stream_t stream);
void mu_stream_unref (mu_stream_t stream);
void mu_stream_destroy (mu_stream_t *pstream);
int mu_stream_open (mu_stream_t stream);
const char *mu_stream_strerror (mu_stream_t stream, int rc);
int mu_stream_err (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_last_error (mu_stream_t stream);
void mu_stream_clearerr (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_seterr (struct _mu_stream *stream, int code, int perm);

int mu_stream_eof (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_seek (mu_stream_t stream, mu_off_t offset, int whence,
		    mu_off_t *pres);
int mu_stream_skip_input_bytes (mu_stream_t stream, mu_off_t count,
				mu_off_t *pres);

int mu_stream_set_buffer (mu_stream_t stream, enum mu_buffer_type type,
			  size_t size);
int mu_stream_read (mu_stream_t stream, void *buf, size_t size, size_t *pread);
int mu_stream_readdelim (mu_stream_t stream, char *buf, size_t size,
			 int delim, size_t *pread);
int mu_stream_readline (mu_stream_t stream, char *buf, size_t size, size_t *pread);
int mu_stream_getdelim (mu_stream_t stream, char **pbuf, size_t *psize,
			int delim, size_t *pread);
int mu_stream_getline (mu_stream_t stream, char **pbuf, size_t *psize,
		       size_t *pread);
int mu_stream_write (mu_stream_t stream, const void *buf, size_t size,
		     size_t *pwrite);
int mu_stream_writeline (mu_stream_t stream, const char *buf, size_t size);
int mu_stream_flush (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_close (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_size (mu_stream_t stream, mu_off_t *psize);
mu_off_t mu_stream_bytes_in (mu_stream_t stream);
mu_off_t mu_stream_bytes_out (mu_stream_t stream);
int mu_stream_ioctl (mu_stream_t stream, int code, void *ptr);
int mu_stream_truncate (mu_stream_t stream, mu_off_t);
int mu_stream_shutdown (mu_stream_t stream, int how);

#define MU_STREAM_READY_RD 0x1
#define MU_STREAM_READY_WR 0x2
#define MU_STREAM_READY_EX 0x4  
struct timeval;  /* Needed for the following declaration */ 

int mu_stream_wait   (mu_stream_t stream, int *pflags, struct timeval *);

void mu_stream_get_flags (mu_stream_t stream, int *pflags);
int mu_stream_set_flags (mu_stream_t stream, int fl);
int mu_stream_clr_flags (mu_stream_t stream, int fl);

int mu_stream_vprintf (mu_stream_t str, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
int mu_stream_printf (mu_stream_t stream, const char *fmt, ...);

int mu_stream_copy (mu_stream_t dst, mu_stream_t src, size_t size);

int mu_file_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *filename, int flags);
int mu_temp_file_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *dir);
int mu_fd_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, char *filename, int fd,
			 int flags);

#define MU_STDIN_FD  0
#define MU_STDOUT_FD 1
#define MU_STDERR_FD 2
int mu_stdio_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, int fd, int flags);

int mu_prog_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *progname, int flags);
int mu_filter_prog_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *progname,
				  mu_stream_t input);
int mu_memory_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, int flags);
int mu_mapfile_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *filename,
			      int flags);
int mu_socket_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, const char *filename,
			     int flags);

int mu_streamref_create_abridged (mu_stream_t *pref, mu_stream_t str,
				  mu_off_t start, mu_off_t end);
int mu_streamref_create (mu_stream_t *pref, mu_stream_t str);

int mu_tcp_stream_create_with_source_ip (mu_stream_t *stream,
					 const char *host, int port,
					 unsigned long source_ip,
					 int flags);
int mu_tcp_stream_create_with_source_host (mu_stream_t *stream,
					   const char *host, int port,
					   const char *source_host,
					   int flags);
int mu_tcp_stream_create (mu_stream_t *stream, const char *host, int port,
			  int flags);

int mu_xscript_stream_create(mu_stream_t *pref, mu_stream_t transport,
			     mu_stream_t logstr,
			     const char *prefix[]);
int mu_iostream_create (mu_stream_t *pref, mu_stream_t in, mu_stream_t out);
int mu_dbgstream_create(mu_stream_t *pref, mu_debug_t debug,
			mu_log_level_t level, int flags);

int mu_rdcache_stream_create (mu_stream_t *pstream, mu_stream_t transport,
			      int flags);
